You have 2 belly buttons on your avatar.
And if Martha Stewart seen that, she would say-
Now, that's a good thing.
2007-03-20 14:07:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Its still a bad thing, with a good reason to it
2007-03-20 21:05:21
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It's still a bad thing, but for a good reason.
2007-03-20 21:04:45
answer #3
answered by Michelle *The Truth Hurts 6
It isn't possible to do a bad thing for a good reason. The volition is what counts and determines if an act of goodness is really good.
2007-03-20 21:05:34
answer #4
answered by kicking_back 5
Well it really depends what you did. I think for example take your brother of life support to end his pain. Then I think it would be a good thing for him. But it is against the law so in that way it is a bad thing.
2007-03-20 21:12:31
answer #5
answered by Mike 4
Here's my storie:
Boy A is stalking boy B. Boy B says to me "I can't even take an effing shower without that Boy A or one of his spies peeking in my window!" so I tell the principle about how baddly my friend Boy A was abuseing my friend Boy B. Boy A was given a really harsh punishment (200 hours of community service) and he had to pay all his spies (he owed them 1,00's of dollars he din't have.) I think I did a good thing. I may have not.
2007-03-20 21:08:14
answer #6
answered by serenityfan76 3
If you did it for good reasons, Its still a bad thing but it just wont be looked down upon
2007-03-20 21:06:49
answer #7
answered by Big Dude 1
I'm afraid it would still be a bad thing. Maybe it is not really good to do it--you don't give any example--but you have convinced yourself that you did it for a good reason.
2007-03-20 21:05:48
answer #8
answered by conni 6
I asked the same question a few months ago about war. I got lots of mean, rude answers. It all depends on who perceives what as good and bad. No matter how good you or what you do is, someone will find fault in it. Just do what your heart says is good and you'll be fine.
2007-03-20 21:05:21
answer #9
answered by Dr. E. Bunny A.K.A. Andy. 7
Nothing good ever comes out of bad happenings; stick to your beliefs and do the right thing. Seriously, the RIGHT thing. Think about the problem and find out which is better.
2007-03-20 21:04:52
answer #10
answered by *ReJeCtEd* 1
Doing a bad thing is never good but God makes everything happen 4 a pupose, so don't go out of ur way 2 do bad stuff but just remember that God makes all thing good for those who luv him.
2007-03-20 21:07:38
answer #11
answered by ? 1