Amen !
2007-03-20 06:35:52
answer #1
answered by J Truth 6
because all the minions are also as much of a loser as ceman. ceman doesn't deserve to be respected at all. All ceman deserves is to be the b*tch of Vito. And we all know that a crossdresser (vito) is better than ceman
2007-03-21 17:05:11
answer #2
answered by beijingrocks! 5
Yawn Semen sucked a ss since he worked for Smack Down ... He lame movie is so over with , so drop the gimmick all damn ready ... I thought it was funny when he went through a WHOLE day at a Marine basic training camp,and cried like a baby being tough and difficult
2007-03-20 09:26:04
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
ummm, im not sure who you are talking about, ive heard of JOHN CENA, but never jon ceman, unless that was your moms pornstar name. oh and u stupidass, its HE not SHE, and also if ur gonna keep saying john ceman, atleast spell it john, also in that picture for the avitar, is that your mom, or you?
2007-03-22 10:42:02
answer #4
answered by Lava 4
it seems that u are so obessed with cena. every question u post is about him. why? why waste time with someone u don't like. i hope u know u are playing right into vince mcmahon's hand. even though u don't like cena, every time u say something about him, u are talking about him and promoting him in some way. that's what vince wants. mainstream attention for his top guys. :)
2007-03-20 03:13:15
answer #5
answered by The Heartbreak Kid 4
I can't stand Cena's lame gangster/military gimmick. He can't wrestle for ****!
I hate Vince's *** for constantly booking this BS for these stupid *** teeny-boppers! He is making this piece of garbage look like Superman.
2007-03-20 02:24:03
answer #6
answered by Arnold 4
bruiser yu have a right to yor opinion and yu dont have to respect anyone just cuz someone says yu do. i personally dont like batista
2007-03-21 17:06:40
answer #7
answered by Davey Boy Smith #1 Fan- VACATION 6
right on my man,the marine gimmick has to go,that **** pisses me off,just because vince wants to pull ratings and win money doesnt mean that a stupid gay *** piece of monkey **** has to make fun of the marines!!!!!!!!!!!! and im also pissed off about last night,make benoit tap to him,that was terrible
2007-03-20 03:16:19
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I actually like most of the things you have to say,every ones entitled to their opinion!!
2007-03-20 05:50:42
answer #9
answered by molliehollie 7
maybe because it is not semens fault! it's the wwe that sold him to the mass!i myself don't like him anymore unlike the time that he was an asshole insulting every state,dsirespecting wrestlers, everyone!
for me that was cool!
2007-03-20 02:20:34
answer #10
answered by frootloose 3
i don't care you like him or not...everyone has thier own choice but please be a llittle chilled out...i like cena he is a cool dude i respect him as a wrestler.....and were not john cenas minion were his fans just like you are of bruiser brody who died...he was also an amazing athelete.....
2007-03-20 02:27:35
answer #11
answered by Anonymous