An easy to care for fish would be White Cloud Mountain Minnow, Tanichthys albonubes. MUCH more hardy than Neons. They are sub-tropical and can survive in water as low as 50°, though their ideal range is 64-72° which matches their native environment of southern China and northern Vietnam. My tanks get close to 80° in summer days and they can take this as well. They are great for a set-up with no heater spring-summer and fall, but I'd suggest a heater in the winter.
They run under $1 for the standard variety, some of the more exotic versions run about $3 each. You could support a small school of 6-7. I'd start with about 3 and add more in four weeks and again in eight.
2007-03-20 06:32:26
answer #1
answered by something_fishy 5
Your Goldfish likely died because 10 gallons is far too small for even one; they need 20 gallons minimum per fish (you might put 2 in a well maintained 30 gallon tank; by well-maintained I mean one that has good filtration, frequent water changes).
In a 10 gallon tank I would consider a male betta ('fighting fish') and some ghost shrimp or some pygmy corydoras.
Bettas are really personable; they will respond to people approaching the tank and 'beg' for food. They are also stunning if kept healthy. Corydoras in general are very cute and enjoy interacting in groups. Another option would be one dwarf gourami - a very colourful and charismatic little fish (a labyrinthine species - same as the betta), and some neon tetras (about 6). The tetras are different to the corydoras in that they will use all of the tank (corys are bottom dwellers). Have a look online and see what you prefer.
You will require an appropriately sized heater and filter for the tank, and you need to learn about the nitrogen cycle, but I think I gave you some links in answer to another question you posted which will start you off there.
Good luck!
2007-03-20 13:31:04
answer #2
answered by listlessfish 1
Male bettas are beautiful but you can only have one of them in the same tank.... so having it in a ten gallong would be a little bit of a waste... female bettas are better since they can have more than one in the sam etank without the result of a fight. and dont worry the death of your gold fish is not because of yoru tank.... 10 gallons is plenty for a goldfish!!! you defiantely do not need 20 gallons per goldfish.... I have 8 tropical fish in a twenty gallon tank and only one of my angelfish died..... small angelfish are good too, they are very pretty but you have to be careful with them because they are very fragile you have to have the water at the right temp so should not be bought if you dont feel like buying a pump and heater.... well a small catfish is also good... i have one and it has marvelous colors and aren't as fragile as the angelfish
good luck and have fun
2007-03-20 14:20:56
answer #3
answered by ScreamMeALullabyy 3
i would go with female Bettas. I have a 10 gallon aquarium and i put a male Betta, but he didn't like it at all. I guess it was too big for him. He just stayed in the corner until i moved him into a smaller tank. He wouldn't eat until i moved him either. As soon as he was in a smaller tank, he would swim all over the place, and loved it. I ended up buying 6 female bettas for the 10 gallon. They aren't as showy as males, but they still have BEAUTIFUL colors, and are very fun fish. They play alot, and are very low maintence. They don't need an air pump because they breath air, and they could survive without a heater or filter (but i would still suggest them)
good luck!
2007-03-22 06:27:33
answer #4
answered by Andii 3
A small school (about 5 or 6) zebra danios would work Some may argue that 10 gallon isn't enough swimming room for the but I think they would be fine. They would also be fine in an unheated tank. They are very active fish and extremely hardy.
2007-03-20 13:30:00
answer #5
answered by rdd1952 3
Guppies, Platies, Bettas are all very easy but make sure for the Guppies and platies you have a heater. Make sure you wash the tank REALLY good since the oils from the fish can kill the other fish
2007-03-20 20:40:38
answer #6
answered by Jason L 2
I would go with a larger fish because a 10 gallon tank is good sized maybe a couple LARGE goldfish if you still like them.
2007-03-20 18:14:35
answer #7
answered by jarrett t 1
I like small tetras and peaceful small barbs for a 10 gallon personally. They are hardy, cheap and stay small enough to be comfortable in a 10 gallon tank.
2007-03-20 13:26:08
answer #8
answered by magicman116 7
try livebearers like guppies, swordtails, mollies, platies,... etc. or gouramis like dwarf gourami, neon, blue, gold, snakeskin.
these fish are extremely hardy. they with survive different nitrite or ammonia spikes. and its not a big deal if you miss a water change or two
also they are very peaceful, not aggressive. plus they are beatiful.
2007-03-20 14:49:45
answer #9
answered by dustmaster69 2
Danios are hardy fish and are recommended for beginners like you. I would basically recommend the zebra danio.
2007-03-20 16:29:53
answer #10
answered by Anonymous