How long before the Commandments are deemed as "hate speech?" Maybe our "friends" at the 9th Circus Court will petition to have them changed to "The Ten Suggestions."
Yes, what is right, moral and decent ALWAYS is. And the highly "evolved," "versitile" liberal who thinks you can change these things to fit one's own needs has just redefined the selfish, me-first thinking of his kind, and validated his lack of character by insulting yours.
2007-03-20 23:52:22
answer #1
answered by Truth B. Told ITS THE ECONOMY STUPID 6
No, and Christians on both sides should start following them. Did you know there is only ONE Republican candidate for President who has never (that we know of) committed adultery and/or been divorced?
Morality is subjective, however. Not everyone believes in God or the strict tenets set forth by the Old Testament. Some of us believe it is not our place to judge the morality or decency of others. A higher power has that authority.
Yes, this is 2007. And many who call themselves Christian have forgotten what Jesus taught 2000 years ago. For the truly moral Christians, it’s not about reward and punishment. Not hurting other people, loving and being kind to your enemies (because if people are happy they don’t hurt other people), treating and loving others as you would like to be treated and loved, sharing, tolerance, understanding, in fact all of the teachings of Jesus, all boil down to one basic concept - love .
Is it possible to love thy neighbor while not living with other people in peace and concord, but on the contrary, maintaining hatred, envy, and malice towards others, instigating quarrels, brawls, and distress among others?
2007-03-21 02:56:35
answer #2
answered by john_stolworthy 6
No... I think the Ten Commandments are fine as they are...
I think Conservative Republicans need to check their history books and read on how this nation was founded under the principals of freedom of religion and separation of church and state. I have no problem with the Ten Commandments so long as they stay away from our laws.
I think you could also benefit from remembering the other commandment. You know, the one Jesus told his discples. "Love on another, as I have loved you."
That doesn't mean love other Christians... it doesn't mean love other straight people, it doesn't mean love other Conservatives and hate Liberals... it means LOVE EVERYONE!!!
No, you don't have to be married to have a baby. You don't have to be straight to love someone and you don't have to force your Christian values on the rest of the nation because you feel fit to do so.
For someone who reads so much scripture, you sure do hate a lot of people. I guess it's okay, seeing that God still loves them. Thankfully... you're not God. You just think you are.
2007-03-22 05:11:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Its a thought. But no God should not change his Commandments. We live in a time where there is more sin than anything. According to the bible it was going to happen. The rules are still the same according to God. People just like to bend and break them and make excuses for doing it. for example: "times have changed." according to God this is not an excuse.
I am not without sin.
2007-03-21 02:27:44
answer #4
answered by sabbycat76 4
Do you have children? If so, do you love only one or two of them and hate the rest? Do you tell the house rules to only a chosen few then punish the others for not obeying the rules you never revealed to them?
If the ten commandments came from God, they wouldn't be delivered to a handful of nomads wandering around in the desert. They would be written in the stars for all creation to see every night.
If you were the leader of thousands of nomads and had no police force to maintain order, what better way to present social laws other than to say they come from God?
2007-03-20 15:15:49
answer #5
answered by Overt Operative 6
What about this commandment?
"Thou shalt not revile the gods, nor curse the ruler of thy people"
It's in Exodus, look it up.
What about the commandment about only eating seafood that has fins and scales, have you been having that shrimp and lobster?
What about eating pork? Oh, wait, Jesus Christ changed that already, and I do believe that He is God.
What about the part about insects who walk on all fours?
2007-03-21 04:00:32
answer #6
answered by Darth Vader 6
Why do fat slabs of white trash continue to believe in supernatural forces to guide their lives?
Out of the ten commandments only 3 are actual laws in this country - theft, murder and adultery. Two of which were laws long before you god was invented by jewish slaves looking for a political voice. The third, adultery, is only a law in 26 out of 50 states and not one state has enforced that law since the 1940's.
So go ahead and keep pretending that the USA is a xtian nation. Its just as much bullsh*t as the rest of that bible I wipe my *** with daily.
What's "right and decent" is NEVER always right and decent. Social order is DYNAMIC. IT IS NEVER STAGNANT! It changes with the times and the knowledge available. Your god has never been anything more than a slab of political caulk to slap between the gaps of that knowledge. If you can't validate your beliefs in the face of better and more reliable information then you become obsolete. And like everything else that's obsolete, you are destined for the TRASH HEAP!
2007-03-20 18:57:42
answer #7
answered by Zenrage 3
first off... what's "right" ISN'T what's always right...
do you eat pork? that wasn't right in the old Testament, then Jesus changed it... but wasn't it "always right" like you said? (in fact, on of the main reasons Jesus came here was to tell the Jews that they did have it wrong and changed the way they said GOD wanted things done)
know anyone that's gotten a divorce?
should women work or even have their OPINIONS HEARD? (you're really talkitive for a woman who believes in the 'way of the Bible' so much... shouldn't you be cooking?)
should we have slavery? (nothing wrong with that in the Bible?)
know anyone that gets drunk?
as a fact, even conservatives have already made many changes to what the Bible says is right... and THE VAST MAJORITY don't care about any of the things I've mentioned...
in fact, I seem to have a lot bigger problem with adultury than most conservatives I know... I mean newt and rudy are two of your main leaders in the 08 race?
2007-03-20 14:12:51
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
So you think the 1950s and early 60s were good times? What is about conservatives that are nostalgic for the 50s? Segregation was legal and enforced, we were at war with the Soviet Union and at constant threat from being attacked. We weren't the only superpower in the world. Poverty was very much present especially in places like the rural South and many women didn't get equal wages or could aspire to go to college. There wasn't anything good from the "simpler times" and perhaps we should move with the times. People are decent and still moral, you are very paranoid about this.
2007-03-20 14:03:56
answer #9
answered by cynical 6
Sin is a deliberate thought, word, deed, or omission contrary to the eternal law of God.
In other words, sin is anything that hurts your relationship with God.
With love in Christ.
2007-03-21 18:33:12
answer #10
answered by imacatholic2 7