Even real bears are often portrayed as cuddly, sweet, and non-scary. Teddy bears are even more so, and most don't even look like bears. BUT, the main thing is it is a stuffed toy, and gives comfort to the child. My kids never chose bears. My oldest had a praying mantis stuffed toy, one had a tiger, and the youngest actually has a stuffed "Monster". She has grown up watching the Disney Monsters movie, and has a "Mikey" toy that she loves. So even monsters can be comforting, if put in the right context.
2007-03-19 15:45:16
answer #1
answered by jenn_a 5
The teddy bear specifically is something that children like because it's soft, warm, and a sense of security provided by their parents. The kids learn to love the teddy bear from the parents just like they learn to fear other things like monsters. Also in effect is the symmetry effect. People as a species are attracted to symmetrical faces. Even infants. Generally monsters are "ugly" and have asymmetrically faces and aren't pleasing to the eye or brain. So it's a little biology and a little learned.
2007-03-19 15:57:29
answer #2
answered by Cait 2
To a child a teddy bear is a symbol of safety and protection. Yes, some kids feel safe knowing they have a bear to protect them while others just need something to snuggle and keep them company. Plus Teddy Bear's are usually shown as cuddle, soft, warm, and lovable. Keep in mind that although some kids do choose Teddy Bears some choose other animals as well.
2007-03-19 15:36:44
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Well, when a child receives a Teddy Bear, it looks cute, cuddlely, friendly and fuzzy. For instance, the movie "Open Season" shows a bear tamed and as a pet. But children are much more afraid of monsters such as ghost, goblins, the boogey man, because most monsters are developed by their own fears and their overactive imagination.
2007-03-19 19:29:30
answer #4
answered by aznkk99 2
Scary Teddys
2016-12-10 19:13:51
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It's dumbfounding that an evil man may be honored by being called Muhammad. But should a child name a harmless teddy bear Mohammad, now that's a death sentence. The Spirit of Islam!
2016-03-16 23:15:30
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Children, especially toddler and early preschool age have "magical thinking" They can apply traits to inanimate objects.. such as a teddy bear can protect them from a big bad monster.
Teddy bears can also serve as a transitional object for the parents. Mom and Dad protect them, when mom and dad aren't around a teddy bear serves as a security item that can represent mom and dad's presence (transitional item).
2007-03-19 15:37:22
answer #7
answered by BookAddict 3
A teddy bear is a source of calmness and warmth to a child, it alows them to go in to their fairytale, magical world side. They usually are afraid of monsters because some noises affect our nerve system. It might also be of something going on in their life.
I don't know if we really know how a child's mind works until we experiance being a kid again. Kids also have vivid imaginations
2007-03-19 15:33:10
answer #8
answered by Xtina 1
I think it's probably how parents or others react to teddy bears. Like they're cuddly and lovable. If someone approached a child at a young age w/ a teddy bear for the first time, and scared them with it by telling them how dangerous they are, kids would probably reject them.
2007-03-19 15:35:50
answer #9
answered by jeni 3
Kids have no knowledge of how grizzly bears maul people, they just see a cute, warm & fuzzy friend when they hold a teddy bear.
2007-03-19 15:37:24
answer #10
answered by shanequinox 5