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What should I tell my friend if they have gotten pregnant 2 times in a row but always had a miscarrige and she won't listen to me that she is hurting herself. She is only 16 and she says its just bad luck I have tried to tell her parents and she always drags me away and my parents don't listen to me about anything and I am really consurned because she is going to get pregnant again I just know it because she is always having sex. So does anybody have any advice on what to say or do????? PLEASE HELP!!!!

2007-03-19 13:41:46 · 8 answers · asked by Have_A_BIG_PROBLEM 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

8 answers

You could try talking to the school counselor.

2007-03-19 13:49:41 · answer #1 · answered by LadyLindsay 5 · 1 0

It is great that you care so much for your friend, but it seems like she is just not in touch with anybody at the moment.. Having multiple miscarriages at such a young age is dangerous.. Find somebody to talk to. Whether it be a school worker or a state worker.. She is a minor and all though she doesnt act like one she needs to be reminded of that.. Talk to her parents if all else falls explain to them your worries and let them know why you have come to them, and appologize for not doing so sooner.. They will thank you for the help you are willing to give.. I do hope she realizes the chances of her bringing a healthy baby into a relationship that may or may not last is not a good choice...

2007-03-19 17:21:19 · answer #2 · answered by auntietawnie 4 · 0 0

sometimes you just have to let the people you care about make their own mistakes and be there for them when they need you
you've already been a fantastic friend and you've done everything you can to help her
does she think that she doesent have to be careful because if she gets pregnant again she will miscarry and it will be ok?
shes very wrong if she does think that lots of women have 2 miscarriages in a row and then get pregnant and dont have a miscarriage tell her shes being stupid

2007-03-19 13:57:42 · answer #3 · answered by dee 3 · 0 0

you should ask her if she really wants to bring a child into the world that will lose hiw mother so soon. ask her if she is really prepared to take care of a child and still go to school, ask her how she is going to provide for her child if she has no high school diploma... then ask her, what she really wants for her future.... to be on welfare, taking care of a child at 17, to have no life of her own, party days are over once a child is born, no grandparent is going to want to take care of a child so his mom can go "hang out" with friends all day. i'm sure you don't want to see that either, but it is her choice and be supportive of what she chooses, just ask her if SHE thinks it's wise.

2007-03-19 13:54:33 · answer #4 · answered by nuklear16301 2 · 0 0

haha. enable him have self assurance what he needs. yet, in the olden days, people might placed on those super neclace form issues that had the finished hebrew alphabet with a stone next to it, and whilst they talked to God he might respond by utilising letting flashes of sunshine mirror off the stone so as that it would spell issues. thats what i undergo in concepts besides. thats from the bible. dont do something to disillusioned your buddy besides. religious debates can get extremely undesirable. who's acquainted with? perhaps he does have a telephone that shall we him communicate with God. and yet differently you could tak to him is by utilising prayer. buuuttttt, in case you wanted to speak to God, why might there be telephone wires?! and that i dont think of heaven is extremely interior the universe. God doesnt choose telephone wires! He can do something! i like him plenty. love, alice.

2016-10-02 10:13:51 · answer #5 · answered by bizier 3 · 0 0

call your local DHS or social services....she is still a minor and they will make sure she is taken care of and protected

(*she's lucky to have a caring friend like yourself~just be there for her....and she will be fine)

2007-03-19 13:48:55 · answer #6 · answered by ~*common sense*~ 5 · 0 0

Call Dr. Phil?

2007-03-19 13:47:02 · answer #7 · answered by nomadic 5 · 0 0

I would call thier parents-----but you cant make somone change that doesnt want too.

2007-03-19 14:05:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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