Yes it is definitely in Solun!
here is he history:
This is a high valued document, for the study of Europen civilization and history it does expose many of the lies and misunderstanding, which had been fabricatet in the capitals of the modern political nation states in the Balkan peninsula, and vere readily accepted in the west. It shows conclusively that, the determined efforts by the modern political state Greece, during the previous three decades, to forcibly denationalize and assimilate the Macedonian people in Aegean part of Macedonia (now under Greek occupation) had failed. Greek is regarded as foreign language, and the Greeks are distrusted as something alien in the full sense of the word as foreigness, the territory is Macedonian by nature and not Greek. More and more Christian intellectual around the world, stand up for truth and justice. They had enough of the political glamour that promotes secret deals and uncontrollable arms race. When Europe first opened its doors to Christianity there was trust among fellow men, and tuday's modern political world was not yet conceivet. Extraordinary documents and material evidence exists that exposes a spiritual struggle of titanic proportion between the poles of modern political pagan myths, and the long established traditions of the true-glogy Christian era that great European glory.
It seems that nowadays the Christian truth has no meaning and has become the casualty of politics and the pursuit of profit. We now offer you conclusive evidence that reveals the true past: The Macedonian literary language, Macedonian symbols, Macedonian Christian Saints and the Macedonian capital city Solun all existed throughout the ages. Why has this evidence not surfaced thus far? All this points to one direction: Modern Greece has been stealing Macedonia's history in the most hideous form, Greek culture and faith is lacking substance Prior to the twentieth century modern era, there was no Greece Greek religion culture. Greece has expropriated Macedonia's past which is the greatest crime in history in the worst magnitude. The traditional Christian religion in Macedonia is older and more elemental than the modern political myths. it is more permanent than the Byzantine rite.
The Macedonian people, many times in history throughout the ages, had been charged with important missions and kept their pledge to the end. In order to understand European civilization throughout the ages you first need to understand the true history of the Macedonian people. You need to analyze and embrace the deply rooted Macedonian trice layered strata of rich culture and deeply carved traditions.
The Macedonian language is recorded in many names, ancient and common language and from ancient Glagolistic to old Christian church language. (2) Old Cyrilic or Ancient Greek whatever you call it now in this political new world it is still the same language. Whether in Glagolistic or Cyrilic they are still the same letters and it is still the Macedonian lenguage. (2) During the great Christian era and beyond, the Macedonian language was a common unifying language in the early part of the first century AD. Constandin a grat Macedonian and the first Christian bishop established his capital city in Solun, the capital city of Macedonia. Constandin made Solun his base and built a new and bigger harbour in the place of the old Roman harbour. Hence forth Solun and Macedonia became the two main poles around which Christianity the true-glory Christian Empire flourished. While the Roman Empire crumpled completely in four centuries, the true-glory Christianity flourished for more than a thousand years. (6)
The huge mosaic figures of God the Creator, the Virgin and Child and the mighty Saints seem to brood over the onlooker from those great Christan church domes upon which they are put. Paintings and the illumination of books displayed the same glowing formality. The true-glory Christianity and Christendom in Macedonia was the only ligitimate and elemental example of European culture and literature. After a thousand years it is still quite close to the original pattern. (3) Like evrything else now in this new political world the modern faith had been atomized and broken down into many new and different political orders, none of which retains the completeness of the great Christian religion. It points out that the new political system, which came into the Christian lands since the middle of the 19th century, not only contradicts the scripture but it's simply anarchy and disorder in which each exploits the other for its own gain. (5) The rise of British and Franch imperialism in the 19th century guided the military superiority, the modern western system of libery. (4) Western nationalism presented itself as an escape from the universal obligation, the great true-glory Cristian religion and trust in fellow men. The modern motto became: "superior armoury and secret dealings". Throughout the 19th century Russia was striving to advance into Macedonia and Christendom for those huge Christian libraries that housed the rich literary knowledge from the dawn of European history. (4) The British had planned to stop the Russian advance, not by direct confrotation but by associating with France in a policy of propaganda aimed at creating and erecting new idealistic national states to replace Macedonia. The creation of the Kingdom of Greece was the immediate outcome of British policy. The British and French propaganda, with their secret deals and military superiority, did not care much for any Hellenic or Hellenism of modern myths, but those old true-glory Christian churches and Christendom in Macedonia. (5) During the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, modern Greece was assembled piece by piece by the English, French and the Sultan of the Asiatic Empire. (%) Modern Greece, like an illegitimate child, was born into the politics of irresponsibility in which an infant state was conceived.
The result as we have just seen is indeed wholly new because no nation state Greece had ever before existed. (5) The Greek State appeared in Europe as a loyal subject to Sultan Abdul Hamid, setting the modern political propaganda from England and France in motion. (6) Greece was molded as a national state by brutal force and politics, and had nothing structual in common with any previous period in human history. (6)
The so-called Greek revolution of 1821 was not a Greek Revolution at all, because all the participants were void of national feeling. The fact remains that this motive was not truly revolutionary in any modern sense, because no Greek or any Greek Orthodox took part in any phase of that war. (6)
Modern Greece was created by brutal force in 1912 and from its false foundation of 1830. No boundary of modern Greece coincide with any past "Greece" not with the Roman Empire, or of the Empire of Alexander the Great of Macedonia which stretched from the Adriatic to India and from Egypt to the Ukraine, or of the great true-glory Christian empire whose capital city in Macedonia for over 1000 years. (7)
British politicians, best friends with the Sultan of Asia, at the beginning of the 20th Century, moved among the European consulates in Macedonia using propaganda, secret deals and bribery to create artifical nationalities in Macedonia. (6) The history of the 19th Century in Macedonia was mainly occupied with showing how the Ottoman Empire goveren the Christian people in Macedonia. The alternative was to show how the modern secular European powers bullied and encourage the Christian people with propaganda, bribery and intimidation to create new political states in Macedonia, the land of the old Christian churches.(4)
Since the middle of the 19th Century all the modern European powers were tearing the true-glory Christian land of Macedonia to pieces. The Asiatic Sultan with the British and French on one side and Russia on the other, all wanted a piece of historic Macedonia to fill their empty, modern history books. (5) Since the beginning of the 20th Century, the fanatic Greeks created the unhuman vandalism in the Christian land of Macedonia. The Turkish police and armed forces of the Ottoman Empire were frequently employed by the English and French modern powers as a means of intimidating defiant Christians in Macedonia. (7) This was historical vandalism with a heartless political base.At the beginning of the 20th century all Athenian periodicals and newspapers for modern Greece were published in the Turkish language, not in Athens but in Smyrna (now Izmir) in Asia. The so-called Greek press of 1903 wrote of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire Abdul Hamid as though he were a philosopher-king and a pillar of Hellenism.(7)
The modern west invented and glamorized "Greek Orthodoxy". Like a political cult.(7)
The power of the modern Greek church resided in the patriarch, who in many ways was the instrument of the Ottoman Sultan. It was the patriarchs duty to serve the Sultan's interest and not the universal true-glory Christian religion.(8)
In creating a modern ecumenical patriarch in 1850 by the insistence of the modern west-for the first time the Sultan named the patriarch as the official head for the Christian people in the Balkans. He was given political authority over the true-glory Christian people that had never been under any political or foreign control. The modern patriarch and laymen enjoyed the confidence of the Sultan. The patriarch for the first time recognized a Greek Church. The first qualification to become a Greek Orthodox Bishop was the ability to speak the Turkish language with elegance. (8)
The "Greek Orthodox" Church acted in total disregard for the canon of the Christian Church. At the beginning of the 20th century consolidation for a Greek State in Europe was impossible because the modern Greek Orthodox Church resided in a patriarch which was the instrument of the Sultan.(8)
Throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries two British Universities were largely occupied in training a gentlemanly elite, in the modern hierarchical or political culture, the classical myths which dominated these institutions then and through them the whole education system was corrupted.(9)
The British fabricated ancient classical propaganda for modern Greece and the British education system was impacted and manipulated, providing and intellectual aura of political mystery about the Greek language and culture which was nonexistent in any previous period.(9)
The tenacious western legend that Greece is the birthplace of democracy is a myth. Renaissance is another senseless confusion by excessive political fabrication of classical relics and myths.(9)
Great Britain had fabricated, for modern Greece, the longest and most distinguished history known to the modern world. Its people knew no tradition of western monarchy, yet they were saddled with foreign king who neither spoke their language nor shared their religion. Also they had to depend on a humiliating posture of dependence.(9)
From Britain, Patrick Leigh Fiermon has fabricated the lies in his theory, A Helleno-Romaic Myth for Modern Greece.(10)
Dr. Thomas Arnold was the founder of the modern school of political ethos in the 19th century in England. he invented the fabricatied propaganda of ancient Greek history that never was.(10)
At the beginning of the 20th century the New Testament was translated into a new political British fabrication, the modern Greek language the Dimotic, to people who could not read or write this alien language.(10) However, since 1910 the British became directly involved in fabricating a Greek language for modern Greece and distributed school manuals.(10)
The modern Greek language is an artificial language that was imposed on them by the British.(11)
Today's Greek Dimotic text was introduced into Greek primary school readers for the first time in 1913 chiefly as a result of pressure from the British.(11)
The politically inveted Greek sculpture by the British was only dirty politics on a high note and a reminder that the main tradition of Greek culture was a lot of hot air about truth and beauty.(11)
All this hot air was coming from the British Universities as if it were, in the modern political or secular world, the tools of the trade and badge of office for the contemporary British witch doctor.(1)
Here we may perhaps expect an explanation from the British government, by noting the fabrication political material for the ancient Greek legends and myths came from two British Universities. They provided an intellectual glamour for the British and the previously non-existent Greek language.(10)
Since 1913 the Aegean part of Macedonian territories were incorporated into modern Greece. That is exactly why modern Greece claims that the ancient Macedonians "were Greeks". Now the Greek position is that the Greek citizens of Aegean Macedonia have a genuine claim and connection to ancient Macedonian history. But it is not commonly known, even among those who call themselves "Greeks", that the majority of the "Greeks" population of Aegean part of Macedonia can trace its immediate ancestors not to Macedonia but to Anatolia, Asia. In the 1920's there was a compulsory extermination of Christians from Asia Minor. They went to Greece as refugees and upon their arrival they forced to learn the modern Greek Language.(11) At the beginning of the 20th century in Macedonia, as if three new rival political states were not enough, a further minority of Vlach sheperds was brought to light against the old established true-glory Christians. It was for this purpose that the Albanian State in western Macedonia was invented and an Albanian language was fabricated by the modern powers of Europe. (12) Albanians never before possessed a civilization on their own. It was a politically fabricated modern state and its borders were set for the first time in 1926. (12) After World War 1, with the Treaty of Sevres in 1921, modern Turkey was born. Kemal Attaturk became the creator of the modern Asian State of Turkey. Britain forced him to accept Eastern Macedonia, the richest province of Europe, into Asia. (12) Many European travel writers, diplomats and statesmen with first hand knowledge of the Macedonian people at the beginning of the 20th Century have strongly advocated their views through their reports and books. Here's an example from the book "Pictures from the Balkans" by John Foster Fraser published in 1906:"I have some hope that, in years to come, the inhabitants in the Balkan Peninsula will think less of their modern political names: Bulgarians, Turkish, Greek or Albanian and a great deal more of the fact that they are all Macedonians and then only can a self-government in the Balkans be recognized to the Macedonian people!"(12)Now I want to take you back in that great Christian era. There was no political discrimination if you were from Judea, Moesia, or Panonia etc. because in the eyes of a Christian all were equal. However, The Macedonian people did leave their mark in history, culture, architecture, literature, the spoken language and the letters they wrote are now shining back at us. (13) Unbelievable as it may sound, it's true that mark was buried since appearance of the modern political world in the mid-19th century.(13) Now long forgotten it has recently surfaced and speaks to us not in any so-called andcient Greek but in the Macedonian language, the very same language that the modern Macedonians speak. It is the same language that modern Greeks have tried so hard to extinguish, the very language that the modern Greeks claim does not exist. You may believe what you like but you cannot deny the evidence which, in spite of all denials, points to one truth; that the modern Macedonians did not come from anywhere but rather have always been in this Balkan Peninsula of Europe and their Macedonian capital city was Solun. It is most curious to be able to find evidence of the ancient Macedonians in the same region that we all called Macedonia for thousand years, especially since we have all been brainwashed for so long to believe that the ancient Macedonians were Greeks. Fortunately at last there is evidence.(14) The so-called inknown language, the ancient Macedonian language has now been identified. It is the same language modern Macedonians speak today and historians today agree that the whole territory of the modern day Republic of Macedonia was part of ancient Macedonia.(14) The dispute over the name Macedonia with modern Greece is irrational because up to 1988 the north of Greece was called North Greece and not Macedonia as it is now.(14) Here are some visible facts from that great Christian era that made Europe the top civilized society in architecture and lierature with its great church building programs and the Christian Bible; the "Starotsarkveno Slavjansko Gladolski Spomenik", the four Gospels; "Evangelie za Merak", "Euchologium Sinaiticum", written in ancient Christian Glagilithic, followed by the old church Christian language commemorates several Macedonian Saints including Metodia and the disciple of St. Clement of Ohrid.(14) All the ancient Christian classics were printed in the great Macedonian capital city Solun. They were printed in the Christian era during the ninth, tenth and eleventh centuries, approximately 1,000 years before the modern secular political world was created.(15) Today they are securely preserved, revealing the Christian truth in its original form, in the Vatican City, Vienna National Bibliothek, St. Petersburg National Library and in the St. Catherine Monastery in Sinai. The legitimate Christian documents, with their Glagolitic and Cyrillic speech from the Christian era of the 9th, 10th and 11th centuries are now vividly shining back at us .(15)For the first time, the old Christian Gospel was translated into the modern political language in 1878 in Rome and one year later was revised and named the New Testament.(15)Out of its past there is a wealth of material about literature, art philosophy, architecture and the great Christian religion. that land is Macedonia, the first to develop European civilization. The truth, the final goal of all scientific research, has come to light that Macedonia is the cradle of human history. Thus with the evidence at hand now, we can safely advance to a state where the hypothesis for the ancient Macedonians being Greek must now be rejected. There is no need for further elaboration.(16) Modern Greece now, despite being a member of the European union and signatory to several international Human Rights conventions, continues to be one of the worst offenders of Human Rights in the western world. They deny the very existence of any ethnic minorities in their territory and attempt to silence any voices that advocate minority rights. A striking example of Greece's state sponsored racism is in blacklisting ethnic Macedonians who are active in cultural and Human Rights Associations abroad. Those people are treated as criminals by Greece simply because they assert their Macedonian identity.(16) Furthermore, Arnold J. Toynbee, a professor of international history from the University of London, once called it "The Fatal Idea". For European civilization and history he said that the Greek State was a product of western political intervention, exclusive western nationalism impinging upon the Great and long established multinational true-glory Christian tradition in Macedonia.Why is modern Greece now so arrogant towards the Macedonian people and their language? Who is behind it? Why do they steal the history of the ancient Macedonians and attempt to pass it off as theirs? Since 1913 modern Greece received more foreign territory populated by non-Greeks. Nevertheless modern Greece had to provide a link that would justify its political claim on that historic part of Macedonia. That is exactly why the modern Greek State claims that the ancient Macedonians were "Greeks". However, what is not disputable is that since 1913, the modern Greek State continues to oppress the ethnic Macedonians who now find themselves living in Greece.(16) The most northern part of Macedonia, today's Republic of Macedonia, which broke away from the Federation of Yugoslavia, became independent in 1991. The Republic's independence added fuel to the Greek political state. With the illegal partitioning of Macedonia in 1913, now in the spotlight, Greece is afraid that it could lose their part of Macedonia if the Macedonian people call for reunification of all of Macedonia. In 1991 the Republic of Macedonia chose a flag with legitimate Macedonia national symbol from the era of the ancient Macedonian kingdom. It had been asrgued that since modern Greeks are not descended from any ancient Greeks, therefore the golden, 16-arrow sunburst was not a greek symbol.(17)
Hope the history that i've stated can help u alot! ^_> GOOD LUCK!
2007-03-20 22:00:33
answer #1
answered by euphonic 1
Whoa!!! What are you talking about!
There isn't any city called "Solun" in authentic Macedonia of Greece.
The only original Macedonian(Greek)city that exists is the city of Thessaloniki!
Thessaloniki, (Greek: Θεσσαλονίκη), is Greece's second-largest city and the capital of the Greek region of authentic Macedonia.
(actually the Bulgarians use the Slavic alternative "Solun" from the Greek popular form "Saloniki"(Θεσ-Σαλονίκη).
The city was founded circa 315 BC by Cassander, the King of Macedon (Μακεδών),. He named it after his wife "Thessaloniki", the sister of Alexander the Great.
She gained her name from her father, Philip II of Macedon, to commemorate her birth on the day of his gaining a victory (in Greek "Nike") over the Phocians, who were defeated with the help of Thessalian horsemen, the best in Greece at that time. Thessaloniki means in Greek the "victory of Thessalians" .
As for the census that a user uploaded the only one that exist from the ottomans is the census of Hilmi Pasha (1904)
Vilaeti of Thessaloniki Greeks: 373,227 Bulgarians: 207,317
Vilaeti of Monastiri Greeks: 261,283 Bulgarians: 178,412
Santzaki of Scopje Greeks: 13,452 Bulgarians: 172,735
Further more Ottoman Macedonia is identified as predominantly Greek by French F. Bianconi in 1877 by Englishman Edward Stanford in 1877
French scholars Ami Boué in 1840 Guillaume Lejean in 1861, Germans August Heinrich Rudolf Griesebach in 1841, J. Hahn in 1858 and 1863, August Heinrich Petermann in 1869 and Heinrich Kiepert in 1876, Slovak Pavel Jozef Safarik in 1842 and the Czechs J. Erben in 1868 and F. Brodaska in 1869, Englishmen James Wyld in 1877 and Georgina Muir Mackenzie and Adeline Paulina Irby in 1863, Serbians Davidovitch in 1848, Constant Desjardins in 1853 and Stefan I. Verković in 1860, Russians Viktor I. Grigorovič in 1848, Vinkenty Makushev and M.F. Mirkovitch in 1867, as well as Austrian Karl Sax in 1878. Every describes the majority of the population as Greeks. The next ethnik group is described only as Bulgarians!
2007-03-21 00:35:51
answer #3
answered by ragzeus 6