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It seems as if all my friends had a father or uncle that got them a position at one of the big firms, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, etc. Unfortunately, I do not have these connections. Do you have any suggestions on how I get these companies to consider me for hire?

2007-03-20 03:58:42 · 4 answers · asked by scumbag 1 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Never fail to get at least one wiseass response, thanks pedro.

2007-03-20 04:10:26 · update #1

4 answers

The first thing you should know is that this field is extremely competitive. These companies are all hiring, but they are also being very careful about who they select. You may be a great person with excellent talents, but so do the 80% of rookies that fail in this industry every year.

That being said. Persistance is the key to making it in this field, and thus persistance will be what gets you into this field. Also, you need a strong educational background as well as marketing experience. You need to be a people-personwho can build relationships with people.

My advice, if you are qualified and are truely motivated to work 60 hour weeks to make it in this business, then you have to keep sending resume's and keep making the calls. Persistance will get you in the door, and success will keep you there.

2007-03-20 13:17:48 · answer #1 · answered by iconsult300 3 · 0 0

If you really want in you'll want to get your CPA. That requires specific education. Other than that, they'll want to see some experience (in the range of years) with finance and accounting firms. Yes sometimes it is about connections, but I'll bet a lot of your friends did their time getting the right education as well as the right internships and part time jobs.

2007-03-20 04:30:30 · answer #2 · answered by JM 3 · 0 1

Are you qualified? Do you have the skills they need? What type of job you looking for?

All of the big firms are hiring right now. But they are only hiring the right people

2007-03-20 04:22:23 · answer #3 · answered by NYC_Since_the_90s 6 · 0 0

maybe changing you name would help

2007-03-20 04:06:14 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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