EnGeorgemyselfinlies Blindtotheworldush (lol, i like that one!)
2007-03-20 07:55:57
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes, okay, Milky, I will keep this g-rated and very civil. Plain and simple. I will let the facts speak for themselves. Bush, our now active president lied to us, knowingly beforehand, about Iraq. Bush told the american people that Iraq had w.m.d. (weapons of mass destruction). Here is the enigma. Bush invaded Iraq under the justification of the 911 bombings. Bush and his administration are all angels without white wings, and none have a halo up above their heads. Bush is very secretive and the only reason bush invaded Iraq under false pretense and lies is for one very obvious reason, and you can argue and deny this till you're blue in the face, but Bush loves oil, and oil brings wealth and power, and bush and his blood family, particulary his father, the ex-prez. ,,, are and have been involved with hugh mega oil corporations and I could go on. An interesting point, Bush is just waiting to invade Iran again, under false pretense for the o-i-l. He is waiting for the right time when he can pump everyone up into believing that Iran is dangerous, and in fact the real terrorist and dangerous man is Mr. Bush. Yes, there is more detail, but I will spare you all for I have been instructed to keep this polite, and, clean, but I believe I've made a point beyond opinion due to the facts on my personal research on this very devious issue. Thank you.
2007-03-20 15:05:37
answer #2
answered by Pink Honey 3
George Wrong Answer Bush
2007-03-20 14:54:06
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Bungijumpincrabs Fromdeundacheez!
2007-03-20 14:54:14
answer #4
answered by boodini2@sbcglobal.net 3
George hide behind the Bush!
2007-03-20 14:56:20
answer #5
answered by maggie209 5
"osama's demise", go bushy go! he's doing his job,he's doing what he feels is rite. imagine it on a smaller scale: how would you feel after some one broke into your house ransacked it killed your family...etc...thats your domain... your property....your family, they cant be bought back. well?
then, that is his country, his family,his property, those people who died(sept 9/11,R.I.P) cant be bought back.
osama bin laden has said he will not stop. i am aussie and i watched the coverage on tv,it ripped my heart out.
i watched george bush give his speech on ground zero, how patriotic his he! it gave me goose bumps. i take my hat of to him.his job is far from easy!
and as for the soldiers they knew when they entered the forces that they may be required and what is required.
good on them! and good on george bush i hope he brings that bin laden down! he/they got saddam, they should have ended that in desert storm 1991, the world is better without them! i appoligise to those who dont agree but to each his own.peace.
2007-03-25 01:12:01
answer #6
answered by jo.joggers 4
George the big wus Bush!
2007-03-20 14:53:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
George "Stay the Course" Bush
2007-03-20 14:58:04
answer #8
answered by Kd 5
Mr. President.
Whether you agree with his policies or not , he deserves respect.
If you profess to be a Christian -- then the Bible instructs us to support and pray for our nations leaders--
Acts 23: verse 5
...for it is written, "you shall not speak evil of a ruler of your people"
Exodus 22 : 28
You shall not curse God nor curse a ruler of your people
Timothy 2: 1--2
....Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority....
Even if you are not a believer, if this truth is followed it lends support and unity within a country. If there is disrespect and disregard for a leader, it brings down morale and leads to disharmony and dissent -- breaking down any hope for being a united nation.
2007-03-20 23:16:24
answer #9
answered by girlnamedmaria 6
My favorite is Mr. Bush. It's clean, simple and to the point. I don't call him a president because he doesn't seem to deserve the title. Oh well.
2007-03-20 14:55:15
answer #10
answered by TWO_4MeNone4U 2