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Every month my husband gets a really bad stomach ache when I am about to start my period or during it. I was wondering if this ever happens to anyone else or if anyone else has heard of it happening? Also is it normal to get really bad depression with your period because I have been having really bad mood swings this month. Please help me. Thank you

2007-03-19 18:04:15 · 4 answers · asked by cks 3 in Health Women's Health

4 answers

It is possible that he (like many other men) gets a bit stressed out when he knows you are going to have your period, especially if you are having mood swings. It is probably pretty stressful for him to be around the mood swings and such, so he develops a stomach ache as a stress response. I hope he is still supportive of you during that time of the month, though.

Really bad depression is not normal during your period or any other time. It is possibly caused by hormonal changes/fluctuations, or maybe you are experiencing some additional stress in your life right now. It is really important for you to go to a doctor and get treatment for the depression. You'll need a combination of both therapy and medication for best results. Medications like prozac have been shown to treat symptoms of PMS and depression. While many people are inclined to only take medications, though, research shows that medicine alone rarely cures/treats depression. It is important to get into therapy as well.

2007-03-19 18:13:29 · answer #1 · answered by iloveeeyore 5 · 0 1

The stomach pain that your husband gets every month could be sympathy pain as suggested by one of the other posters. I know that when I would get ready to have my period my mom would have her nose bleed for a bit. It always cleared up as soon as my period came but it was just really funny.

As for the mood swing and depression issue I would recommend talking to your dr about it.

2007-03-20 05:53:31 · answer #2 · answered by sokokl 7 · 0 0

Your husband is most likely experiencing sympathy pains.

As for the depression, it is common to have mood swings, but bad depression as you tell it sounds rather abnormal. I used to get that too, and the doctors ended up diagnosing me with PCOS. It's not serious, not deadly, it's controlable. You may want to ask the doctor to do some tests and see if there are hormone levels that are off as well.

2007-03-20 01:08:22 · answer #3 · answered by Summer 2 · 0 0

maybe he is allergic to you at that time.

2007-03-20 01:06:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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