say, " I don't know how to say this, but I don't think we really have all that much in common (or whatever ur reason is) and we can't really make our friendship work. I'm really sorry." I hope this helped and good luck to you!
2007-03-19 11:49:25
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The fact that you want to tell this person...indicates that you are at least a people-enough-person to want to directly address this.
"So-called" indicates that something has been done or said that has betrayed your trust in this person.
It's always a good idea to try to suspend ones judgment for a short time in order to find out the actual motivation involved. You can, after figuring it out, always return to judgment.
It will feel strange, but I guarantee that it will be worth it to ask this person for a few minutes of their time; that you've got something important you need to speak with them about.
When they agree, welcome them as you've always done before now, maintaining your reserve.
Please preface your feelings with something that is both appreciative of the friendship, but...
You need to let them know how you're feeling and what their action/words have made you feel.
Explain it all how you've been made to feel, BUT do NOT DO IT IN AN "ACCUSATORY" WAY. Tell them that you really don't like feeling this way and wish it had never happened.
Once you've gotten the matter off your chest, just sit quietly and wait for their response.
Chances are the matter was done/said unthinkingly and even better chances are that their intention was not one to hurt you.
Just let them have their say completely--without your going back over it all again--listen carefully to both their words and their tone of voice.
If you're satisfied with their response, you'll then know what to do.
If you're not satisfied with their response, you've already told them why you want to dissolve the relationship.
Now at least the air has been cleared and you both have learned something about friendships.
I wish you both luck. Friends are hard to find; don't lose any you don't have to.
2007-03-19 12:08:23
answer #2
answered by MJ D 3
depending on the situation and the reason why you dont like her anymore.. then be honest? thought of that? let her knw that u feel there is no future friendship and if u cannot trust her if that is the case then.. why continue a "so called friendship"... don't really give too much detail on why.. but i guess we can assumen on the cause of mistrust? but remember every1 deserves respect so show her that and let her know... hope it helps
2007-03-19 11:51:17
answer #3
answered by GIGI 3
Tell her that she is not your idea of a good friend... and that you dont think you two should be close anymore... tell her that your not a mean person... there is obviously a reason for you not wanting her as a friend anymore... and let that reason be known. BE STRAIGHT UP.
2007-03-19 11:52:17
answer #4
answered by menmoona143 1
Don't tell her that. That's just cruel.
Just distance yourself from her. Make up excuses if she wants to hang out. Do it often enough and she'll get the message.
2007-03-19 11:51:30
answer #5
answered by Anh-a-Le 3
Well you should say it to her kinda like this i think were not friends like we used to be and i would feel we should not hang out anymore.
2007-03-21 00:09:51
answer #6
answered by T-Money 3
Just don't hang around her anymore and avoid her if you can. She'll get the idea.
2007-03-19 12:08:01
answer #7
answered by K8tgry 2
Just delete her from your phone. And if you bump in to her tell her why you dont want to be friends anymore and what she did to deserve it. Then just say " its best we dont hang out anymore"
2007-03-19 11:49:47
answer #8
answered by Heather H 2
Give her a good reason
2007-03-19 11:52:46
answer #9
answered by billaroxy 2
tell her the truth.tell her why you dont like her anymore.
2007-03-19 11:48:57
answer #10
answered by Anonymous