Yes, this is very normal. It's because nursing your child is a very special time for you both and it's a little bond that only you and them share. So... it's like closing a little chapter on your mothering them and it makes you realize that your baby is growing up. It's very normal to feel sad.
2007-03-20 18:47:29
answer #1
answered by Addi 1
I was not sad because both times I was pregnant and so I knew that soon I would have another little baby to nurse. Also by that point I was ready to be DONE (19 months and 2 1/2 years) and have my body to myself for a bit before the new baby came. However, I know I will be sad when I know it is the last one.
How old is your baby? A lot of moms think that theire milk is going away at about 3-4 months, when actually their supply is just evening out because the baby is nursing on a more regular schedule. The breasts tend to feel less full, but actually this is completely normal and there is nothing wrong with their milk supply. Milk does not just "dry up" for no reason.
2007-03-20 19:01:14
answer #2
answered by Ducky's Mom 4
Are you sure it's your milk supply? Or is it just your let-down? I got scared when, after nursing for a year, I couldn't feel the let-down anymore. My daughter is 20-months old and I very very recently just quit nursing, (like 1-2 weeks ago with nursing once every few days)... I just couldn't give it up - we both enjoyed it very much. I'm a stay at home mom, and I don't care about the stigma behind it even when my good friend, who DID nurse would say, "YOU'RE STILL NURSING?!?!". Even yesterday morning my daughter wanted to nurse so badly and I had to refuse it... that made me feel really sad... I guess I'm not even sure why I quit except I always wanted her to quit on her own and I could see that it just wasn't going to happen that way... I had to make her stop. So ya - it was and still is a bit emotional for me but you just have to cuddle your baby a bit more to make up for it.
2007-03-20 19:54:10
answer #3
answered by THATgirl 6
YES! It was very difficult. I battled some depression, but eventually I started feeling better & somewhat normal again.
When I had my first child, I didn't have much support to help me get started. My MIL didn't bf her kids & my fam lived so far away. When my milk first came in, I got so engorged, my baby couldn't latch on. I had to suppliment with formula for a few days until my breasts went down a little and I felt like a bad mother. Eventually, things got better. You may need to use a pump to try to bring your milk supply up. Try nursing the baby more often. It might take a lot of work at first, but once you can get your supply up, it should get easier. You might also consider talking to a lactaid consultant. She'll be able to help you. Good Luck!
2007-03-20 19:10:15
answer #4
answered by mom-of-4 3
My son was in the NICU for a month. I pumped for 3 weeks, but my supply never fully came in, and before I finally gave up I was only getting about 1oz every 2 hours, and that was combining the milk from both breasts. So basically I had 1/2oz of milk in each breast every two hours, and my son was eating 2.5oz every two hours.
I was sad for weeks afterwards, even after he came home from the hospital, I kept thinking "Why couldn't I get it right" and the lactation consultants at the hospital didn't make it any easier. They acted like I was some failure for not being able to BF. Except for one of them, she was an angel. Her response when I told her was "that's alright, your baby got the first milk and that's what's the most important" which made me feel better, but it took ages before I stopped feeling like I did something wrong.
2007-03-20 19:15:49
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Your babe is only like 4 or 5 months, yes? (sorry, im nosey!) Theres no reason to take a lull in supply lying down!
You can wean off the supplements and get the baby to nurse more... there are also herbs you can take to increase your supply.
You have a long nursing relationship ahead of you, don't just let it happen, you may regret it later!
What makes you think your supply is low?
ETA: Uhmm... since when does offering support and information make you a nazi?
2007-03-20 18:54:45
answer #6
answered by Mommy to David 4
Oh gosh yes, I was devastated!! This is such a special bonding time for you and your baby. Also something only you can do. I felt like when I was breastfeeding I was doing everything I could for her since they say breast milk has tons of antibodies and it is just best all around for them. When my milk started to dry up I felt like a failure. But I have starting looking at it this way, I gave all I could while I could and I think my baby benefited even though I couldn't breastfeed as long as I would have liked to. We just have to find other ways to bond.. You should feel like a great mother and although this will be a sad time for does get better eventually. I wish you all the best!!
2007-03-24 16:04:24
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Yes and no. I was prepared and had been preparing my son for sometime. The process itself was easy, but I did miss that special bond. I felt like I was losing something for awhile but I realized the closeness was still there without the nursing. My son is now 10 and we are still close 9 years later. It will take a week or two but you'll see that not much has changed between the two of you. Good Luck.
2007-03-20 19:25:50
answer #8
answered by candy 2
How old is your baby??
If you REALLY want to continue nursing, there are plenty of options for you to try that will help boost your milk supply back up. Eat lots and lots of oatmeal. Have you tried pumping the other breast while the baby nurses? What about mothers milk tea? Keep good thoughts in your head! I've included a link that has a lot of valuable resources that will help you gain your milk supply back up! Please don't give up if you don't really want to!
2007-03-20 18:48:05
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Don't let your milk go away. If you don't feel ready to stop, try to let your baby continue suckling and give him bottle supplements. remember that drinking plenty of liquids and healthy eating is essential in breastfeeding. Also maybe you can pump when he/she isn't feeding so that the more you pump the more milk is produced. It's a supply and demand function, these breasts. So don't give up just yet. I know that I was sad and wish I could have given my baby until he was one. I only breastfed 7 mnths. But my schedule was really demanding and I couldn't keep up. If you're up to it, try to continue. God bless!
2007-03-20 19:15:34
answer #10
answered by mrsL 2