To begin with, it's critically important to establish a firm diagnosis for your situation. You should start with your PCP but probably a referral to an endocrinologist familiar with female hair loss & related disease processes would not be a bad idea. This specialist will want to rule out a number of disorders that present hair loss among their symptoms. Such ailments including thyroidopathy, lupus erythematosus and even parasites have been known to present hair loss among their symptoms. In some persons there is even a hair loss disorder called trichotiolomania that is primarily caused by a compulsive behavioral problem.
Another factor that can definitely influence the density of scalp hair is one's genetic identity. In susceptible individuals of either sex, certain hormones trigger the negative hair growth program which ultimately results in pattern hair loss. However, while certainly not unknown, pattern hair loss in a 23 year old young lady is fairly atypical.
Now that we have laid the ground work for some (but definitely not all) of the factors that can bring about hair loss we should briefly touch on ways to address the problem specifically.
There are a number of pharmaceutically derived drugs that are specifically available depending on the type of hair loss diagnosed. Some work better than others, again depending on one's situation. Those drugs include minoxidil, diazoxide, finasteride, flutamide and others. Your treating physician will be the best source for information on which of these, if any, will be sensible for you to try.
Another option is non-drug based therapy. There are a number of non-drug based botanical therapies on the market today, some of which have been positively tested under scientifically-stringent conditions. Since I am intimately involved with one of these products, my opinion is necessarily biased. However, I would suggest relegating your scrutiny to those treatments, either drug based, or naturally-derived, that can support their claims with peer-reviewed medically published data.
Finally, once you determine what is causing your hair loss and decide to begin treatment, I strongly recommend the use of monthly progress photos of the affected region of your scalp. Take baseline photos before you begin treatment. Then take monthly follow up photos so you can see how your hair is responding.
Before you undertake treatment of any kind you need to determine exactly what is causing your hair to thin. Once you know exactly what is causing the problem you stand a much better chance in choosing the most appropriate treatment. In all events, best of luck and best wishes.
Geno Marcovici, Ph.D.
Chief Scientific Officer
2007-03-22 16:16:03
answer #1
answered by dr.marcovici 2
I've been using argan life prod ucts for about three months. I noticed that hair loss has stopped and hair reg rowth has occured. If not hing else this product feels good and leaves your hair feeling clean - not oily or rough.
2015-12-14 01:15:16
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
"Alopecia areata is characterized by hair falling out, resulting in smooth, round patches on the scalp. In some cases, alopecia areata can cause the complete loss of scalp and body hair. The condition is most common in people under 30...."
"...Telogen effluvium, or resting hair loss, is marked by diffuse hair loss that is not concentrated in one particular area of the scalp.
Usually, telogen effluvium occurs three to six months after a triggering event such as childbirth, major surgery, crash diets, thyroid disease, a severe infection or high fever.
In addition, hair loss can accompany flares of autoimmune diseases including lupus, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis.
Although alopecia can be influenced by hereditary and hormonal factors, weathering or hair breakage is one type of hair loss that is directly influenced by a person's behavior. Styling products such as perms, dyes, gels, relaxers and sprays can cause weathering."
2007-03-20 10:43:56
answer #3
answered by Sancira 7
Genetics? Hair loss amongst women is not that unusual honestly. Use rogaine for women. It a preventative and will thicken what hair you have left.
Good Luck!
2007-03-20 09:45:34
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I prefer hair that is shoulder length or longer, And since that men who like females are more often then not right, they like long hair because that looks more feminine, as most guys have short hair.
2017-01-21 08:19:45
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
My hair was sta rting to thin at the top and my rece ding ha irline was really start ing to show. I have b een using Argan rain prod ucts for 3 weeks and I am start ing to see regrow th of my hair. It is defi nitely wor king...
2015-11-02 22:16:17
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
top 10 causes of hair loss- Understanding Problem of baldness - http://www.naturallytreatment.blogspot.in/2014/04/top-10-causes-of-hair-loss.html
The average human scalp contains abaut 100,000 hair strands an roughly abaout 25 to 100 hairs are lost it from every day. Each individual hair survives for an average of 4-5 years. During this period it grows about half an inch per month after which the hair falls out and is replaced by a new one in 6-9 months.
Hair loss become visible especially when the hair that fall out are not replaced adequately with new ones during the expected time period. Hair loss may be patchy or diffuse (all over the scalp) in nature. it is possible to prevent and revert these tendency with the right nutritional and good aproach. hair loss is a medical disorder but often ends into a social concern, as it affects look and self -esteem of the individual.
When Hair Loss of Concern ?
If the hair loss is above 100 strands daily or if one observes sudden increase of hair falling even within the normal range, it calls for medical attention and evaluation. Again, if one has hair falling within normal range but they fall from the roots amounting to a definite reduction in the number of the total hair on the scalp, it calls for appropriate treatment.
Causes of Hair Loss :
Cause 1-Stress
stress is the one of the biggest reason for hair fail because nowadays mostly person have a kind of job in which they have to complete the target in specified time example if i talk about marketing job. there is so stress in that kind of job. the person who working in that kind of profile likely to go bald early due to stress , but that does n’t necessarily mean that stress is the only factor responsible for baldness.
Cause 2-Overdoing vitamin A
overdoing of vitamin A cause to hair loss in many cases. according to the American Academy of Dermatology. The Daily Value for vitamin A is 5,000 International Units (IU) per day for adults and kids over age 4; supplements can contain 2,500 to 10,000 IU.
Cause 3-family background (history)
As far as family history is concerned, there is nothing that you can do. if there is a record of baldness in your family then there a big change for you to have this problem with you. You can only reduce your chances of losing a lot of hair by following a proper diet and lifestyle and what you can do for prevention you can avoid things that could contribute to accelerating hair loss.
Cause 4-Hair styling tools
Blow drying your hair after a shower may lead to hair loss because numerous studies suggest that blow drying your hair on a daily basis could contribute to a lot of hair fall.
Cause 5-use of chemical product
Shampoos, conditioners and even hair oils today are loaded with chemicals that mess up with your hair in more ways than one. mostly shampoos and conditioner have harmful chemicals that can be dangerous for your hair health.
be continue here http://www.naturallytreatment.blogspot.in/2014/04/top-10-causes-of-hair-loss.html
2014-09-17 21:11:22
answer #7
answered by ? 1
long hair is nice but requires maintenance and u have to grow it out for a long time
2017-02-23 03:25:43
answer #8
answered by Anthony 3
i have the same problem but i'm only 16..i've asked questions about my thinning hair and people tell me it may be my diet..or stress..or perhaps it's a thyroid problem..and that hair a good indicator of health. in that case i guess we're not too healthy. see a dermatologist maybe? good luck!
2007-03-20 09:52:58
answer #9
answered by incognito_092 1
http://dailyman.blogspot.com has good information on hair loss and other problems that men might occur.
2007-03-21 06:15:41
answer #10
answered by Anonymous