i was in the brownies from when i was 8 until i was 10 then they let girls into the scouts while i was in brownies so as soon as i left there i went to scouts. i was there until i was 16 but started helping out at my dads cubs when i was 14 to help me with a badge. i loved it so when i was 16 i became a full helper with my dads cubs then got my warrant when i was 18. now i'm 24 and i'm still involved with scouting. i'm an explorer scout leader (14-18 year olds) and am in charge of my whole group! it sounds soft but i dont think i'd be the same person i am today if i'd never got involved in it!! its a fantastic way for young people to learn new skills and meet new friends who are interested in the same things as themselves!!
2007-03-20 13:59:41
answer #1
answered by scarlet woman 2
I was in Girl Scouts for 4 or 5 years and I loved it!
2007-03-20 13:16:57
answer #2
answered by Sheena in Cali 4
Boy Scouts many times sell apples to enhance money. the costliest I ever purchase many times $5.00 each and each. yet, that's for a reliable reason. specific, i became a Brownie, then a woman handbook I enjoyed it because of fact i like the exterior, the badges I had the main, the lasting friendships. I many times exceeded over my college artwork to artwork on yet another badge i had to stay earlier than something and be the ideal. i think of i'm a extra useful individual for having been interior the lady classes
2016-11-27 01:42:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Was in cub and boy scouts, and enjoyed it until the LDS church that sponsored the local chapter started pushing its religous ideals on the scouts. the LDS scouts didn't have a problem with it, but for those of us that weren't started feeling left out and as outsiders. most of us quit over that.
2007-03-20 13:25:09
answer #4
answered by rg778sx 5
I'm in girl scouts now. It's a lot of fun. Especially if you have a good leader. I have been in it for almost 7 years now and I have enjoyed it thoroughly. I am now a Cadet and am working on my silver award and hope to go and become a senior and earn the gold!
2007-03-20 13:20:03
answer #5
answered by Smuckers 4
Boy Scout camp was great for a city boy. I learned and saw all types of things that you can never see in the city.
2007-03-20 13:16:24
answer #6
answered by 31-times suspended 1
I was a Brownie Scout for about two weeks. I didn't like selling cookies, so I dropped out.
2007-03-20 13:17:58
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I was in Brownies, Girl Scouts and Cadets and i loved it. The best thing was the camping and getting badges. I'm so glad i was able to do all that.
2007-03-20 13:18:14
answer #8
answered by *COCO* 6
I was in the girl scouts and I hated it. The songs and the spirit were just NOT for me.
2007-03-20 13:16:58
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes, I was in as a member for 5 years, now as an adult troop leader for 4 years. Having a great time with the kids, I learn from them as much as I give them.
2007-03-20 13:20:15
answer #10
answered by hr4me 7