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Sometimes my cervix feels achy and full, like it is tired of holding up my uterus and the baby. I notice it more after I have a BM (TMI, sorry), and it freaks me out. It is never painful, just achy and weird feeling. This is my first pregnancy, so I don't know what is normal and what might indicate an incompetent cervix. I have had no other problems, and I will mention this to my doc at my next appointment, but I'd like some advice before then. Thanks!

2007-03-20 13:57:25 · 4 answers · asked by MissM 6 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

4 answers

You can't actually "feel" your cervix, it has no nerve endings as such - I think you may be mistaking this for a general feeling of pressure and heaviness in your lower abdomen, and the extra pressure on your muscles and ligaments.

An IC occurs when the cervix weaker than normal, or has been traumatised or injured, and is unable to support the weight of the growing baby and begins to dilate and efface too early in the pregnancy. This may happen with or without contractions.

An IC is not routinely looked for during an otherwise normal pregnancy, and is normally only diagnosed where there has been a history of miscarriage.

There is an instrument that a doctor can use to check cervical resistance, but sadly, to date there is no way of really assessing whether a woman will develop an IC that is as reliable as previous pregnancy loss.

Seeing as you have already had one pregnancy that went well, the odds of you having an IC are low, unless you had some sort of complication with your other delivery or have had surgery or otherwise somehow injured your cervix.

**Bear in mind though that women with an IC usually don't "feel" it**

The pressure that you are feeling could be normal, you are just more aware of it, or your baby may just be lying in an awkward position that is putting pressure on a specific area. It is definitely worth mentioning to your doctor though.

Good luck.

2007-03-20 14:30:39 · answer #1 · answered by SydneyMum101 6 · 0 0

i would def mention this that to your doc because your baby isn't all that big at this point and for you to feel this way already is a little weird. i have been feelin this way recently and told my doc yes andd they checked me and i was 2 cm dialated and 50% effaced. i am 34 weeks and they are hoping i hold in for a while. it may be nothing but i would tell your doc

2007-03-20 14:05:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I didn't think you had any feeling in your cervix, or else wouldn't it hurt when it dilated?

It's probably just the way the baby is sitting.

But I agree with the others - you'll probably be oka, it sounds quite normla to me, but chat with your doc about it.

2007-03-21 02:49:45 · answer #3 · answered by TaniaP 3 · 0 0

You are stretching out inside for the baby. Or. the baby is growing and pressing against you at those places.

2007-03-20 14:11:10 · answer #4 · answered by JLB 3 · 0 0

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