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2007-03-19 17:00:06 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Gender Studies

21 answers

Individuals (both men and women) advocating for change regarding equality of the sexes.

I think a lot of the beliefs people hold on feminism are misconstrued information and ignorance.
Maybe, before people start screaming their stereotypes, they should research the topic a little, instead of spewing anti-women slurs

2007-03-19 19:06:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

To me it means independence and freedom of choice. I believe the term is outdated and unecessary in this day and age however. A lot of things have changed, which women fought for, i.e. the right to work and vote and the right to have control over our own lives, rather than having all of society glowering upon individuals for deciding they don't want to be housewives, etc.

I personally think the feeling among most feminists (not extreme ones as such) is "This is my life, i'll live it my way." As far as i'm concerned, I make all the decisons about my life, and no one else has the right t tell me what I can or can't do.

I's nice that women AND men no longer depend on one another to maintain a household. A lot (not all at this stage) of single parents, whether male or female are getting along just fine.

Regarding some of the responses above - the only reason men and women get hostile over the term is because they exagerate the positve and negative consequences, thus damaging each other's egos, which in turn makes them more aggressive.. it's a vicious cyle, and if we quit discussing it people would get on with their lives, rather than wasting time on here bitching at each other. People need to look at the bigger picture and realise the positive changes in society as a whole.. not necessarily achieved through feminism, but evolution of norms and values.

Men are more liberated too. Gay couple's can form civil partnerships - regarding that, you can't just pin the decline of the nuclear family on women alone. More men WANT to stay at home and spend time with their children, plus i've noticed a lot of men get tetchy on the subject of housework because they actually do their fair share with no quibbles.

One more thing- although people say women belong in the kitchen, isn't that a little insulting to professional, male chefs, who are now argued to be the best in the kitchen?????

Many things are changing for the good. I just wish people could see it. Sorry this was a long reply... Bye!

2007-03-19 22:47:57 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

frequently adverse. that is a few thing that all people began as a marvelous thought - women persons extremely have been taken care of unfairly interior the previous, although that is exceptionally lots an equivalent-risk international now and feminists have stepped forward extremely a shrill and unattractive tone in recent times. i'm woman. i haven't had Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks coffee. i'm a feminist interior the experience that i think of people would desire to be judged on ability extremely than externals.

2016-10-01 05:13:24 · answer #3 · answered by betker 4 · 0 0

Feminism is a philosophy of "women-first". You could call them "women-firsters". Most of their most cherished assumptions about gender relations are incorrect, and are actually biased against men. Feminism has largely been responsible for the hostility that you see between men and women today. Instead of working for equality and freedom for all, it's become sort of a left-wing, anti-family, social deconstruction movement aimed at marginalizing men, and encouraging women to be dependent on the State in the form of special perks available to women only.

Look at the number of "Women's Studies" departments on college campuses, and then check out how many "Men's Studies" depts there are. Most of these Women's Studies depts are nothing more than anti-male propaganda

2007-03-19 23:37:07 · answer #4 · answered by the phantom 6 · 2 1

I think about how most people overdo the word "feminism." I think about how people are screaming "We are not housekeepers and maids! We want to work!" Well, excuse me, I think that there are plenty of women who are working and happy and balancing their lives, with kids, themselves, the house, work, more work, and some more work, etc etc. It's the so called defenders of women(they're strong enough, they can help themselves) that need to get off and find themselves a job if they want one. No one's saying "NO YOU CAN'T HAVE THIS JOB!"

However, the whole point with women being paid less than men is a completely different point. It's not feminism, it's being fair. And it think they should be paid equally. Anyway, feminism is an overblown, exxagarated, entirely biased point of view, as most matters discussed by feminists are either resolved or a matter of simple fairness.

2007-03-19 17:10:44 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 7

I think, "WHY does this question appear here every two days?"

Seriously. Feminism is about equality. I am a feminist. I am not a lesbian. I am not a man hater.

2007-03-19 19:06:44 · answer #6 · answered by stormsinger1 5 · 4 4

Bitter misandrist women that think men are inferior, would like to oppress men, hate men (because they hate themselves), constantly making men out to be baffoons, scoundrels, bad people, and always wrong -- while simultaneously making women out to be angels that are always right.

That's the new third-wave feminist. True feminism is about equality. Many self-proclaimed feminists do not practice equality. They practice anti-male gender-bias and double-standards, and misandry.

2007-03-19 19:12:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

Negative thoughts pop into my head. I think its an outdated term. When that term came about times were different and women were much more dependent on men and had very narrow views on what women could and could not achieve. Women and men are different but women are not lesser than a man and that's the important message for the world to get!
What I do know is that we as a human race could survive with a lot less men than women...what does that tell you?

2007-03-19 17:38:38 · answer #8 · answered by mrkittypong 5 · 2 6

I think about the belief that women are equal to men, a belief that is pretty common in our society but not exactly exercised. In my opinion, a feminist is a woman/man who is proud to say they are willing to fight for womens' rights, equality and treatment as a whole.

When I hear the word spoken in the small town I live in, I think WHO SAID THAT!?

2007-03-19 17:26:32 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 5 5

a load of crap

feminism has been taken WAY too far to the point where it's really a joke. yes, equality is good. but now i'ts gotten to where it seems men are being treated by women the way women were treated, which started the whole "feminism" movement in the first place.

2007-03-19 17:05:20 · answer #10 · answered by katwoman_2911 3 · 7 7

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