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Why does the Silver Surfer have to appear in the movie? He has waaayyy tooooo many powers and it gets me frustrated to see a character with so many powers it's pointless. Why not make him GOD already, but the charater in the movie with the special effects is incredible.

2007-03-20 18:05:39 · 5 answers · asked by Sancar 3 in Entertainment & Music Movies

5 answers

Silver Surfer's a bad a$$, I;m excited about him being in this one. Its gonna be awesome to see how they tie him in with the fantastic four.

2007-03-20 18:08:39 · answer #1 · answered by Satan 4 · 0 0

I am so excited to see Fantastic 4 The Silver Surfer...I think it is gonna be awesome...the special effects looks like its gonna be GREAT...but at the same time I still see what u say about them having all this power...its like if he has all these powers than whats the point of the movie because you know that he cant be beat...than again...i dont know...lol...like I said you make a very good point...

2007-03-21 01:13:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Silver Surfer is a fictional Marvel Comics superhero. Created by writer Stan Lee and artist/co-plotter Jack Kirby who first appeared in the comic book The Fantastic Four #48 (March 1966).
In the classic “The Coming of Galactus” story arc in Fantastic Four #48-50 (1966), the Silver Surfer encountered Earth's Fantastic Four and betrayed Galactus, who doomed him to exile on Earth.
The film people hope to breathe new life in to the film and create a franchise...(they know the first one blew chunks) and with the Surfer making his debut...(he is a superhero who has an immense and long lasting cult status) they hope to draw in a new audience...people like me that refused to see the first movie...take our money...then pull a George Lucas by selling us wolf tickets...and giving us nothing for our hard earned money.

2007-03-21 07:50:36 · answer #3 · answered by Zholla 7 · 0 0

Actually he is just what might save that DOOMED franchise.
If X-men had stayed true to the original storyline it would have sold more tickets than Spider-Man.

2007-03-21 01:09:28 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

FLAME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-03-21 01:09:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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