The main reason is crime done by illegal aliens. In California, it is the wild wild west. Armed illegal aliens own the streets in many cities. They carry AK-47 machine guns. I have heard several times that police have left the scene to avoid being killed by illegal aliens. Illegal aliens know they can kill people and get away with it. They just run back to Mexico where they are never found. Los Angeles County "Most Wanted List" is filled with illegal aliens.
Democrats made it into an issue. Democrat congressmen are the one that made illegal aliens demonstrate in the streets. (It turns out Nancy Pelosi's business hires illegal aliens).
Even legal immigrants don't want illegal aliens here. Also, over 50% of Hispanics want illegal aliens deported (summer 2006 poll).
In December 2005, Democrats got mad because Republicans voted for and passed a bill that would make life harder for illegal aliens and employers of illegal aliens. The angry Democrat politicians then took the issue to the media to gather support against the bill. ( The media in general wants more illegal aliens. More people = more ad revenue) .
December 2005:
"Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act"
Yes votes:
Republican 219 yes votes
Democat 1 yes vote
No votes:
Democratic 198 no votes
Republican 7 no votes.
Why Does John Kerry Want Undocumented Workers To Vote Right Away?;_ylt=AoPBNnQWwlHy5dh1K8gKn9zsy6IX?qid=20070319143220AAqK9cV
2007-03-20 15:43:37
answer #1
answered by a bush family member 7
First off, illegal immigration should of been a much higher priority for our politicians decades ago.
It is important for numerous reasons
1) Pressure from voters to their legislators is high.
2) The drain on our resources is becoming too much of a burden on the economy and taxpayers.
3) Some education systems are being over run with the children of illegal aliens, thus draining resources.
4) Healthcare systems are being drained of resources and hospitals are closing thus making needed healthcare for legal citizens harder to find.
5) Lack of assimilation into the American culture and learning the English language is becoming problematic.
6) Security concerns - poor border security and lack of knowing who is coming into the country is a huge concern
7) The United States has strict limits on how many people can come here and there is a legal process for that. The legal process helps to ensure that new immigrants coming here are not criminals, have a place to say, have work and are committed to the values of the United States and pledge their allegiance to the country. The immigration standards also provide the US with a wide range of skilled workers. Bypassing all of this creates chaos and floods the country with an unkown number of people who can not be tracked, who we know nothing about and many of which are unskilled workers that put a burden on the country's resources.
Countries are nothing if they do not have controlled borders, rules, laws, common values / culture and a citizen base that is loyal to the country and willing to defend it.
It is amazing that the United States (a country that does more for the world than all other countries combined) gets harassed for wanting to patrol its' borders and maintain an orderly immigration process when there is not another country in the world that would allow the chaos that is happening here to happen in their own country.
Try to get into Mexico illegally and see what happens, or try any number of countries in South America, Africa, Asia, etc.
Let me know what happens...........
One last thing for a previous post....... Babu
What kind of immigration rules would you be in favor of? What kind of border security? Should anyone be allowed in the country? Should we have any standards? Do you think legal American citizens should pay through a heavy tax burden to subsidize illegals? I'm just curious as to what the "Babu" immigration & border security policies would look like.
And, regarding VOU's post. You are absolutely wrong. The President & Congress have Constitutional authority and responsibility to protect our borders and enforce a sane immigration policy. There are people that want one North American country with one currency but it will not happen and the failing European Union is certainly no model to follow. Any agreements that are in place mean nothing if the President enacts new policies or the Congress passes new legislation. Remember, unless something is in the Constitution it can easily be changed. The unfortunate thing is that some people think that even things in the Constitution can be changed to fit their current need. Our Founding Fathers would be appalled at many things happening today but I digress........
2007-03-20 23:07:33
answer #2
answered by InReality01 5
There is an open border agreement per the NAU- North American Union. Modelled after the European Union. Goals are completely open borders and one currency. This is the reason that Bush's hands are actually tied regarding closing the Mexican border. He couldn't if he wanted to. This is a fight of the people as I don't recall participation in the NAU being discussed or voted upon or debated to my knowledge. (I will say that C-Span at night is sometimes a shocker!) Under this plan there is a fat funnel of American Dollars being sqeezed throughout the depleted country of Mexico. Somehow we've all been volunteered to pay for the recovery of Mexico. We've adopted Mexico and all it's residents. The President of Mexico actually admitted to having family here in the US "illegally". Working, making money, ultimately bringing that cash back home. Pretty picture, huh?
2007-03-21 00:07:51
answer #3
answered by vousavesici 2
I think there are two reasons.
First, some people are genuinely concerned (wrongly, in my opinion) that illegal immigration hurts the economy and American workers.
Second, some (usually conservative and Republican, but not always) politicians, see it as a way to garner votes from the politically and economically unsophisticated. It's a pretty easy sell, like waving the flag instead of practicing real patriotism.
2007-03-20 22:41:54
answer #4
answered by marianddoc 4
Because people always need someone to hate and it's usually a distinct ethnic group.
All the xenophobes and anti-immigrants say now that they have no problem with legal immigrants, but go back 50, 60, 100 years and you'll see the same demonization of the Irish, Italians, Germans, Japanese, Chinese.
If you know history, you'll remember the old sign "No Irish Need Apply."
And today it's all the same complaints and arguments too:
"They sneak over here and don't speak our language."
"They bring disease and strain our health care system."
"They live 20 to a house/apt/etc."
"They take jobs from 'REAL' Americans."
"They're drunk or on drugs all the time and the jails are full of 'em."
Same old racist, xenophobic, hatred. Different times, same old ignorance. And, as far as making it a political agenda, it helps add to the fear factor that keeps the citizenry from critical thought and dissent.
2007-03-20 22:43:53
answer #5
answered by Babu Chicorico 3
There have been mexicans coming into USA since the beginning of time. It has been a positive thing.
But they need something to take your mind off the war and the fact that people's son's and daughter's are dieing.
They need to sound religious because religion voted them in over abortion. A desperate women hardly votes so that is a good cause to make an issue out of.
Leviticus 24:22 his nation was told to accept the alien resident as one of your own. That was a command.
So are they religious or not? No they say what the people want to hear and keep them busy while they are gainging oil interests. He who has the oil rules the world.
2007-03-20 22:40:17
answer #6
answered by Ruth 6
Many Americans, in particular working class Americans, deeply resent falling wages, rising prices and rapidly increasing housing costs.
These are all burning issues for working class Americans, and the rulers have to address them.
But, the rulers can NOT talk about the fundamental REASON for these problems - Corporate America's profit drive.
So, they take out the race card, and blame the Mexicans.
An easy way to blind White American workers to who the REAL cause of their problems is!!!
2007-03-20 22:39:09
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Because or nation has been flooded with illegal aliens ever since the politicians sold us out and gave amnesty to the illegal back in 1986.
The cost of the illegal aliens has become a crushing economic burden on US taxpayers (welfare, medical, education, detention, deportation)
Sadly, big business has paid off the politicians and all they do is TALK about stopping it, they aren't serious.
2007-03-20 23:05:49
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The democrats need the extra votes in 2008 to win
2007-03-20 22:51:21
answer #9
answered by Real Estate Para Legal 4
Because the KKK has decided that it hates Immigrants the most. Picture that!
2007-03-20 22:39:13
answer #10
answered by ToYou,Too! 5