Over the counter contraceptive options are very limited in most places. There's male condoms, and female condoms, though they should never be used together. There are spermicides, which, on their own, aren't a great method, but can be combined with things like condoms or diaphragms to make them more effective. There's also the contraceptive sponge, which uses a spermicide. One major problem with spermicides is that many people are allergic or sensitive to them, and that can cause a lot of pain, and serious discomfort.
Pills, IUDs and diaphragms all need to be prescribed by a doctor. The most accessible and available, easiest to use and probably least likely to cause pain or discomfort over the counter contraceptive is condoms. If you've got a contraception concern though, you may want to discuss it with your doctor.
2007-03-19 15:03:33
answer #1
answered by Erika G 5
You can't get over the counter contraceptive pills, as far as I know condoms and spermicides are the only things you can get without a prescription.
2007-03-19 19:55:53
answer #2
answered by Amanda B 4
There are no over the counter birth control pills. Female contraceptives include female condoms, spermacides, cervical caps, IUDs & sponges. There are also charting methods like Fertility Awareness (FAM) & Natural Family Planning (NFP). The most effective are birth control pills, but only you can determine the best method for yourself.
If you are not engaged or married... please, please, please use condoms! That is the only method that protects against STDs.
2007-03-19 13:54:32
answer #3
answered by Julia 3
My mother-in-law (of all people) told me they sell these pearl type things that you insert into vagina before intercourse. She swears this works, but I never tried them.
2007-03-19 13:25:55
answer #4
answered by ilovethe90s 3