yes, love is blind
2007-03-20 09:00:13
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I can't believe people STILL think diploma's show how intelligent people are!
You could be marrying a complete and utter retard with a PhD, but I would rather marry someone with very high intelligence without a PhD.
You don't need a PhD to be intelligent, that's the most ludacrice thing I've heard in ages. That's like thinking a lucky penny or coin of your choice will make you rich in lottery games. People are putting too much value to diploma's, while these days they don't mean a thing anymore.
I have been out with men with an IQ nearly equal to... yes, Stephen Hawking, with no PhD or any diploma to show for, in a dead-end job. I go for intelligence, not for a piece of paper... pieces of paper aren't as good in bed as the person who has the intelligence.
2007-03-20 09:06:33
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Since I would be M.D. at least that or the equivalent of it in other areas but if no formal education at least somewhat successful.
If it were true love or love then high school diploma would be ok. Formal education doesn't really guarantee anything, I look at some of the people I work with and think "dear god how did you get here?". I guess I would like someone who can keep up with me and be able to carry a conversation.
But then someone told me the only real marriages that work between doctors is if you marry another doctor. From my colleagues divorce rate (married to non doctors) that seems to be true, so far.
2007-03-20 09:01:25
answer #3
answered by Lexy 6
Education really means nothing to me. I have an good education myself, but I know for a fact that there is an enormous difference between education and intellect. Some of the most intellectual people I know do not have a college education. Some of the college educated people I know are dumb as a box of rocks. Intellect (for the most part) is something you are born with. You either have it, or you do not. One CAN educate one's self and become knowledgable, but there still is a difference. The standard IQ test most public school children are given at the 5th or 6th grade level - is the same one you could take years later - and stats show that the scores (despite your continued education thereafter) are around the same. In other words, you score the same at 30 as you would score at 12. I belong to MENSA and have for nearly 30 years. In that 30 years some of the most intellectual people I know have not had one single year of college. In fact, the smartest man I have ever met drove a cab. (and was happy at doing so)
All of that being said, I have no preference when dating determined on college education. It is important to me that they are intelligent - but that does NOT equate to college education, therefore I care not.
2007-03-20 09:08:38
answer #4
answered by svmainus 7
I've gone both ways, husband 1 had basically a 3rd grade education, but was quite smart in other ways...but I soon got tired of explaining stuff to him that he really should have known. Husband 2 has a good education, degree, etc. I'm still tired of explaining stuff, and the cliches he uses drive me absolutely crazy. So, neither was a real winner, but #2 at least will work and hold a job. And can get a job worth having.
2007-03-20 09:02:59
answer #5
answered by Baby'sMom 7
I have to say I would. The person is what matters to me, not a piece of paper. I speak, read and write 3 languages, and do pretty fair on IQ tests, but have no college degree. I got a job doing what I always wanted and quit a full scholarship in college to go do it.
Sometimes I regret it, but I know I am a good person with or without a sheepskin diploma...
2007-03-21 02:59:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I have a BSc Hons and I am currently working on a Masters
I have been with my husband who has no qualifications for fourteen years but the experience of life he has found has no pretence that some over qualified people give and also provides me with a fresh insight to life and living.
2007-03-20 09:07:28
answer #7
answered by Chani 2
0⤋ must be young. My hubby doesn't have an formal education, while I do, but he is no less of a person because of it. I haven't read the other responses to this, but my guess is that you did offend some people. I love that my husband is a caring, loving, helpful person....none of those traits can be learned in school. I'm going back to answering the fun questions......
2007-03-20 09:05:05
answer #8
answered by JenJen 6
I would want to marry someone with at least a high school diploma and some college. But my boyfriend now has graduated from college and is taking additional training before he starts his new job in July.
2007-03-21 08:07:35
answer #9
answered by Katie S 2
Providing they had at least average reading and writing skills as I prefer a good personality overall and just for the record I have had partners ranging from dentists, to receptionists, to shop assistants to unemployed I'm not judgement and I don't mean that as a personal retort to you ( no offence intended )
2007-03-20 09:31:03
answer #10
answered by Zenlife07 6
A persons intelligence can't always be judged by how much education they have. I've met people that never completed High School and were better critical thinkers than some of the idiots I've met with Collage Degrees.
2007-03-20 09:06:41
answer #11
answered by Anonymous