They lied so well, saying that "intelligence sources" informed them... blah, blah, blah... they fooled a nation, so what's wrong if they also fooled Hilary and all repukes? but they also did not mention how they failed to listen to the reports that were offered by the Clinton administration well before 9/11 (mostly from CIA sources, not politically motivated) and later, after 9/11, they lied about the reports that are now a matter of record and shows that they lied and those lives might've been saved! 9/11 occurred 9 months into Dubya's administration, NOT during Clinton's! IF only Bush and his arrogance had taken the time to allow Clinton's staff to brief him on the dangers they were investigating... 9/11 might have been averted!
Of course, as common practice with this administration of shifting blame to others (they LOVE to blame Slick Willy), they love to say that Slick Willy did nothing about Bin Ladin... but Clinton admits sending operatives out to kill him... and not one person from the government has dared say different so it MUST be true...
So, let's see... Hussein was in power 25 years... 25 years before his eventual capture we had Reagan in power for 8 years (he did nothing), then we had Bush Sr., for 4 years (did nothing), then Slick Willy for 8 years (sent CIA to kill Bin Ladin, had CIA investigating Hussein), now we have Dubya... 6 years of war and about 3,300 American killed, Bin Ladin is still at large, and our troops (NOT Dubya who's had more vacations than any other 3 Presidents) were able to follow up on a tip that led to the capture of Hussein (at the cost of HOW MANY MILLIONS?)... so, Slick Willy's 8 years vs repukes' 18 years?
This administration is also fond of diverting attention from the real issues affecting our nation (the aged, elderly, retired, disabled, poor, increasing homelessness numbers...) with talks of a wall by the Mexican border, before that it was illegal aliens as though they were to blame for every ill of this nation but no talk of how they provide the rich with cheap labor for jobs Americans aren't willing to do; the result was to turn people against those who are least capable of defending themselves, those who are abused at the workplace as well as where the live and try to raise a family... (their bosses are the ones not paying the taxes, by the way). Then, there was the so-called Patriot Act, which is akin to McCarthyism and the show of weapons to intimidate the populace as their Constitutional rights, liberties and freedoms are routinely abused... while Dubya funnels huge fortunes into his cronies' coffers!
This administration is far too arrogant, has no morals, dignity, scruples, conscience or sense of reality, and treats itself above the same laws and morals it imposes on the rest of us... apologize?... THAT would be the day!
EDITED: OkieBoy, when are you LEAVING back to the war? I'll have a cup of coffee in your name! My family has buried many members since WW I and each and every war and conflict to the present; enough is enough, Halliburten has ghoulishly made several fortunes at the expense of our dying and wounded service men and women. No one here questions YOUR patriotism but it was YOUR decision to enlist and fight this contrived war... why should the rest of our service men and women fight for someone else's profits?
EDITED: Randy P, first, both of the last two elections were marred with fraud; votes from our service personnel went UNcounted, alongwith many, many hundreds of thousands of other votes in a state where Dubya’s brother was the Governor; there were many, many defective voting machines in precincts KNOWN to favor Democratic candidates which caused long delays and discouraged many from voting; in 2004, again the same complaint of defective, broken voting machines, long lines, etc., in the precincts favoring Democratic candidates of several states; and, rigged electronic machines from a company that not only favors Dubya and his henchmen but had huge lucrative contracts with the Federal Government. It was documented and shown via public television how those machines were rigged to give the same result regardless of the actual voting. Yes, the Armed Services IS indeed composed of volunteers but they and the rest of America have been lied to, and the contrived war was based on premeditated lies and calculated misinformation to get us into a war for the benefit of the super rich and powerful to control oil fields, without the bidding protocol or negotiations but more along cronyism and the spoils of war! I have no need to question the leader of any other country but this one where I am a citizen, taxpayer and voter… since my Constitutional rights, freedoms and liberties that are in jeopardy. For YOUR information, this is not even a Democracy but a Plutocracy where the rich and powerful control the government, the elections and the elected officials for their own continued enrichment. When was the last President nominated BY the people of the USA and elected BY the people of the USA (not nominated by party bosses in smoke-filled back rooms and presumably elected by the Electoral College)??? Someone lied to you if you really belive that the "majority rules." Do some research, please.
2007-03-19 21:33:24
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The Republicans have nothing to apologize for. They were voted in a democratic manner (no question about this time), they did what they thought was right to protect the country.
The United States Armed Forces are made up of a volunteer crew in which every person has swore to serve and protect the country. They get and obey orders from their Commander in Chief without question. They serve faithfully so you can have your freedom of speech to do what you will and question the motives of the government.
Try questioning the leader of Iran or China and see what happens. It is because of those freedoms that if we feel that the Republicans have lied or let us down, there are other methods to deal with that such as impeachment or something they call an election.
Do not lay this on the Republicans. If anything, lay this on the voters who put them in office in the first place.
And if by chance the voters want them for another four years, this will be something that everyone will have to deal with. But in this country, majority rules and you will have to learn to live with it or use the system for change. Just do not blame a certain party for all the problems of today because that is too simplistic.
EDIT: kehkohjo : Usually I let people have their say about my comments because I indeed do not know everything. I have however have done research into 9/11 and such (Ever heard of Project for a New American Century (PNAC), I know all about Jeb Bush as well as Rumsfield and Dick Cheney belonging to this Republican think tank and how the events going on right now are a reflection of that. Even so, it still takes voters to vote these guys in. Even if the machines were tamperd with, it still takes a lot of no minds to vote these people in.
Are you saying Bill Clinton got in the same way? Are you saying that since John F Kennedy, who the people truly loved (he barely won that won) was the last true election? Are you saying that the illuamiani (One World Government)are controling the elections of the United States (gee, even more research).
Again, you can not blame the Republican Party for this and have them apologize because you and I know they are not all illuamiani and therfore in your own words are getting fed lies and deceit. Maybe you should not assume that I do not research my topics as you know the meaning of assume. Just thought you would like that.
2007-03-19 21:43:54
answer #2
answered by Randy P 3
I am a Republican. I worked for the VA hospital. I was there when CLinton cut the funding . I was there when the Administrative abuses left uncheck by his administration. Despite being abused when I came forward with the corruption and abuse in the VA, I continue to give my best to the Vets. I am the only staff in my division with a service award from the patients. I don't defend Bush because the VA system decayed further after him. This partisan fighting does not make the Vets life better. Don't throw a blanket blame on the Republicans. I was told by some liberal PAC group that some Republicans are fighting this atrocity. I seen Specter (R) of Pennsylvania actually seem to care and my friends verified that he is trying to do what is right. YOu can blame Bush all you want, and I'll agree, but don't you deny Clintons involvement either. If you want to support the troops, volunteer in the VA.
2007-03-19 21:20:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Why don't you ask the soldiers if they feel they need an apology? Most of them do not.
They don't think the war has been a failure, nor do they believe it's been a waste of time. Only most of those who haven't actually BEEN to Iraq think so! They don't feel that the WMD's WERE a lie. The vet hospitals have NOTHING to do with Republicans. Defense spending was GUTTED during the Clinton administration, and this is a fact. The Bush administration has ADDED funding.
What does Halliburton have to do with anything?
The Geneva rules are HARMING troops!
You're going to blame Republicans for the terrorists' hatred? Give me a break.
Soldiers OVERWHELMINGLY vote Republican. They are not uninformed, nor are they misinformed. In the past five years, I have met HUNDREDS of soldiers. Only ONE was a Democrat. The rest were Republicans.
So what, are the troops going to apologize to themselves?
2007-03-19 21:36:54
answer #4
answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7
I don't think anyone needs to apologize except the people responsible for getting us into an unwinnable situation. Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing and see how the situation shakes out. Bush Sr and Clinton knew what a bad situation Iraq was, therefore opted to apply sanctions and keep a close eye on Iraq rather than stupidly jumping in with both barrels blazing. Unfortunately, the cowboy we have in there now decided that discretion was not the better part of valor. Thank god we can neuter him the remainder of his stay in office, if they will do it. We can only hope.
2007-03-20 01:25:03
answer #5
answered by Slimsmom 6
When will Democrats APOLOGIZE to America for not going after Osama Bin Laden and Al Queda at the appropriate time.
Check your facts, moron!
Just did a web search of "Clinton Al Queda" and came up with numerous examples of the democratic administration's failure to acknowledge the threat to this country ALL PRIOR TO THE 2000 ELECTION!.
Impeach Bush? Clinton and his idiotic cohorts should be tried for the murders of 2700+ Americans on 9/11!
2007-03-19 21:35:55
answer #6
answered by wroockee 4
First, i'm sorry approximately your brother. i understand i could be hurting too if I lost somebody in the conflict or to the different death. you realize, I help and appreciate our squaddies. I hate to make certain the way our Viet Nam vets are taken care of various of the time and that i won't be able to try this to our squaddies. hence I help our squaddies. They deserve it.
2016-10-02 10:41:43
answer #7
answered by ? 4
As much as I would love to be able to agree with you, Democrats owe just as big an apology.
The VA problems are systemic, a result of MANY years of chronic underfunding, or at least delays in appropriations.
One thing the US can not take pride in is the care of It's veterans.
Every conflict has been followed by a generation of veterans, most of whom die before their claims are acknowledged by the Government.
30 years or so for Viet Nam Vets for claims for agent orange and PTSD.
The Veterans from the first gulf war are just getting coverage for their ills.
The system defaults most disabilities to 20% prior to discharge, which ensures denial of medical retirement and lifetime benefits for our injured and their families.
20% of our Nation's homeless are Veterans.. There are many reasons for that.
When a Veteran is discharged due to physical disability, he/she receives disability severance pay. As an E-6 with 14 years in, I received approximately $40,000 in 1992. The catch?
The VA will recoup (RECOVER - it is considered a debt to the government) every dime of the disability severance pay. The amount will be recouped by keeping the original rating benefit until the debt is repaid.
Bottom line no benefits will be paid until the disability gets worse and the Veteran applies for an increase, complies with VA C&P exams, and waits out the backlog, to get approved for an increase.
He/she will the begin receiving monetary benefits. Their amount due to their overall rating minus the amount of the original rating. Rated originally at 20%, now rated at 30%, the Vet gets payment of 30-20=10%.
So no state help ever, no income from VA until long after the condition(s) worsen,
If the disability prevents full time employment the Veteran is NOT eligible for any unemployment benefits. One must be available and able to work full time to qualify.
That means applying for Social Security benefits. 2 years with no income from employment for the process, after the intial time between unemployment and application submission.
Those approved for Social Security are routinely denied 100% pay due to unemployability by the VA because the two have different definitions of unemployability.
The Veteran must apply for Vocational rehabilitation for VA educational benefits if he/she are rated at 20% or more. Once testing is complete and program approved the Veteran will receive all school needs and a stipend of around $500 per month.
This all means that the Vets in the best shape and able to attend school full time have an income potential of $500 per month plus whatever employment the can manage on top of a full time school schedule, their medical appointments, dealing with their disability and a society that doesn't really care.
Those that are unemployable and discharged at 20% have a zero income potential for three or more years after discharge.
$40,000 is not much to live on for 3 years, assuming that you pay no debts with the money.
The VA claims for disability payments have to be made and those forms filled out with all appropriate medical documentation. Any omissions or mistakes can cost benefits for life.
The VA currently has a backlog of many thousands of applications. Approval can take 6 months to years, depending on the exact nature of the disabilities, and the resistance of the VA to accept overwhelming evidence in favor of wide adoption of the claims.
I previously mentioned agent orange and PTSD for the Nam Vets, but there is Hepatitis C for the Vets that joined or served in the 70's and 80's when the military used gun type multi dose injectors. There is also Gulf War Syndrome for the Vets of the first Gulf War. Many of these symptoms are likely related to the weapons our servicemen are using in Iraq. Depleted Uranium.
The lies for the war were bought without diligent research, bills were voted on before being read, the war was overwhelmingly approved by both Republicans and Democrats alike.
Both parties represent corporate interests over the interests of the voter.
The Democrats could have prevented passage of any of these laws like the Republicans have done in the Senate since January on the Bills concerning the war policy.
All incumbents that voted for the war, the patriot act, the military commissions act, or war funding from both parties should be voted out the next time they are up for election.
No incumbents means no corrupt good ol' boys to train the freshman in Washington politics, no old debts or too familiar relationships to corporate lobbyists.
The only apology worth accepting will be in their concession speeches.
2007-03-19 23:38:31
answer #8
answered by Jack C 3
As a vet I have to say it is a shame that most Americans have to fight so you can whine and cry. We joined the Military voluntarily, and would do so again if I could.
2007-03-19 22:53:41
answer #9
answered by mark g 6
Yahoo should somehow ban Muslim extremists like you from posting on this noble web site. In fact, the world should cut off Iran and most of the middle east their access to the Internet. Isolate these insane religious fanatics and let them wallow in their self made ignorance and misery.
2007-03-19 22:16:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Republicans, Democrats, Independents, ACLU, NAACP, nor any other organization do not need to apologize to "the troops". The American people, no matter who or what they are, who continue to support the U.S. involvement in the Middle East, the Far East, corporate greed, or their own individual greed are the people who need to apologize; and will, historically, if not personally, be held accountable.
The world is throttling itself toward annihilation by its own hand. Humanity has "eaten" the apple from the "forbidden tree", and we are doomed to destroy each other. Jealousy, greed, and fear will consume us--not the Republicans!
2007-03-19 21:28:06
answer #11
answered by Baby Poots 6