I am 18 and he's 20! I have been in this relationship with him for a year and two months. And already i am pregnant. He wasnt to happy about it when i told him but he said we will figure something out and work through this! He has been taking me to every appointment since and still picks me up from work everyday (Not to add paying the cell phone bill and the rest of my bills)! Now I am 5 months pregnant and he is treating me like crap! He disappears for hours... he wont call or even check to see if i'm okay! He goes out every night and its driving me nuts! I dont know if i'm paranoid or what but he is def. not as romantic as he used to be! I dont know what to do or where to go. I am so in love with him and I did want us to be a happy family! Is it still possible?
8 answers
asked by
Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Pregnancy
I have talked to him many times actually i think i am bugging him with so much with me talking! I'm so worried because he cant talk to me! He just keeps saying i think we need a break and when i try to break up he says thats not what he wants... HELPPP!!!
13:54:06 ·
update #1
maybe he just needs a little break hun, or thinks you need time on your own, you get mood swings when pregnant but you may not notice this
talk to him tell him how your feeling,he should still give you attention too
good luck
2007-03-19 13:45:51
answer #1
answered by ♥♥™Tia™♥♥ 6
The best thing for you to do is back off and give him some room to breathe. I was 18 and pregnant and my bf ran around every night never called and the more desperate I was to talk to him the less and less he wanted to do with me. Avoid him like he is the plague and surround yourself with your family and close friends. Reading about your pregnancy and looking at pics online of developing babies can help take your mind off of him, too. It's the worst feeling in the world, I know, but he doesn't deserve for you to be going nuts like this. He won't be there for you in the long run and this behavior will never change. He doesn't truly love you and believe it or not you don't truly love him either, you are just young and don't really know what a true relationship is. I have SO been there before and I still am sometimes. But anyways, backing off and giving him space to breathe is the best way to get him talking to you again, if that is what you want.
2007-03-19 21:00:17
answer #2
answered by ssauntry20 1
I hate to say it, but he is young and needs time to adjust more than likely. He is probably freaking out about being a father and doesn't know what to do anymore. I am assuming your starting to show a bit more now and that has probably made this more of a reality to him. By him saying he doesn't want to break up is probably a good sign.
On the other hand, this is not fair to you. You do not get to take a break from being pregnant and dealing with this, but he does? I would give him a little space for a week or two and then try to talk again. Explain to him that you are probably scared too, but you don't get to hide from this. Tell him how you feel about him and ask him how he feels about you. Tell him you deserve answers and to not be strung along, but sound mature and not whiny. My mom had to do this with my dad when she was pregnant. He wanted to party and leave her to deal with the whole pregnancy thing by herself. One day she finally met him at the door and said if you want back in you are committing yourself to this family, otherwise turn back around and leave. That was really scary for her, but it was his wake up call. Five years later they had me so everything worked out, but every situation is different.
I truly hope things work out for you. Take care of you and that baby.
2007-03-19 21:07:27
answer #3
answered by dragonfly7887 4
i think right now, he is just terrified, maybe. but once he looks into the eyes of the new person you have brought into the world his cold heart will thaw. i'm sure. you don't have anything to worry about, just don't stress yourself out over it. it's not good for you or the baby (i'm sounding a bit like my mom, creepy) but i'm sure he will come around, right about now you should be showing signs (belly) and he see's it like an open casket, he is scared. but what he doesn't realize is that he is part of something very beautiful, and so natural. he loves you still no need to worry about that. but give him some space, he will come around. remember, he had a hand in this too, it's not like it's all your fault so DO NOT blame yourself. you did nothing wrong! i hope everything works out well for you two and the new little one (and congratulations)
2007-03-19 20:49:14
answer #4
answered by nuklear16301 2
The closer you get to full term the more likely he is to act a little wierd. He is probably just getting nervous. His going out may be a way of dealing with the fact that he is about to have a lot of new responsibilities. Try talking to him, more than likely he is just scared.
2007-03-19 20:46:44
answer #5
answered by Bonny H 1
you should tell him how you feel. maybe you're just moody so he is just trying to take a breather. but talking is key in a healthy relationship so do that first and see what changes. i hope everything works out for you.
2007-03-19 20:49:16
answer #6
answered by island_chick21 4
Umm...well thats hard mabe try to talk to him about and tell him your concerns and if that doesnt change anything well...time heals everything!
2007-03-19 20:48:45
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
talk to him tell him how you feel his name isnt Robert is it? he is afraid its all new to him too give him time or tell him you are thinking about adoption someone who can love this child and pray that will help good luck..
2007-03-19 20:49:05
answer #8
answered by kris b 3