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Random question. 10 points for the most creative answer...
Use your imaginations!!!

2007-03-20 09:23:43 · 11 answers · asked by trailangel 4 in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

11 answers

how did they come up with the idea of a unicorn anyway?

we have a poor, abnormally tall goat to blame- who after an unfortunate barn door accident lost one of it's two protruding horns.

2007-03-20 09:27:19 · answer #1 · answered by brandylyn_kay 3 · 0 0

After many frustrated attempts to bite their foreheads, they found a simple answer, hopping on a chair. Why? They never told the reason openly. They only tell if you are a 13th degree free-mason.

2007-03-20 09:30:17 · answer #2 · answered by pestilpen3 5 · 0 0

With a paper clip a piece of chewing gum and some string, because they needed to Get to the moon and that was the quickest fix.

2007-03-20 09:27:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

drove around the corner, hid and waited from the bushes across the street for him to call.

"where did u guys go?"

"dude we're on our way to Mexico!!"

"what?! shut up and come back your my ride home"

"we can't we had to leave you behind cuz we accidental murdered someone and hid him in the garbage pail next to you so don't look!!"

"dude you have to give me a ride home or my mom will flip!"

"dude we can't we're on our way to Mexico already!"

"come back and get me, you bleeping liars!"
(walking to the garbage and slowly opening the lid)

"AHHHH" someone screams while poping out of the garbage pail.

I cannot describe the guy's reaction because i was rolling on the ground lauging, crying and peeing myself to death. We did it because we were young, bored and have a lot of imagination. What's even funnier is when one of the pranksters were trying to hid in a bush and said "I'm too big for this bush!"

2007-03-20 09:45:20 · answer #4 · answered by twiggysrevenge 5 · 0 0

By inhaling helium every day and night, with no rest,
Why, because they wanted to be a Munchkin on the Wizard of Oz.

2007-03-20 09:32:44 · answer #5 · answered by DrPepper 6 · 0 0

they put the stitch in the mufterizer... slowly added a few quafts of glutimose poxitaine. that produced a shift in the dishveedo upon mutation, which resulted in a total desicration of the mufterizer.

therefore producing the thing in question.

and why did they do it?

because they can......

2007-03-20 09:35:26 · answer #6 · answered by mikey 3 · 0 0

with the rope in the study, cause their card was in the envelope! I really hate that game, I never win.. haha

2007-03-20 09:28:29 · answer #7 · answered by lizzee 2 · 0 0

well some fools that were stoned wanted some cereal but they did not have milk, only marshmallows (they were white) so they melted marshmallows then added rice crispies and that is how we got rice crispie treats.

2007-03-20 09:28:20 · answer #8 · answered by kimberly 4 · 1 0

Very carefully. Because they felt like it

2007-03-20 09:31:30 · answer #9 · answered by wheeliemasta 3 · 0 0

They used magic and special effect, they did it to show off..

2007-03-20 09:27:58 · answer #10 · answered by Chica Loca 3 · 0 0

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