OK, so here is the situation:
My win xp went crazy (an unfixable login loop; blazefind solution did not work) so i decided to reinstall winxp. i didnt want to lose all my stuff, so i just installed the new xp in a different folder (i called it WINDOWS2), this new xp works just fine. when i tried to repair the broken winxp, it got an error during installation, so now i have a working winxp and one that just wont install.
in the broken windows, i had a user account (my main account) with password protection, it does not share files with other accounts; that is the problem. i am unable to open my main user account in documents and settings (called ED), it says
"C:\documents and settings\ED is not accessible, access denied".
some programs are only allowed to be ran through that folder, so i would have to reinstall AIM for it to work even though i have it already.
how could i get passed this? is there another way to save the files i need?
email me for my AIM
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