i have a cat and she didn't go outside to have her babies she made a nest sort of thin in the house please make sure you don't interrupted her while giving birth it just makes her stressed x
2007-03-19 13:39:11
answer #1
answered by andrea.barrett36 4
I have several cats and they are indoor/outdoor cats. But I always try and keep them inside when I know they are close to giving birth and they will find their own place indoors to have their babies. If I dont l.ike where they are having their babies, then I will fix up a box and put in a little blanket, or newpaper and when the mother is in active labor or has had their first kitten I will get both her and the kitten and move them to the box and I have never had a problem with them getting out or anything like that. They stay where I put them and continue having the babies. They completely trust me and never have stressed over me moving them to a new spot. I have had a cat have a baby in a desk drawer, and I had to move her, and under our Christmas tree. Other than that there is really not much else to do. Just keep their food and water near them because they will want to stay with the kittens for a little while after.
2007-03-19 13:42:41
answer #2
answered by Blondi 6
There is nothing to worry about, I also had two cats that were both pregnant at the same time, and they will give birth wherever they feel best suits them and their babies. Our's decides to give birth in a shoe closet that had padding under it. And most cats don't have problems giving birth, they have great instincts and are well prepared, even if they are first timers.
2007-03-19 17:15:09
answer #3
answered by Nebel6 2
i My cat became pregnent when we moved (was prengnet then but didn't know) she seemed to cope ok she hunted more and stayed inside more (if that makes sense) we new she was close has she would peddle all the time and look for hidey holes. She took a liking to my dog's kennel that she never used so that was where she was supposed to have kittens. Supposed to being the operative term. at 7am she decided that it was time the kittens came out and looked for us (still in bed being sat. morning) so it was a case of help the cat have kittens.
anyway what i was trying to say is, your cat will know when the time is near, make many hidey hols that will be deterents for preditors to kill the kittens (instinct) and will let you know when the time is right.
hope this helps as im confused :(
2007-03-19 13:49:27
answer #4
answered by lostie_fan 3
if they dont go out they cant have them outside hun dont panic
they will find a quite place to have kittens
just keep an eye on them to make sure there coping ok,theres no need to do anything unless they look stressed,if no kittens come after an hour call the vet
please get your cats spayed when kittens are older, its better for your cats health
2007-03-19 13:35:42
answer #5
answered by ♥♥™Tia™♥♥ 6
they know what to do, don't worry, it is in their nature, they will figure it out on there own, if they feel they need help, they will come to you, but i would just set up a nice quiet cozy spot in the house, perhaps behind the couch, lay some towels down, set the cats there to let them know it's there, they won't stay there at first, but they will know it's there when the time is right. just be sure to have an iron stomach if you plan to supervise the delivery, it's not pretty, i've had to pull a kitten out when "mommy" was having problems, it's gross, but the kitten lived. i'm sure you will do just fine, but leave it to the professionals of nature, they will figure it out
2007-03-19 13:38:51
answer #6
answered by nuklear16301 2
"calm down" Or something for that count. If I have been pushing a baby out of my vjj, i might choose all people to stfu and leave me on my own. Or deliver all your loved ones (who your spouse informed she did no longer choose in the room) to chow down on taquitos and tortilla chips. My dad did that as quickly as my mom gave start to me. he's very selfish.
2016-10-02 10:13:17
answer #7
answered by bizier 3
well this is the wrong category, but anyway keep your eye on them cause cats like to have their kittens in strange places away from people! my old neighbor had cats in the walls of their garage. they were able to get them out but it just shows you how much they like to hide from things when having them.
2007-03-19 13:38:21
answer #8
answered by island_chick21 4
Take them to a vets office quick! Go GO GO!
2007-03-19 13:41:29
answer #9
answered by emolover 4
try asking your question in the pet category.
2007-03-19 13:36:32
answer #10
answered by Anonymous