it's a personal preference. you can lay a towel on the bed or wherever you wanted to do it.
no condoms for us(we're married and on the pill).
i prefer doing it in the shower. instant clean up! :)
2007-03-19 17:37:48
answer #1
answered by jae 3
Well it is a bit messy... and if you do nothing the sheets will have to be cleaned straight away or remain permanently stained... so position a towel is standard procedure.... Oh and these things are never really planned, they just happen ... so you need to remove your tampon so it doesn't get pushed way inside causing you to have to try and find it and fish it out later. Of course, blokes don't usually think of these implications in the heat of the moment so any sense of responsibility is entirely up to you.
For my part as a guy it usually feels normal .... but a little more lubricated than normal, which sure beats the hell out of fumbling around in the bedside drawer looking for the K-Y gel in the dark. It also feels like there is a higher viscosity of fluid.. sort of like it feels when my lady is ovulating.
There is an unlikely need for a condom to stop pregnancy, but it is good to hear that you practice safe sex and are aware of STD's.
2007-03-19 23:57:11
answer #2
answered by Icy Gazpacho 6
It is messy, yeah. Put a towel down, but even then I had to get new sheets sometimes. I've done it without the condom. Don't need one. It doesn't matter if he ejaculates inside. I rather enjoyed it, actually. I felt great afterwards. It's nice to feel so wonderful in the midst of feeling crappy during the period. My bf said it's like having lots of lube, very slippery and wet. It's one of the few times that he can just follow his urge to just go at me with wild abandon as soon as he is hard without having to worry about whether I'm lubricated enough yet. So messy, yeah, but it's good if he doesn't mind it.
2007-03-19 18:48:23
answer #3
answered by Elisa 4
I always thought sex felt better when I had my period, it really help ease the cramps. It can be messy so yes put a towel down on the bed before you get started.
2007-03-19 17:37:43
answer #4
answered by Amanda B 4
About a year ago, my Fiance and I were having sex (no condom) and it was awesome, after we were done I realized I had started my period. I recommend it. If you prefer try doing it in the shower, it's less messy.
2007-03-19 17:38:45
answer #5
answered by ExoticKiss 3
First of all, it depends on if your partner likes sailing the red seas - if you know you are on your period, you should ask him.
A lot of women like to make love during their period as their senses are heightened - the same hormone that causes PMS also causes mood swings to the other extreme ;).
If you do both decide to make love while on your period, a towel will be less messy, and don't expect your partner to, erm, do any red sea diving!
2007-03-19 18:34:03
answer #6
answered by Sue 3
So? Enjoy if you feel like it. They make showers, you know. A towel under.. wouldn't hurt unless it disturbs the mood. Then cold water will wash the blood out of the sheets, etc. The blood comes from your uterus, sex doesn't involve your uterus, except bumping it a little or increasing the blood foow because of the excitement.
2007-03-19 17:36:39
answer #7
answered by jekin 5
Why would a guy have to wear a condom? My wife doesn't mind...except for the mess. It's like having natural lubrication. Just make sure you have access to a shower or a bunch of wipes after.
2007-03-19 17:31:59
answer #8
answered by markgrinny 3
It's not bad at all.. I did it, not on a towel at all, even though i will next time.. he didnt wear a condom though.. but like...WOW. it's a lot more intense and i had an orgasm right away, where i can't usually have orgasms during sex. it was just awesome and i cant wait till my next period.
2007-03-19 17:32:50
answer #9
answered by *a reason to live* 2
Depends up to the you completely you can consider it as a mess or natural thing , but when your tempted it happens as said above me do have access to shower and wipes . Only thing that you have to worry is after done doing it ... the cleanliness .
2007-03-19 17:34:39
answer #10
answered by Thinking 3