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2007-03-20 14:54:42 · 12 answers · asked by WINGS 4 in Sports Hockey

Nucks can do it for sure, just keep it up and before ya know they'll have that cup eh?

2007-03-20 15:04:12 · update #1

boo to the third comment boooooooo!!!!!

2007-03-20 15:04:52 · update #2

Haven't you seen the commercial where one of the players is hitting the pucks and then it shows them and they spell out go Nucks? Heh maybe not, I live near the border and I am currently seeing a Canadian and he loves the Canucks we were watching tv and I saw that commercial.

2007-03-20 17:06:37 · update #3

That game was indeed awesome for sure captain, I watched it at a pub in Abbotsford with my Canadian dude. I love hockey, and now that I can go up to Canada and watch it with someone I am loving it. I also like WHL Go TIPS!!!! Go Bruins!! But tips first,ha I just had to say bruins cause my friend likes them.

2007-03-20 17:16:16 · update #4

12 answers

that ohlund commercial is so cool

yeah the canucks are doing great with luongo
sedins are doing great
all we need is some more scoring
where the hell is nazzy
and more reliable D. Krajilek sucks.

the canucks would be a dominiant team

2007-03-20 18:00:40 · answer #1 · answered by balozunite 2 · 1 1

The struggled the beginning of the season, and have now gelled and are HOT. That is a good way to have a season heading into the playoffs, know how to handle a little diversity, yet looking strong and peaking at the right time.

They just knocked off those pampered 100 point teams from Central Division. First Detroit and now Nashville. They only got one goal between them. Gee, Domni - I have a feeling we aint in Columbus anymore! Both of these teams are going to be first round casualties. Too bad, the schedule makes them soft and over confident. But you KNOW what the schedule has meant for teams from the Northwest the last couple years!!

2007-03-22 00:44:30 · answer #2 · answered by JuanB 7 · 0 1

Give credit to coach Alain Vigneault that he was able to get his team this far considering no one on the Canucks knows how to score. It's not Roberto Luongo, but Alain Vigneault that has made the Canucks rock this year. He deserves the Jack Adams trophy.

2007-03-21 13:53:36 · answer #3 · answered by Rockford 7 · 0 1

hey...big canucks fan here
i dunno about "rockin it", but they've definitely been playing their best hockey in several years. they've won a lot of one-goal games, but that's the way the team is built - from the net out. if they can carry this brand of hockey into the postseason you never know what could happen with Luongo back there, the twins up front, and our solid defensive core.
they can beat any western conference playoff team the way they're playing now, as demonstrated by their 4-1 thrashing of the Red Wings last Saturday

2007-03-21 00:09:13 · answer #4 · answered by captaincaknucklehead 2 · 1 1

The Canucks are great this year... They are not my team but I really like seeing Luongo play. If my team gets knocked out I hope Vancouver goes far.

2007-03-21 00:17:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I think the "Nucks" as you call them are a decent team. They haven't been consistently good. Especially on the road. I guess we'll just have to see how the "nucks" do.....

I've never heard them referred to as the "nucks". maybe I missed the memo.

2007-03-20 23:24:33 · answer #6 · answered by Belle 3 · 1 1

Go Wild. Another victory tonight will bring them closer to the lead..

2007-03-20 22:05:20 · answer #7 · answered by padraig♥ 4 · 1 2

Go Maple Leafs lol

2007-03-20 22:02:46 · answer #8 · answered by hustler.connection 3 · 1 2

There not doning bad but i hope they don't win the Stanley Cup.

2007-03-21 10:43:35 · answer #9 · answered by Macallister 6 · 1 2

OMG. They are SOOOOOO rockin' it. Posts like this are like a kick in my nucks.

2007-03-20 22:03:05 · answer #10 · answered by Bob Loblaw 7 · 2 2

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