everything that brings joy has the capability of bring just as much hurt. its just how the world works....there must be perfect balance...love can be the most joyful and fulfilling feeling you will ever experience but on the other hand it also has the capability of making your feel unbelievably horrible when its taken away or when its unattainable. if it was just full of joy and happiness we would never appreciate it as much when we have it. don't let this current situation bring you down. you will fall in love again and it will be even better because you will appreciate it due to the hurt that you are feeling now . good luck....im a really sorry you have to be put in this sitaution...but its something we will all experiance at least once...and believe me his time will come when he feels the same way....karma is a b*tch
2007-03-19 10:53:10
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
first of all, you said he moved out a year ago and then you say he moved out 3 days ago, so which is it? Anyway, it sounds like he doesn't want to be tied down so to speak (he doesn't want to be or feel responsible for a partner). If he straightens up he will but is there a reason he has moved out and can only handle the relationship with weed? This makes me think that he is not communicating with you without the weed. 90% of a relationship is communication. Then this is his problem not yours, he has to realise what is more important in life weed or a partner that sticks with him throught thick and thin. I think you need to sit down and ask him all the difficult questions that you are not even sure you want to hear but listen anyway! Ask him and yourself what do I Need and set a goal from there. Take care Heather
2007-03-19 17:54:56
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I'd say he is full of hot air - literally!! He is an addict and he knows it - he did you a huge favor in getting out of your life. Move on to cleaner and hopefully better guys - if he ever does kick the smoke and stay straight for a decent amount of time, maybe you two could start over - right now what he wants and who he likes to hang with are going nowhere and you don't need to be pulled down with them. Leave him to his problem and try to stop caring what he's doing - it will only disappoint you.
2007-03-19 17:56:25
answer #3
answered by BikerChick 7
Love hurts when it's not returned. Addicts are incapable of loving anybody. They don't have the brain connection for it. They have smoking buddies, but few friends. If all he's on is grass, he'll probably give it up one day, but don't wait around. it will take a major life change to get him to stop, and you may not be what he's looking for when he straightens out.
2007-03-19 17:53:17
answer #4
answered by nursesr4evr 7
Love hurts so bad because LOVE IS PAIN. Even if you love him you have to let him go if he wantss to be there he will you can not make someone be with you the best thing is to let him go your young you can not let someone bring you down after a while that weed wont be enough most fo the time it get worse you can be there to help but you got to take care you hopeful he'll see that light
2007-03-19 17:53:35
answer #5
answered by JESSICA H 1
Love only hurts if you let it. You cannot walk another person's path in life for them. He has to walk his path by himself. He has to hit bottom and decide for himself that he doesn't want to be there. He has to decide that he no longer wants to fry his brain with weed. At the point he decides, he might not have much of a brain left.
Do not let him drag you down with him. Lovingly tell him that you cannot share his life as long as he is determined to destroy himself. Then say good-bye and tell him you are willing to talk to him after he and cleaned his life up and given up this addiction. Beware, addictive people usually trade one addiction for another.
Don't let his life bring you pain. Step away and let him learn the painful lessons all by himself. In the meantime, get out and enjoy your life. His misery was not meant for you.
2007-03-19 17:52:31
answer #6
answered by friendlyadvice 7
She fell, but she's back up, tougher and more ready to deal in all the worldly bull*hit! Love never hurts, it only presents an illusion when it sneaks up to us making us think it is love, but it isn't love. The real reason why love hurts so bad because we have this built in thing we misconstrue called like, then when we take it up another level, we think it is love, if it is real love then there will be no hurt, like in your case sweetheart, this guy, if he loved you like you love him, he'd of never left you no matter what, through thick and thin, but with trial and error, and with your growing wisdom, you will be more selective about what love is, and you will be working with how love ought to be dealt with, respected and honored. I hope this helps you some, because I am sure this guy wasn't worth it, if he was he'd have stuck around no matter what.
2007-03-19 17:54:17
answer #7
answered by Pink Honey 3
i dont know why it hurts it just does ( tear..='[....)
2007-03-19 17:49:38
answer #8
answered by Crazy♦Beautiful 3
move on...
2007-03-19 17:50:11
answer #9
answered by Anonymous