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As far as people, and clothes and being well groomed and physically fit with a look to go with it, I'm talking about the kind of burning need that you feel, the compulsive urge that tells your brain that you've got to be impress (attention) ; the kind of impression that leaves people of an imprint of me in their minds.
At work and school!

2007-03-20 06:32:56 · 5 answers · asked by Sonia2003 1 in Social Science Psychology

5 answers

The best thing to do is not try to impress anyone. It shows when people try to impress. I know that "be yourself" sometimes sounds annoying, but really, now days the best way to impress someone is just be laid back, holding yourself together well. Try not to be a people pleaser. Every time you spend a lot of your energy into someone else cuz you want them to be impressed, you expect them to give you something in return. And often times you end up being hurt cuz there was nothing given to you in return. So it's not the people's aproval that you need, you need an aproval from yourself. If you feel you're doing good in school, work, and you cleaned your room before you left your home, and you're in peace with your parents, friends, you will feel better about yourself, people will notice that and you will be remembered!

2007-03-20 06:45:46 · answer #1 · answered by timekiller 2 · 0 0

This question puzzles me. I think, perhaps, the people who make lasting impressions of themselves in public, do so unconsciously. There are the bad impressions of people behaving badly which is probably intentional. And then there are the highly evolved people who are leaders at work and school.

It seems to me that the ones who are the most effective are thinking more about getting the job done in a timely manner, keeping the peace and managing to be kind. So many times these people are having little thought about what others think of them. They are too busy.

2007-03-20 13:50:36 · answer #2 · answered by Jenny 5 · 0 0

Unfortunately everyone is trying all they can to leave an imprint and so it becomes really hard. Personally I think and believe that just being yourself will touch more lives than you can ever think of. Be different by being yourself and best wishes.

2007-03-20 13:45:13 · answer #3 · answered by Addicted2GRACE 3 · 0 0

I think throwing up on the Japanese Ambassador is hard to beat.

2007-03-20 13:38:40 · answer #4 · answered by iraqisax 6 · 0 0

to have self confidence. Not to blow your own horn when it's not necessary. Make people feel that you are approachable and socialable. To make people feel that they are important to you.

2007-03-20 14:21:29 · answer #5 · answered by letgo 4 · 0 0

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