stay on the metformin, it is a good drug. they call it a smart drug. Dr. Ward Dean says everyone will get diabetes eventually and he says everyone should be taking it:
if you had a tubal ligation, go here:
if not, here is some info:
Also, I suggest everyone buy the book:
Ageless: Bioidentical Hormones and Beyond by Suzanne Somers
every woman needs this book, trust me!
Following up her previous books on health (e.g., The Sexy Years), Somers discusses bioidentical hormone replacement therapy as a tool for arresting the aging process. She recounts her own experiences and interviews others, both patients and doctors, who share her enthusiasm. The book is easy to read and may catch the attention of anyone over 35. On closer examination, however, her claims are not strongly substantiated. The so-called scientific explanations seem quite plausible, but solid research is sparse. Moreover, Somers contradicts herself on more than one occasion and makes several errors in fact, claiming, for example, that men's sexual peak is in middle age. There may well be something to her thesis, but more solid evidence is needed. Recommended only where there is demand. Susan B. Hagloch, formerly with Tuscarawas Cty. P.L., New Philadelphia, OH Copyright 2006 Reed Business Information.
Info on hormones and supplements.
Women, especially, should become familiar with these things. But, men also have hormonal decline, so some of the info will apply to them. Women were not set up to live much more than 40 years. With menopause, which our ancestors did not even go through, women begin to die, as they are no longer viable for child birth and thus, not needed any longer for the species to continue. So, women must replace hormones eventually or they will get many diseases and feel ill from the lack of hormones. Before the perimenopause phase, and even during it, there are other things you can take to ensure your hormones are functioning properly. Especially if you had a tubal ligation, you need to know this stuff so you can help restore your body after reversal. Of course, those who had a hysterectomy need to take hormone replacement, but not the ones the doctors give you (see below).
The drugs I get from an overseas company called international anti-aging systems I have used them for over 20 yrs without any problems and it is a good company. Here is the other company I have ordered from for a few years. They are a little less expensive and take half the time as I.A.S. to get
And, if you are not in menopause (or if the menopause was caused by the tubal ligation), get off the hormones (estrogen and progesterone) completely, no matter the symptoms, and let your body start making the hormones again or it won't and you will become dependent on them. Yes, ignore the hot flashes, even, I did and they are gone, slowly diminishing over a couple months. It is always best to let your body regulate the hormones for as long as you can before actual menopause starts, at which time you have to start doing it yourself (but only with bioidentical hormones, not horse urine that the doctors give you that causes cancer). It will; Give it a few months, and try the following drugs and/or supplements. Keep in mind, the drugs I take are well-known life extension drugs (smart drugs), which means they extend life and do not harm the body. For more info, you can buy the books, Smart Drugs and Smart Drugs II or Life Extension. These are older books, but you can order them.
For those of you who are in natural menopause and need estrogen/progesterone replacement, do not take the synthetic hormones prescribed by doctors: Premarin is a very popular synthetic estrogen used in HRT. It is derived from the urine of pregnant mares (horses) and contains seventeen different types of estrogen, most of which are not native to human beings.
Since the development of estrogens in the 1920s, women have been receiving estrogens derived from horse urine! Unlike now, estrogen was very expensive to synthesize. Whilst the horse estrogens are similar to human estrogens, they are NOT the same. Many of the problems associated with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are due to this fact. Research clearly demonstrates, natural human estrogens are much safer and have fewer side effects that the `alien' horse estrogens that are currently being prescribed.
In addition, detrimental effects result from the unsuitable levels of the 3 estrogens used and the unnatural way in which they are administered.
The three estrogens are estriol, estradiol and estrone. Most preparations of triple estrogens apply them in the respective percentage ratio of 80:10:10. Some pharmaceutical preparations of estrogen entirely over-look estriol; they claim it is a weak estrogen (despite the fact that woman naturally produce high levels of it). There is now a ground swell of opinion that believes that estriol has anti-cancer properties, in essence it cancels out the carcinogenic properties of the other two estrogens.
Progesterone Natural is a natural supplement used to defend against osteoporosis after HRT treatment
Progesterone cream is often used by menopausal women to counter the detrimental effects of hormone replacement therapy (HRT, estrogen therapy).
Unfortunately many physicians who prescribe HRT overlook the need for progesterone. When they do prescribe progesterone, it is often the common `alien' progesterone derived from horse urine.
Bromocriptine (Parlodel)
Its second major anti-aging use of Bromocriptine is the inhibition of Prolactin. Prolactin is produced by the pituitary gland, and is one of the few hormones that increase with age. It has been described as a fat synthesis hormone because one of its primary functions is to trigger lactation (milk production) and weight gain in pregnancy. In women, Bromocriptine has been used to help restore ovulation, but it also helps to reduce serum Prolactin levels in men, (although the precise role of Prolactin in men is unclear). In addition, some researchers believe Prolactin levels play a significant part in immune system suppression.
This product is always to be taken at mealtimes. Galactorrhoea and/or prolactin-dependent amenorrhoea, hyperprolactaemic infertility: half a tablet 3 times daily. If this is not sufficient, increase the dosage gradually to 1 tablet, 2-3 times daily with meals. Continue the treatment until the mammary secretion disappears completely, and, should the problem be compounded by amenorrhoea, until the menstrual cycle returns to normal. The treatment may be continued if necessary for several menstrual cycles in order to avoid a relapse. Disorders of the menstrual cycle:- Pre-menstrual syndrome. Begin treatment on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle with a half tablet per day, then gradually increase the dosage by half a tablet until reaching the dosage of 1 tablet twice daily. Continue this treatment until the onset of the menstrual flow.
Brief luteinic phase. Half a tablet 3 times daily, gradually increasing the dosage to 1 tablet twice daily with meals until the luteinic phase has returned to normal.
Rejuvenate your body and brain with Bromocriptine
Bromocriptine enhances dopamine, which declines with age, and restrains prolactin, which increases with age
Bromocriptine is a semi-synthetic derivative of the ergo group that boosts dopamine (a neurotransmitter and a precursor of other substances including adrenalin) and slows down the production of prolactin (a hormone released from the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates milk production after childbirth).
Past the age of 40 it is estimated that the healthy person undergoes a dopamine decline of approximately 13% per decade. As dopamine is essential for brain activity, some neurologists have stated that if we increase life expectancy we shall all be senile! Therefore, protection and enhancement of the dopamine producing neurons is a key strategy for anti-aging medicine.
Bromocriptine, therefore, is not only used in the management of mental degenerative conditions such as Parkinson's disease, but as a preventative medicine for those wishing to delay age-related mental decline.
Its second major anti-aging use of Bromocriptine is the inhibition of Prolactin. Prolactin is produced by the pituitary gland, and is one of the few hormones that increase with age. It has been described as a fat synthesis hormone because one of its primary functions is to trigger lactation (milk production) and weight gain in pregnancy. In women, Bromocriptine has been used to help restore ovulation, but it also helps to reduce serum Prolactin levels in men, (although the precise role of Prolactin in men is unclear). In addition, some researchers believe Prolactin levels play a significant part in immune system suppression.
Bromocriptine also effects the most famous of all pituitary hormones, Growth Hormone (GH). Bromocriptine increases GH secretion in individuals with normal GH concentrations, but paradoxically suppresses GH secretion in patients suffering from acromegaly (a condition of excessive GH production).
An interesting clinical study administered a component of tobacco called DMBA to rats, at a level where it is known to be very effective in producing breast cancer. However, rats that had been pre-treated with Bromocriptine completely avoided any cancer development. Bromocriptine therefore appears to also offer itself as a very potent free radical quencher.
One of the most recent studies indicates that Bromocriptine may be a candidate for the treatment of Type-II diabetes. This is because Bromocriptine has been shown to suppress lipogenesis and improve glucose tolerance and insulin resistance.
One animal study suggested that a further action of Bromocriptine is to alter the CNS (central nervous system) regulating metabolism, which helps to prevent weight gain.
Take 1.25mg or 2.5mg daily, unless treating a serious medical disorder where dosage may differ according to your physician's guidance.
Chaste Berry Extract and Tincture
German researchers suggest the berries increase production of luteinizing hormone and prolactin. Another study adds the increase of the hormone progesterone to the list. The benefits of chaste berry stem from its actions upon the pituitary gland. Chaste berry keeps prolactin secretion in check. The ability to decrease mildly elevated prolactin levels may benefit some women with breast tenderness associated with PMS. Chaste berry may also be helpful in menopause and cyclic mastalgia. New research indicates that certain compounds in chasteberry may have activity similar to the brain chemical dopamine.
In a normal menstrual cycle, estrogen levels are higher before ovulation and progesterone levels are higher following ovulation. A lack of balance in these two hormones can lead to the entire range of symptoms associated with PMS and menopause! Vitex nourishes and supports the endocrine system, helping it find its own balance.
Symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle which can be treated with this plant include:
water retention
breast tenderness
Ovulex™ aids in the restoration and balancing of hormonal functions, nutritional deficiencies, and physical problems in a woman's body. Your body will be in the perfect condition for conception when you take Ovulex™.
Ovulex™ can also:
aid in naturally regulating your ovulation cycle by boosting your progesterone production.
help strengthen your immune system and reduce
your reaction to stress.
work with your body to regulate your hormones.
provide you with essential nutrients you body needs to allow conception.
help decrease mildly elevated prolactin levels
aid in binding to or activating estrogen receptors in diverse areas of your body
helps to extend your luteal phase
aid the fertilized egg connect to your uterine lining
*please note: if you are taking antidepresants (which i do not recommend, except for the life extension drug eldepryl/deprenyl), keep in mind that Ovulex has St. John's Wort in it and it can interfere with antidepressants, even eldepryl (but low doses would be ok). I would avoid any St. John's Wort if you are taking today's common antidepressants like Prozac, etc....
Melatonin delays and reverses menopause in women
(Abstract from "Experimental Gerontology", 36, 297-310, 2001)
Night levels of melatonin in mammals and man decline progressively in the course of aging. Also, the function of the thyroid gland and of sex glands (ovaries and testes) decline steadily, while on the contrary in the hypophysis the production of gonadotropins (luteotropic hormone, LH and follicle stimulating hormone, FSH) constantly increase. Those hormones regulate the production of estrogens and progesterone in the ovaries and the menstrual cycle and testosterone in the testes. The increase of LH and FSH is a clear-cut aging signal for sexual and reproductive functions, both in males and in females (i.e. menopause and andropause).
Previous studies with laboratory animals had shown that evening administration of melatonin in senescent animals, as well as transplantation of a young pineal into old animals produces a true reversal of sexual decay. This has been shown by measuring (in that part of the brain that controls sexual organs and functions- the hippocampus), receptors which regulate the synthesis of LH and FSH (gonadotropins) in the hypophysis (Figure 3). This remarkable evidence induced us to evaluate the effects of melatonin in women from pre-menopausal and peri-menopausal age (from 42 to 52 years of age) until menopause (from 52 to 62 years of age). The question was: is pineal melatonin, whose blood levels decline in the course of aging in the sexual-reproductive tract of women, responsible for, or directly connected with the onset of menopause? Are we able to modify or eventually delay menopase by evening administration of melatonin?
Measurement of melatonin in saliva before the initiation of the study allowed us to select women with nocturnal low basal levels of melatonin, as well as women with medium night levels of melatonin and finally women with high night levels of melatonin. This served to verify if the possible effects of melatonin administration, depend only on a condition of individual endogenous melatonin deficiency.
Women were strictly divided into homogeneous groups (melatonin or placebo) according to age and also to their endogenous levels of nocturnal melatonin in the saliva. Before initiation, blood samples were taken for measurement of hormones and all women answered questions in a questionnaire, concerning mood, sleep, and all psychic problems and neurovegetative symptoms typical of women' climacteric. Half of the selected women started taking 3mg of highly pure melatonin while the other half took placebo, this was conducted with the classic double-blind method (neither the physician nor the patient know if the patient takes the active substance or not). After three and six months from the initiation of the treatment, hormonal measurements were repeated and all women answered again all the questions.
The results obtained after three and six months, (a period of time ethically acceptable for the administration of placebo), have shown that:
All women, in particular those who had shown individual low night levels of melatonin in their saliva, had a very remarkable improvement of latent and unsuspected conditions of low thyroid function (hypothyroidism). In-fact, we observed a significant increase of the active thyroid hormone triiodothyronin (T3) in all women independently from their night levels of melatonin and to a minor extent of its precursor thyroxin (T4) only in women with medium and low endogenous levels of melatonin (Table 4). The effect of melatonin does not depend on pituitary TSH (thyrotropin stimulating hormone) but on the direct effect of melatonin on the thyroid gland (conversion of T4 into T3, the active hormone).
In the course of six months, evening administration of 3mg melatonin produced a clear-cut decrement in blood of the pituitary hormone LH (which increases progressively in the course of aging). This was most noticeable in the younger women (43 to 49 years of age). Therefore, the recovery of pituitary function to a more juvenile pattern of regulation is more pronounced and rapid in younger women (Figure 4a and 4b). This equaled to an arrest and even a reversal of brain aging and restoration of reproductive functions in the women taking evening melatonin.
As a confirmation of a restoration of thyroid and sexual functions consequent to the evening use of melatonin, seven women, at 2 and more years after onset of menopause (complete interruption of the menstrual cycle), have now reacquired a normal and physiological menstrual cyclicity.
Finally, 96% of women who had taken melatonin, declared a total disappearance of morning depression, which is typical in perimenopausal and menopausel women.
Our results demonstrate that a clear-cut, cause-effect relationship exists between the function of the pineal gland and night secretion of melatonin on one side, and aging of sexual functions on the other side. The decline of synthesis and release of pineal melatonin during aging, signals to us a central hypotlamaic alteration of the control of the juvenile hormonal cyclicity and the progressive quenching of fertility in women. Our results show that nocturnal administration of melatonin produces a recovery of thyroid function (synthesis of T3 and T4) and pituitary (hypophysis) sensitivity to ovary regulation (decrease of LH and FSH) in the direction of a remarkable recovery of more juvenile sexual-reproductive functions. The effect of evening administration of melatonin is more pronounced in younger women and in women with lower melatonin levels in saliva (before initiation of oral melatonin treatment).
[buy the pharmaceutical grade melatonin; it is better]
DHEA (and its related metabolite DHEA-S) is the most abundant hormone in the body and is produced by the adrenal glands. Specifically, DHEA is synthesized and secreted by the zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex. It is the precursor to a number of steroid hormones such as androstenedione, testosterone and estrogen. Women secrete DHEA exclusively from the adrenal cortex, but men secrete a certain amount of DHEA from the testes. Scientists previously thought DHEA was an intermediate metabolite and had no biologic activity of its own. However, further examination of this multi-faceted hormone necessitates the conclusion that DHEA has important roles of its own.
The biggest concern over DHEA supplementation repeatedly raised in the DHEA scientific literature is the issue of androgen/estrogen production from DHEA. Various tissues can locally convert DHEA to either androgens (testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, androstenedione) or estrogens (estrone, estradiol). Many DHEA studies report significant androgen increases in women, even at the relatively low dose of 50 mg. (1, 8, 18, 19, 21) Increased androgen levels in women may relate not only to the mild effects of excess facial hair and acne, but to the more serious issues of abdominal obesity, hyper-glycemia and insulin resistance. (26) And one report found a decreased testosterone level in men, combined with an increase in estradiol, hardly ideal for a man's health. (21) Fortunately, a natural metabolite of DHEA, normally found in the human body, and which cannot be bio-transformed into androgens or estrogens, (28) is now available. And preliminary evidence indicates this "new" DHEA metabolite may be even more potent than DHEA.
7 - keto - DHEA (7KD) (also called "7 -oxo-DHEA,)" is almost identical in structure to DHEA (see Diagram 1). Human skin (and other tissues) contain enzymes that convert DHEA to 7KD in a two-stage process. (27) (Interestingly, many animal experiments with DHEA get best results if the DHEA is given subcutaneously, hinting at skin DHEA bio-processing.) Research into 7KD has been conducted primarily by Dr. Henry Lardy and associates at the University of Wisconsin. (28, 29, 30) Based on his research, Lardy has been granted various patents on the use of 7KD, including immune enhancement/modulation, Alzheimer's treatment and weight loss.
"7-keto-DHEA has been evaluated in both preclinical studies and human clinical trials for safety. These studies show no mutagenic activity and no adverse effects for 7-keto-DHEA up to doses of 2000 mg /kg in rats and 500 mg /kg in primates. It should be noted that 500 mg /kg is É 3.5 grams in a normal 70 kg human." (30) Zenk notes that a clinical trial conducted to measure the effects of 7KD on several endocrine and safety parameters in healthy adult men found 7KD to be safe and well-tolerated at doses up to 200 mg/day of a 28-day period. (30) Zenk also reports that laboratory safety tests also showed 7KD does not affect haematology, serum chemistry, or urine chemistry differently than healthy subjects taking placebo. (30)
Lardy has found that 7KD (7-oxo-DHEA) is a potent increaser of liver thermogenic enzymes. He reports that "The 7-oxo-derivatives of both DHEA [i.e. 7KD] and androstenediol are the most active compounds tested. over the range of 0.01 to 0.1% of the diet, 7-oxo-DHEA was 2.5 times as active as DHEA." (28) Research at the University of Wisconsin found 7KD helpful in treating primates infected with Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV). CD-4 (T helper) cell counts, CD-8 cell counts, and total white blood cells increased. The SIV-infected primates also showed improvements in their physical state, increased weight, and overall improvement in behavior and clinical condition. (30)
7KD was also shown to increase IL-2 production better than DHEA, in human lymphocytes. IL-2 is the key cytokine regulator of T-helper cells, along with interferon-gamma, which activates the immune system to "go into battle" against invading pathogens. (30) Lardy and colleagues also found 7KD to enhance memory in 2-year old mice. "The mice were trained to negotiate a water maze and then were given DHEA or 7-keto DHEA É. They were retested after two weeks. The control mice took 34 seconds [to negotiate the maze]; those on DHEA took 22 seconds; and those on 7-keto-DHEA took only 7.6 seconds.
Dr. Lardy found similar results in mice using scopolamine to abolish memory. When protected with 7-keto DHEA [and given anti-memory scopolamine] the mice were able to negotiate the water maze in 6.5 seconds, compared to 11.5 with DHEA treatment and 22 seconds with scopolamine treatment only." (30)
I have been interested in DHEA since 1984. However, my personal experience with DHEA was disappointing. I found DHEA to induce a severe depression after only 1 - 3 doses. I retried DHEA about a dozen times between 1984 to 1996, always getting the same rapid-onset depression. I talked to a doctor colleague, who reported that she had the same response to DHEA, and that some 5-10% of her patients who tried DHEA also experienced a relatively rapid onset of depression (1 - 10 days). I began taking 7KD in the fall of 1998, hoping for a different response. Much to my surprise, I found 7KD experientially very different from DHEA. I have been taking 7KD for about 18 months now, gradually reducing my dose from 25 mg/day to 10-15 mg/day. I have found 7KD to be an energy enhancer, anti-cortisol stress reducer, and general revitalizing agent. I have gradually dropped 20 pounds of weight, have experienced a significant thinning of my face away from the classic cortisol "moon face" I was developing in recent years. I consider 7KD one of my core anti-aging supplements. I have also used 7KD to quickly revive 2 cats traumatized from combined surgical/anaesthesia/vaccine stress. My wife finds 7KD to be the single most energizing supplement she's ever taken.
For those wishing to get the potential androgenic benefits of DHEA, extremely low doses are advised. 10-25 mg /day for women, 20-40 mg/day for men. Anyone suffering any serious disease or hormonal condition should only use DHEA under competent medical supervision. 7KD may be effective at doses as low as 5-10 mg/day, with 25-50 mg/day being probably adequate for all but medical use in disease treatment under medical supervision.
2007-03-20 13:04:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous