No one with a brain disagrees with it.
The real problem in America is stupidity, special interest and/or laziness of the voter. How does a person who takes bribes on video, laughs about the ineptness of the FBI and puts $100K in a freezer get elected 8 times? And then the Senate leaders yell and scream about separation of powers. Yes they are right, it is about their power and even if it is against the law, you will not thwart their power.
You have career politicians running the government, not citizen legislators. Many accuse the career corporate CEO of only working for themselves, not the stockholders. Career politicians are NO different and they seem to think they are above the law and expect preferential treatment. If the only issue to remaining in power is to obtain cash, buy some votes with special interests and have the media spotlight, then the incumbent has it easy, all at your expense.
In the Senate there are:
44 Dems averaging 20.8 years in Congress
55 Reps averaging 16.1 years in Congress
these numbers begin to make it look like career politicians are in control, who have lost touch with you the citizen and are more entrenched in their own careers.
For the Senate, if you were to use two terms or 12 years in Congress as a term limit
25 Dems would need to leave and 25 Reps would need to leave.
Those Dems are averaging 27.1 years in Congress
Those Reps averaging 24.0 years.
80% of Dems in the Senate have been there more than 12 years
58% of Repubs have.
46% of Dems in the House have been there more than 12 years
32% of Repubs have.
Ben Franklin said of congress, "They are of the People, and return again to mix with the People, having no more durable preeminence than the different Grains of Sand in an Hourglass. Such an Assembly cannot easily become dangerous to Liberty. They are the Servants of the People, sent together to do the People's Business, and promote the public Welfare; their Powers must be sufficient, or their Duties cannot be performed. They have no profitable Appointments, but a mere Payment of daily Wages, such as are scarcely equivalent to their Expences; so that, having no Chance for great Places, and enormous Salaries or Pensions, as in some Countries, there is no triguing or bribing for Elections"
If you like the current political system continue voting along partisan lines. If however you are tired of the corrupt ways of elections and would like to see Franklins words be true again, vote for change.
Our country is being run by career politicians who for the most part appear to have lost touch with what you want, and are focused on what they want.
You can change this NOW.
1. Quit your partisan sniping, it is childish and only serves to remove the focus from the real problem in America.
2. Enlist your friends and family in the fight and ask them, if they agree about Congress to do the same.
3. Vote against the person who has 12 or more combined years in Congress
4. This will require in many instances you having to vote for someone outside of your normal party, but you are a patriot and you can do what is right.
Show congress in this next election that we the people are running things in this country, not career politicians. And we are going to do what is right.
I will end now with a favorite quote of mine.
“If a legislator is "safe" from competition, or if he represents groups with the same economic and political beliefs, he does not have to change his ideas or respond to the needs of the broader population. He can rest content with a mediocre, absentee performance knowing he will be returned to office. And as he is returned year after year the seniority system gives him immense control over people from other parts of the country whose views he need not heed at all.” -Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Decisions for a Decade
2007-03-20 09:50:05
answer #1
answered by rmagedon 6
Term limits have always existed in the United States. For congressmen it is every 2 years, senators 6 and Presidents 4. The limit is called an election. At the end of one's term they are up for election to another. If the voters are happy with their performance they get to keep the seat otherwise they are out and someone else is in.
2007-03-20 05:07:30
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
In theory, i disagree with it for many reasons. The populace should be free to elect whomever they want. Any restrictions on who can run, is a restriction on freedom. The populace should be intelligent and educated enough to realize that a change is good, and not keep electing the same person forever.
All of this is good in theory, but does not work in real life. The populace is far to ignorant, and far too gullible. Our representatives constantly abuse us and lie to us, yet they are re-elected continually.
So I would be against term limits in a perfect world. But we live in a screwed up world with massive amounts of ignorance and corruption. Therefore, I do support term limits as a way to correct the problems created by the voting population's ignorance.
2007-03-20 04:50:36
answer #3
answered by Aegis of Freedom 7
the thank you to hold their ft to the fire is the sole question approximately your thought. removing the pension venture and scientific plan capacity something they vote on might impact them additionally might help. i might think of the reason they had to serve might might desire to bypass formerly a reality detector for the period of their campaign. I agree term limits are reliable, yet how long does one might desire to electrify the country's venture? nicely, the gadget we've precise now's at present killing the country, however the country is the only that voted contained in those that are killing us. you recognize, God provides us the leaders we deserve, and because we placed those there now, i ask your self how interior the heck we can locate powerfuble ones to interchange them. in no way from Universities. Oh nicely "D*# the torpedoes, finished speed forward.;" we are getting our butts kicked as that's now.
2016-11-27 00:42:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I think Teddy Kennedy would be unhappy if we had term limits but I think he's part of the reason we should have them.
2007-03-20 05:04:36
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Should have limits in all of Government and put an end to career politicians.
2007-03-20 04:52:20
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Dennis Hastert. He signed the Contract With America, but his 12 years expired last year.
2007-03-20 04:46:39
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
We have term limits for Prez, should have them for Senators and Congressmen too.
2007-03-20 04:45:45
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
In Bush's case, I wish the limit would have been one term.
2007-03-20 04:45:51
answer #9
answered by Anonymous