it's a looong story.
well heres the SHORTEST way i can tell it to you:
in the 7th grade, me and 30 other kids were waiting for the bus to pick us up and take us to school. 40 minutes later, the bus comes. everyone is just RUSHING, RUSHING, RUSHING to get on that hot bus to find a seat so they wouldn't have to stand up. so i started running....i tripped and FELL in the mud! my skirt fell down too because i forgot to put on a belt, and my knee was just all-scraped-up! and of course, the 30 kids behind me started laughing. it was so embarrassing.the laugh lasted for 2 weeks. so i went 2 weeks getting laughed at about this. then everytime the bus came, this kid named Steven will always say "hey brittany, don't fall this time! HAHAHA!" not only that, but the bus driver had written me up "For Running And Embarrassing Herself In Front Of Others".
2007-03-20 13:03:01
answer #1
answered by ♥Brittany♥ 6
I am a German immigrant and the very first day i arrived in NY i needed to call my boyfriend,now husband, that my plane arrived late and i missed the next flight to go to him in Oklahoma. I looked at the pay phone and it showed me that i could use 10,25 cent pieces.I didn't`t have any change,so i went to the nearest gift-shop to buy some postcards so i could get some change.I told him that i needed 10 cent pieces to make a phone call.He gave me my change and i looked at it,but did not see a 10 cent piece.I reminded the clerk that i needed 10 cent pieces .He grinned at me , pointed at the Dime,and said you got one right there.I felt a little embarrassed,but then the dime does not have the number 10 on it anywhere.That was the most embarrassing moment in my life.I was just glad,that the clerk was so nice and understanding
2007-03-20 20:09:28
answer #2
answered by Heike P 4
Once, when I was 12, I did this play with my class. I was singing onstage when I cracked. Not just a little either, I mean I went from a soprano to an alto in 2.5 seconds. I was so embarassed, and the whole thing was caught on tape! I have never done a play since. :D
2007-03-20 19:53:26
answer #3
answered by Nicolle 4
Well I've got two....
First and the least of the two is when me & a friend of mine were out looking for some trouble to get into (meaning looking for guys (about 15 years ago) cause we were young n dumb) we pulled into this 7-11 where there was like 6 or 7 cute guys me the brite one decided to jump out of the car (keep in mind it was raining) and go inside to buy what I dont know....mabey some attention LOL dumb butt was wearing sandals and as I stepped into the store ~~~> SLIPPED AND LANDED ON MY BUTT!!!! In front of all the guys! My homegirl outside straight started the car & was gonna drive off!!!! As fast as I up, not evening looking if the guys seen me (which I heard them laughing as I practically ran out of the store) took off and chased my friend who was driving off laughing & jumped into the car!! She was laughing so hard she literally pee'ed her pants!!
Okay now Second.....
Most embarrasing but not as detailed! LOL While having sex with son's father I farted!! OMG! Not the noise from the actual in & out motion...but FARTED!!
Okay well again I am emabarrased after telling this SOOOO I hope that made ya laugh!!
2007-03-20 20:02:11
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
One night in college my friends pulled the most embarrassing prank on me. I woke up to the feeling of something being pressed against my mouth. My friend was duct taping my mouth shut as others held me down. They all laughed at me, and I went, "MMMMMMMMMM!" They said that it was time for my birthday present. They then took out a little black dress. When I realized what they were planning to do I shook my head and mmmmmmmmphed like crazy. But it was no use, they forced me into the dress. They then tied my hands and feet together so I couldn't take it off. I felt completely humiliated and helpless as they carried me through the dorm like this. They then layed me on the counter in the lobby and said they'd be back in the morning. I stuggled but it was no use, I couldn't move or talk, and the counter was too high. I had to lay there and wait for help. I pleaded with people for help as they walked by, I struggled and mmmmmmphed. But they just laughed. My friends came back in an hour. By then a crowd had gathered, having fun at my expense. I had no choice but to lay on the counter, bound and gagged in a dress, as everyone ridiculed me. I began to worry, when people started to talk about taking me outside. My friends then picked me up, and carried me back to my room still tied up. Everyone thought this was hilarious.
2007-03-21 18:36:33
answer #5
answered by Alex2 3
well when i was in 4'th grade. on a sunday night i got home from a wedding at 2 in the morning. so i didnt have time to take a shower. an the next day when my teacher was about to read a book, outload to everybody she said i smelled like ruthless cats. lol
2007-03-20 19:53:28
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I put some money into the stock market and i lose about 15% so im like... **** what happened over these last few weeks. I go online ask ask whats up, and i ask should i hold on to them or cash out. 50ish people say keep it, i listen to the 1 that says sell, I sold it today and it jumps up 50% at the end of the day.
2007-03-20 19:53:11
answer #7
answered by Cooger 2
When at a drive through (my first movie ever) I spilled my entire 64 oz coke while waiting to pay and didn't know if I still had to pay...I still feel bad thinking about that day....I don't even remember how it ended.....
2007-03-20 19:53:26
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I got asked out by this guy who apparently didn't really like me. And agreed to go out with him. I didn't pay attention to the fact that he was the pimp type. About 4 days later he wanted to break up with me.
2007-03-20 19:55:49
answer #9
answered by metro7 2
ok...wen i was 10, at sunday school, we were cracking up, i don't know why, i was standing and stepped back and my shoes got caught on my skirt and the whole skirt went down in front of the whole was not funny...but embarassing...
2007-03-20 19:52:58
answer #10
answered by GreenEyes 2