You may be able to fool someone who has never owned an authentic handbag. There are very few fakes out there that are good enough to pass for real, and if it's made so well that it can pass, it will cost you. So, why not go buy a less expensive designer handbag, like coach? Coach makes great bags that won't cost too much and will last forever. You can get great deals at a Coach Factory Store. If this is still too much, I would get any cute, well made bag that is not disguising itself as designer. I own designer handbags, but that is because I like them, they are well made and worth the money. Before I could own these, I bought whatever purse I liked in my price range. People do not look down on you for having a less expensive purse than theirs, but they do look down on knockoffs.
2007-03-20 13:16:49
answer #1
answered by Krissi 4
Honestly, buying fake bags are fine. However you need to think like a real buyer. Ex: If I was really planning on purchasing a LV bag for $2,150 I would want to know about craftsmanship. So go to the LV website and look it up. It will tell you all about pattern match, inside stitching, thread color, zipper line up etc (The things that serious buyers would consider.). Once you've learned all about the craftsmanship you can start looking for the closest knock off. ( Keep in mind no knock off will match perfectly.) Happy Hunting!
2007-03-19 21:51:51
answer #2
answered by Hot Hawaiian Honey 2
go to craigslist. although i dont recommend buying fake designer bags bc when you buy from them the money is used to illect drugs into the country and fund a lot of unnecessary bs. save your money and buy something real
2007-03-19 21:45:03
answer #3
answered by Jasmine24 2
Why, why, why do you want a fake. It doesn't mean anything and you won't get the same thrill that you would get out of obtaining an authentic bag. Don't fool yourself.
2007-03-20 16:51:31
answer #4
answered by luvfurypassionenergybabe 5
Honestly, most people can't tell if a bag's fake. Just buy any bag that you think is cute!
2007-03-19 21:44:15
answer #5
answered by AP 2
2007-03-19 21:50:28
answer #6
answered by day by day 6
Honestly, look on e-bay. This is going to sound really cheap but if you live near new york city or any big city...the black market isn't always a bad thing.
2007-03-19 21:45:16
answer #7
answered by JoAnn 4
not on-line but the swap meet. they sometimes even have a catalogs full of louis vuitton knock-offs
2007-03-19 21:53:13
answer #8
answered by caro 3
Depends on how much you want to spend. Contact me if you are interested.
2007-03-19 22:01:09
answer #9
answered by angelina123 2
some shops have good quality
2007-03-20 18:45:29
answer #10
answered by ringodelanoche 2