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i just found out that i am pregnant a week ago. i havent told my significant other. we are both adults but i feel so scared telling him. i have been having a little nausea for the past few days and i told him that i had a stomach ache but he didnt question further. every time i get the nerve to tell him i back down. i think he suspects somethings wrong with me but i cant come out and atell him. i suspect i had conceived the night the condom broke but he didnt release inside me. im so scared and yes you can get preg. from pre-***. how should i approach this

2007-03-19 13:24:16 · 1 answers · asked by MiaDiva28 6 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

1 answers

well you eventually have to tell him sooner or later, so it should be as soon as possible. you should tell him as early as you can so that way you both can discuss what you two want to do. i know that you are nervous but after you tell him you'll hopefully feel a bit more relieved.

first just casually mention that you saw this really cute baby at the mall. talk about if you wonder if it could walk, talk, ect... then see what he thinks and says about it. then ask him well what would you do if we had a baby together. whether his answer is positive or negative, tell him that you guys are having a baby!

i hope that all goes well for you... GOOD LUCK!!

2007-03-19 19:59:04 · answer #1 · answered by ♥Sher♥ 3 · 0 0

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