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im going there for vacation

2007-03-20 13:57:33 · 3 answers · asked by KELSEY 1 in Travel Other - Destinations

3 answers

**Wow** it's so beautiful up there, the mountain air smells so great!! It's crowded in the main part, but the country is great...you can see all types of animals and old churches...it's like a scenic rode and it's so beautiful. The mountains are great!! If you go up by Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg is sooo amazing!! You can go in the houses and churches on the scenic rode. You can pan for gold. Theres this one golf course where you have to ride up on[[it's kinda like a ski lift]],but it's really cool!! And the shopping up there is great;) lol

2007-03-20 14:19:33 · answer #1 · answered by *Robert & Kalika's Momma* 2 · 0 0

In the country there is a lot of room and the air smells great. In the city it's pretty active and there is a lot of people. But in the country, early in the morning you can see animals.

2007-03-20 21:05:19 · answer #2 · answered by muziknerd15 2 · 0 0

its really hot in the summer and its beautiful. Memphis area is the best

2007-03-20 21:00:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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