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well ive tried it and it never works for me. plus a pillow is alwys in the most inconvenient place. its on your bed or somethign and if you put it up against, the wall, which ive tried, you sometimes punch right through the pillow and hurt your hand on the wall. what can i do to get rid of anger that is effective and isnt inconviently placed ?

2007-03-20 07:54:56 · 15 answers · asked by lonesome me 4 in Social Science Psychology

15 answers

Take up Kickboxing?

2007-03-20 07:57:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Channeling your anger into constructive activities is one of the best ways to go! It IS the best way, but some people have a hard time harnessing it at first.
So, yes, a good brisk walk is the best place to start, b/c it will remove you from the situation, and get rid of the built-up adrenaline that shoots through your system when you get all worked up.
Sometimes we forget that emotions have physical components, and we forget how to soothe ourselves.
You know how the diet commercials say that the STRESS chemical cortisol keeps us fat in the gut?
Yeah, well, anger sends adrenaline surging.
Be careful, though. If oyu get addicted to the good checmicals in exercising (yes, I'm serious),
then you may find yourself getting angry more often b/c it gives you an excuse to get out again.
So you should just WALK it off. If you like the rush, you should do more exciting exercise at non-angry times, just so your body knows the difference and doesn't trick you into a fight.
(That's behavioral science, if you need to look it up.)

2007-03-20 15:03:55 · answer #2 · answered by starryeyed 6 · 0 2

Throw a roll of toilet paper against a wall. I did this once when I was really mad and wanted to throw something. I had enough composure to realize that I didn't want to have to clean up a mess afterward so I grabbed a roll of TP and threw it against a wall, as hard as I could, over and over until I felt better. That helped, and the toilet paper roll didn't hurt the wall at all. Make sure there's nothing on the wall that you can knock off though. Screaming when you do it may help too...anything to release that anger from inside!!

2007-03-20 15:02:10 · answer #3 · answered by Tallulah 4 · 1 1

Okay, so you're one of those who have to express their anger physically and the "punch a pillow" doesn't work. I suppose "counting to 10" is not an option either. And definitely bottling it inside you is sooooo unhealthy. We have got to be more creative then. Try these ----------

1. Stomping. Pretend you're in a big tub full of grapes...yup, you're squeezing all those juices...keep stomping...keep the rhythm...hmmm that wine would soooooo good.

2. Kick-boxing. Up in the air, up 2-3-4...higher, up 2-3-4....
release that anger, up 2-3-4...now, isn't that a great workout?

3. Throwing Cheap Dishes. Buy cheap, cheap cheap plastic dishes...keep throwing around the house...careful, don't break anything....anger gone?...now, be a good girl, and pick them all up...that bending will do you go!


2007-03-20 15:53:03 · answer #4 · answered by Inday 7 · 0 1

The ONLY thing that helps me is to throw something breakable. I know its not the most convenient thing..but there always seems to be something breakable around.. just look for the closest thing that would break if thrown, but obviously not something of too much value! or even something that would make a loud noise when hitting something else. for some reason, this seems to calm me.

2007-03-20 15:06:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I've never tried punching a pillow, but I have tried screaming. That always helps me.

2007-03-20 14:58:11 · answer #6 · answered by Joa5 5 · 1 1

some people take up painting, drawing, listning to music, playing vidio games, watching T.V. , playing sports, work out. i lift weights while listning to my music so i use my anger constructivly so I don't waste energy.

2007-03-20 15:04:33 · answer #7 · answered by ldsironman 5 · 0 0

Picture the pillow as the person you want to hit or thing you want to hit.

2007-03-20 14:57:48 · answer #8 · answered by amberlynne_2007 3 · 0 1

I know, it is so horrible. I think you need to see a psychiatrist so you can be on meds. The meds can control your anger that has been in your system.

2007-03-20 15:00:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

flip your mattress up against the wall and go ape **** crazy on it

2007-03-20 14:57:51 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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