you don't even deserve a answer let alone a baby
2007-03-19 12:57:35
answer #1
answered by Sunshine 5
Wow I hope I'm interpreting this question correctly. Did u mean to say miscarriage instead of abortion. If so, then here is my response.
Are u using ur first morning urine for these test. That's the best time to test even though the box may differ but the hormone "H something" will have time to build overnight. Try this and if your test is still showing a faded line you need to go to your doctor. It may be too early to tell and they may do a blood test to be accurate.
If you are pregnant and u have a miscarriage TRUST will know it. Go to your doctor.
I hope this helps.
2007-03-19 20:05:50
answer #2
answered by redbone9677 2
I don't mean to be rude....but why don't you look at the people trying to conceive? That would kill them to hear someone say something like that. You made a choice and right or wrong you might have created a child from it. There are other options like open adotion, or just adoption. Millions of couples want children and can't have them, so don't be selfish about it. The faded line may have been an invaparation line. Go to to see photos of what those tests looked like.
2007-03-19 20:02:22
answer #3
answered by Nicole 3
have you ever heared"you do the crime, do the time"? Live by it. If you did not want a baby, you should not have had sex. It took me 6 yrs. to get pregnant with my oldest son and I had another 8 yrs. later. I would not change anything. How can you be so cruel? That child deserves a chance to live just like you!
If you r pregnant and do not want the child, I will take it, no questions asked. I'll raise as my own.
2007-03-19 20:02:19
answer #4
answered by beth_n_danny 2
A Line Is A Line! Congrats you Messed up! and you'll be even more messed up if you kill that innocent child the wrong way!
2007-03-19 20:31:06
answer #5
answered by Mrs McNallen<3 2
if positive how about you live up to your duty as being a mother and not killing ur child, and be mature about u made the mistake
2007-03-19 19:57:42
answer #6
answered by Lorelei's Mommy ( & prego) 5
I can't believe that you would even ask that question, I feel sorry for that baby.
2007-03-19 20:01:05
answer #7
answered by cherrie 2
why don't you consider keeping the baby and giving the baby up for adoption.
2007-03-19 19:57:21
answer #8
answered by ? 3
normally i would answer this type of question but ur crazy.
2007-03-19 20:02:54
answer #9
answered by trouble62537 2
are you serious? wow!
2007-03-19 19:57:17
answer #10
answered by BlackandBeautiful2007 2