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I dont believe in Darwins theories and I never saw a monkey turn into a human so give me something to change my mind or agree with me.

2007-03-19 10:06:47 · 5 answers · asked by The Captain 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

5 answers

yea mayng, evolution is false

2007-03-19 10:09:00 · answer #1 · answered by anthonyq55 2 · 0 1

This is the central mistake in the misunderstanding of evolution. You're looking at it in terms of the end result.

Evolution works in a forward direction, not backwards. Mutations happen, those that give an advantage for reproduction and/or survival rates get continued in a greater proportion in the next generation. Eventually, that difference becomes enough that it makes sense to think of one line as a new species.

No monkey ever turned into a human. Some of the primate mutations in the line that became human gave very significant advantages, so that divergence became quite distinct.

If you're still doubting, then consider that most back problems occur because our spines are actually designed for quadripedal alignment rather than standing upright.

2007-03-19 17:25:33 · answer #2 · answered by The angels have the phone box. 7 · 0 0

Science isn't an opinion poll, educate yourself! It's very complex, but the science is there for anyone willing to do a little research.

Monkeys never "turned into" humans. Humans and modern day apes share a common ancestor. And of course this happens over millions of years so you're not going to "see" one creature transform into another... hopefully you were joking and are not actually so naive.

We cannot predict the course evolution will take, it's too complex. But really, what's going on with the human species is completely unlike anything that's happened on this earth before, and we seem to be evolving MENTALLY at a rapid rate. we may not see physical changes in the human race, due to the technology we use to make things comfortable for humans the way they are built now.

So yeah... EDUCATE YOURSELF! Learn a little more about scientific theory and why it's the most reliable method we have of objectively deciphering reality.

2007-03-19 17:22:11 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Wow! Not the sharpest tool are we? Evolution takes place slowly over time. No specific organism actually changes. Instead every generation is borne slightly different. It takes a very, very long time. (kinda like you changing a light bulb smarty). I couldn't possibly change a mind that doesn't exist!

2007-03-19 17:27:54 · answer #4 · answered by Joshua S 2 · 2 0

How about first you educate yourself and then come back and ask an intelligent question.

2007-03-19 17:15:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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