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Was it a controlled annihilation or a chaotic collapse?

The truth will set you free.


2007-03-20 11:52:47 · 18 answers · asked by andy r 3 in Politics & Government Politics


Help...the satellites are beaming images into my head.

My tin foil helmet is falling off.

The sky is falling.


Well I saw alot of hot searing dust fall on americans at 911. Seeing is believing not entertaining alien fantasies beamed into your head by the main stream media. Get real dude.

2007-03-20 12:18:50 · update #1

Lynn G said:
Neither, it was nothing but a tragedy.

Andy-r, Why is blindness convenient? Crimes of this magnitude are indeed tragic and created by monsters who have the means to carry it out.

2007-03-20 12:21:47 · update #2


You seem to have a Bill Clinton fixation. And don't care much for reality why the running from the truth?

2007-03-20 12:22:59 · update #3

dogsrspcl said:

"I saw millions of cheering muslims burning US flags and saying Death to America.
I got the picture."

The revenge factor you have been played like a fine instrument a pawn in psychological warfare.

Wake up dude and get real what did you really see on 911?

And who benefited Israel GWB, CHENEY OIL corporations.

2007-03-20 12:26:37 · update #4

fly boy,
"Two planes crash into the trade center,one into the pentagon and one in an open field."


There was no plane debris at the pentagon other than missile. No one witnessed the plane hit in the open feild in Pennsylvania. And the two planes that hit the WTC'S didn't cause the buildings to go up in dust.

Get real dude.

2007-03-20 12:29:37 · update #5

Christine H. said:

I saw a plane flown into the 2nd World Trade Tower after the report of the 1st plane crashing into the 1st Tower causing massive destruction of the internal infrastructure of the buildings which then could no longer support their own weight and collapsed. To deny this truth is pure ignorance and a slap in the face of the families who lost loved ones to these evil terrorists.


That's interesting because the families of the victims of 911 don't support the official propaganda story regarding 911. Instead of continuing to express your ignorance of the actual events of 911 maybe do some serious investigating before coming to the conclusion of propagandists


2007-03-20 12:33:38 · update #6

A wood 80 said:
"I saw terrorists fly planes into both towers of the World Trade Center, and the Pentagon. I saw a fourth plane crash in a field in Pennsylvania."


While that doesn't explain the controlled annihilation or the controlled collapse. What you are going through is denial of those specific events asked for in the question.

2007-03-20 12:36:14 · update #7


Enjoy the taste of your denial.

2007-03-20 12:37:39 · update #8

socialds said:

What I saw was jets flown into buildings and then I saw those buildings collapse as they were designed to do.

Andy-r - They were built to with stand planes hitting them.

2007-03-20 12:38:52 · update #9


Thanks Dude!

2007-03-20 12:40:08 · update #10

18 answers

I live in NYC and I saw 3 controlled demolitions.

NO building can collapse at free fall speed without the use of explosives. PERIOD.

2007-03-20 12:21:55 · answer #1 · answered by eatmeneocon 2 · 1 4

I saw a plane flown into the 2nd World Trade Tower after the report of the 1st plane crashing into the 1st Tower causing massive destruction of the internal infrastructure of the buildings which then could no longer support their own weight and collapsed. To deny this truth is pure ignorance and a slap in the face of the families who lost loved ones to these evil terrorists.

2007-03-20 12:02:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

It wasn't so much what I saw it was what I felt and the terrorist that flew the planes into the WTC tower 1&2 Pentagon, and the brave souls that fought to prevent another plane from hitting more buildings that went down in PA. I felt fear, anger, and sadness, then it went to worry because even though I wasn't on the east coast I still had family in NYC and NJ.

Why is it that when horrible things happen in our Great Country that nut jobs attomatically yell conspiracy theory. It wasn't Clinton that is a Joke the WTC Commission was organized after the terrorist attacks not before so why would Clinton have been involved to begin with.

It was a terrible thing that happened and an image that is forever burned into my mind. And it wasn't all Muslims that committed that act, they where what we call radical Muslims, do we not have Radicals in this Country also? I believe we do one that comes to my mind is the KKK.

We need to get off this conspiracy theorory thing and start looking at the fact that we are humans no conspiracy and some humans are inheirantly evil.

2007-03-20 12:15:01 · answer #3 · answered by Marla D 3 · 2 2

I saw terrorists fly planes into both towers of the World Trade Center, and the Pentagon. I saw a fourth plane crash in a field in Pennsylvania.

2007-03-20 12:02:44 · answer #4 · answered by DOOM 7 · 5 1

depends on your reality. as for myself, I view 9/11 from several perspectives. on a personal level, I lost friends that day. I saw a building which my uncle helped build reduced to cinders. I saw a symbol of American Capitalism destroyed by a handful of fanatics, for whatever reason, we will never know. it was assumed that it was meant to cripple our economy. I saw the most recognizible symbol of our Military viciously assaulted. if flt 93 had made it to washington, its target would have to have been the White House or Congress. it does seem like someone, somewhere was determined to destabilize our country. I also feel like the worst part of 9/11 after the shock wore off was the reality that the Freedoms and Liberties we have taken for granted for so many generations, was going to be history. By your question, you are polling to see how many people think the conspiricy theory. rubbish. are we as a people so blinded by our selfcenterness and greed that we will look for any reason to put blame on things instead of believing what we see with our own eyes? if you want my generalization of 9/11, all I can say is..........we have reached the apex of Humanity....this is the beginning of the end. where are all the Flower Children now?. thats right, they grew up and started wars. peace

2007-03-20 12:19:53 · answer #5 · answered by Doctor Pain 4 · 2 1

I witnessed first hand the CHAOTIC COLLAPSE of the Towers. I am a now retired NYC paramedic
There were NO controlled explosions what there was ..was the snapping sound as steel girders broke under tremendous weight.....
As to the "Free Fall Speed" theory....Please try this and it WILL change your mind...(if you have one left)
Take a 2 ton block of concrete raise it up 10 feet...let it drop and time it...now raise it up again and ... .stand under it....let it drop and try and slow the fall by holding it up as it drops on you....VIDEO THE WHOLE THING...IF you get out of the hospital see how much you slowed it down...so much for that theory

2007-03-20 12:13:53 · answer #6 · answered by Real Estate Para Legal 4 · 4 1

Two planes crash into the trade center,one into the pentagon and one in an open field.

2007-03-20 11:58:38 · answer #7 · answered by Fly Boy 4 · 6 1

Yep, they were totally controlled planes flown by terrorists. I was watching ans I saw the truth and your little conspiracy site isn't going to change the truth I saw. If you want to believe those lies fine just keep them to yourself.

2007-03-20 13:32:48 · answer #8 · answered by Kevin A 6 · 0 1

I saw millions of cheering muslims burning US flags and saying Death to America.

I got the picture.

2007-03-20 11:57:15 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 11 1

Sandy Berger saw Bill Clinton on 9/11. He knew Clinton was involved.
He was ordered, or paid, to steal & destroy classified documents to protect Clinton from the 9/11 Commission Investigation.

It must have worked, because Clinton has not been charged with treason yet.

2007-03-20 11:57:09 · answer #10 · answered by wolf 6 · 3 4

What I saw was jets flown into buildings and then I saw those buildings collapse as they were designed to do.

2007-03-20 12:07:49 · answer #11 · answered by sociald 7 · 3 2

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