Write a note to your Manager advising her that you require a meeting. If she declines, send her another saying you are approaching her manager. That should do the trick.
2007-03-20 08:35:41
answer #1
answered by MANCHESTER UK 5
Why not ask to see them both together? that way your manager will need to do something. Send an email requesting a meeting with them both providing a brief outline of what you want to discuss. Most senior managers are open to help employees who what to do their best for the organisation they work for.
When meeting with them go in prepared if you are being seen as a trouble maker make sure that you get documented cases where people view you like this. It could be that you have a lively or dominating personality or even more outgoing that other people in the team. Explain your concerns about how people view you and that you are worried that this could harm your career.
2007-03-20 08:40:54
answer #2
answered by Chani 2
'issues' a word that hides a wide range of opinions, have you considered if every one feels differently to you, you may be wrong?
If you are looking at procedural issues and have identified 'faults' or 'errors' in the operation within the area of your responsibility and competence then you should be able to discuss these easily with your boss.
If you have developed the habit on commenting about other people or how their job should be done you need to think about how you approach this. Should you feel you have a good idea, talk first to your boss and ask them if they think it is a good idea and if so what approach to take. If not you can learn by asking them why?
If you are seen as making comments about others and have placed yourself on a pedestal(even unwittingly) just wait until you make a mistake!!
No offence intended but,
you have been there 16 months it seems a long time, but when others around you have been there 10 years keep in mind they will have seen lots like 'you' come and go.
2007-03-27 02:53:29
answer #3
answered by noeusuperstate 6
Don't stay stuck in an unhappy situation.
The best result I personally have had when dealing with that kind of situation, is to find another job, and quit in a good way. Treat everyone nicely, even the bad ones!
If you really think you "deserve" a good job with a "fair" employer, you should take a vacation to India or China. That will surely change your thinking.
If you make a big bad noise at your company and get fired, you'll be in trouble when trying to find your next job.
Keep your life on track, and don't become "the troublemaker".
2007-03-28 04:15:01
answer #4
answered by looks like a human 4
be very, very careful about drawing more attention to your faults (perceived or otherwise) than you have to. If you do approach your senior manager, don't b!tch and whine, just tell her that you are aware certain people arent happy with your performance and you'd be interested to know how you can improve. whatever you do, dont start slagging off other people.
if you're seen as a troublemaker you must have some awareness of why this is. Maybe you phrase your opinions in a negative way or just shout them too loudly! I used to be the same where I worked, and believe me, they dont appreciate people who dont tow the line or who moan about other people. If you cant express your opinions in a tactful and constructive way, don't express them at all
2007-03-20 08:38:34
answer #5
answered by G*I*M*P 5
I have the exact dame problem believe it or not - I have a fairly informal attitude at work and for that reason I'm seen as a trouble-maker and lazy, when i'm actually neither. it really gets me dow and I'mthinking about looking for something new. If one manager sees you as a trouble-maker the idea will soon spread to other superiors, i would try to keep my head down to be honest! i spoke up and it did not work out in my favour!
2007-03-25 11:53:25
answer #6
answered by Happening_babe 4
I agree with most - we need more info to help decide a course of action.
Some thoughts though:
1) if it's mostly in your imagination and you draw attention to it, then your perception becomes other people's reality.
2) if you're positive your supervisor has a negative opinion of you, go talk to him/her. Just be secure, make the conversation constructive. "Hey, I wanted to say that I know someone has been telling you I'm doing such and such. I just want you to know, that's not the case and I'm just trying to get my job done."
Your supervisor should see themselves at least partly as your advocate, even when they're giving you feedback you don't like. Ultimately, it's far easier for things to work out than to have drama and eventually firings and hirings going on. Only an idiot WANTS to fire someone. Trust me, that's a last resort.
3) don't go to HR except as a last resort. That is a career limiting move. as long as your supervisor is around, they will never forget that you not only did an end run around them, but that it was to HR.
2007-03-20 08:50:28
answer #7
answered by MithrilHawk 4
Managers are there to help, so voice your concerns intelligently and articuatley, If still nothing gets done, show her what a "trouble maker" you can really be and go over her head and explain to "her" supervisor that she was not effective in helping you resolve your problem
2007-03-28 01:30:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
1) Are you sure about this?
2) Why are you seen in this way?
3) get a couple of self help books on assertiveness under your belt as it will help when you need to voice someting uncomfortable
2007-03-20 08:36:56
answer #9
answered by D B 6
lets face anyone who speaks out now in the work place is labelled a troublemaker
you either shut up or get out
been there done it
no firm likes you if you stand up for your rights
but they dont mind if your health suffers or conditions are bad
how many times have i been told to not rock the boat in the past
NOW work for myself and sacked myself 29 times over
2007-03-23 03:53:52
answer #10
answered by steve50 3