Not all of those who have high IQ...just whenever I get to know somebody who is highly intelligent (informational wise) they tend to be emotional, greedy, and lack common sense, and wind up digging their own graves....why do they always do that?
12 answers
asked by
Social Science
➔ Psychology
Hmmm...I have got to known many people. I don't understand the whole, "Birds of a feather, flock together" concept. I have smart friends, average friends, all sorts of people that I have come to known in my life. Why do I only have to know and befriend those with the same feather as mine? I like to explore people. I like people.
07:48:01 ·
update #1
Common sense is one of the most uncommon things around. Total oxymoron.
Intelligence does not supply it, only wisdom does.
2007-03-20 07:55:10
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Because "common sense", as it's normally described, isn't all that common anymore. Seriously, just look at some of the Questions and Answers many people here *alone* can't be bothered with simple basic grammar or manners? I'm not talking perfect English or perfect manners, just the idea that, oh, saying "thank you" or "please" once in a while might, just maybe, be appropriate? Or that spelling Y-O-U with just a "u" never is?
Honestly though, I think a lot of it depends on a basic difference in how people learn how to do ordinary and everyday things. Smarter people tend to learn what they learn by thinking their way through things. This works well for the more complicated endeavors in life, like using a computer or flying an aircraft, but it can be a real let-down for more ordinary challenges. People with a more ordinary IQ end up, usually, having to memorize things by heart, meaning there is more of an "autopilot" tendency that works really well on the more ordinary, simpler stuff (like driving a car, using a telephone or calculator, etc.) but goes to crap whenever anything new or complicated shows up.
Case in point: Do you *Know* how to tie your shoes? Or is it a routine that you just do? *Explain to me* in short, simple words, how you would tie your shoelaces.
People with a higher IQ have thought through this, and so would have a better explanation, but if it were dark, or the shoes were laced funny, they literally would have to take more time and *start from scratch* to tie their shoes--I've had this happen to me more than once, ok?
On the other hand, people with more ordinary IQ might not be able to *explain* it so well, but the memory is so burnt in that the shoes get tied in a competent fashion no matter what the conditions.
That is what your "common sense" really boils down to. Is what you know a knowledge or a routine that is closer to a learned skill? People who have to think things through to learn, and therefore *relearn* things that most folks take for granted (because for them they are *memorized*), are said to lack "common sense", because most other people "know", in the sense of having memorized by rote, what the automatic routine is for the circumstance or conditions.
Still....I don't think that is *so bad* for most people in most circumstances, is it? ^_^ Or would you put everyone on the same auto-pilot, having them only know what they've memorized, and having them only "do what they're told to do when they are told to do it"? Because that is one other thing I notice, when the words "common sense" come up....
That is, I notice that "common sense" ends up being based in part on an appeal *against* reason and intelligence in favor of *authority*. So what is it, is it really all a power game?
Just asking.... ^_^
2007-03-20 08:10:22
answer #2
answered by Bradley P 7
A good friend of mine is like that! He's really smart but lacks common sense.
2007-03-20 07:43:41
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It's all where your focus is.
If you're bright, like me, it's easy to get into serious thought, and pay little attention to the actual world around you!
If you're not so bright, you just go along with the flow, I guess, and that works well in real life situations.
Six of one, half dozen of the other.
PS, I DO learn by mistakes...
and have learned to foresee some B4 making them.
Probably because I finally got out of school and college and had to LIVE.
2007-03-20 07:45:48
answer #4
answered by starryeyed 6
My opinion is you can't have a large IQ and a large EQ (common sense) because well than you would be a perfect person. Just like not everyone is athletic and intelligent. But what a great question.
2007-03-20 07:42:24
answer #5
answered by Sam K 3
Common sense is the out come of love and affection with all beings!
A loving being only can be a OVERALL INTELLIGENT in 360 degree!
Where as what you say here are, narrowed people, well versed in their particular field and not in the common livelyhood!
For example, the mathematical genius Ramanujam-India was an eccentric in his behaviour, other than mathematics!!
It is not uncommon with any genius, with few exception in the long history!
A MAN WHO FOCUS TOO MUCH, 24 HOURS, IN A PARTICULAR AREA CAN WIN A NOBEL PRIZE FROM THE AUTHORITY BUT NEVER FROM HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN! And usually he lacks all common sense to bahave with the society! It is quite natural, and NEVER SAY THEY ARE HIGHLY INTELLIGENT, but say please, they are "highly intellectual poor beings" in a particular narrow- segment!!
2007-03-20 07:57:14
answer #6
answered by yozenbalki 2
Common sense is relative to what 'senses' a person sees as common. Maybe the people who, as you say, lack common sense have a different sense of common sense. I'd need more details to respond more in depth.
2007-03-20 07:58:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Why do you always choose to befriend such people? Ever hear the old saw: Birds of a feather flock together? Be more alert about your choice of friends and choose them for their actions, not their IQ.
2007-03-20 07:43:23
answer #8
answered by Marilyn S 4
Emotional intelligence has nothing to do with IQ.
2007-03-20 07:41:27
answer #9
answered by inotherwords 2
If someone TELLS you they have a high IQ, that's not a good sign.
2007-03-20 07:55:28
answer #10
answered by TaDa 4