We've got one as far as I'm concerned. When it comes to actual issues, they're all the same. Sitting on the fence somewhere in Kansas, pandering to Auntie Em.
2007-03-25 13:47:03
answer #1
answered by pepper 7
Absolutely. The party system anymore does not work. There is not enough choices.
If in fact there could be more parties to run for offices or even chose their own President, this may also work.
Unfortunately in many countries like Italy or Israel, you see the process bog down when there is not a majority. However, not having a majority sometimes gets things done that would not have been done or attempted by the government in power as they have to try to work and please the other opposition parties.
Canada is a good example of that in that in order to stay in power, the Conservatives had to pass bills that they would have choked on if they held a majority. This is to get votes in the house of commons. Any money (finance) bill that is defeated can trigger a non confidence vote by the other parties to have another election held immediately.
Could you imagine the Republican Party or Democratic having to bend over backwards to help each other out to avoid an immediate election? Maybe this would have prevented some of the questionable decisions from the past. But I leave that for another day.
2007-03-27 01:10:42
answer #2
answered by Randy P 3
That is what is essentially happening now, except the majority of the coalition making takes place before the elections. The main reason for that is humans rely a lot on group think and the need for enhancing the porability of sucsess. The best way to get what you are asking for is to change culture and human behaviour.
But I like the iead!
2007-03-26 22:56:09
answer #3
answered by insane2mad 3
That's a pipe dream - a nice one but a dream no less. Dig deep on line and find out who really runs the political process and you'll understand. As things are I'm afraid we're heading for another civil war. Lincoln warned us about it!
2007-03-27 07:47:16
answer #4
answered by BillyTheKid 5
How about we have 12 candidates
4 Republican
4 Democrat
4 Other
and vote one off each week.
Seems to work. See who can tap dance the best.
2007-03-24 14:28:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Sounds great but how will the people know what they are voting for. It looks as if it will take a long time for the politian to comeback with an answer from their people.
2007-03-26 02:28:11
answer #6
answered by James J 2
The parties now stand for big business and big government. What else to we need to ask of the pols. Take you pick.
2007-03-23 10:57:12
answer #7
answered by edward m 4
I would not be against it, but politics almost always end up polarizing people. This is because there is almost always at least two solutions to every problem. This causes political parties to form.
2007-03-20 00:57:52
answer #8
answered by Paul K 6
That won't work because it will take forever to form coalitions large enough to get an legislation passed.
2007-03-21 18:21:06
answer #9
answered by jdkilp 7
Bisogna capire chi sono questi ricercatori indipendenti. Sull'esempio delle piramidi di Giza, si è scritto di tutto e di più e il contrario. Il famoso allineamento del 12 dicembre scorso è una balla colossale, advert esempio. E' vero invece che gli antichi egizi avevano buone conoscenze del cielo stellato, advert esempio è da ricordare che Sirio, l. a. stella più brillante visibile advert occhio nudo ( dopo il Sole), era legata a varie cose. l. a. sua levata, ovvero il suo ritorno nel cielo notturno, annunciava l'arrivo delle alluvioni del Nilo, ed era legata anche alla religione. Stessa cosa in keeping with le stelle della cintura di Orione, quindi che abbiano voluto costruire delle piramidi, ovvero delle costruzioni funebri in keeping with un dio in terra con dei rimandi al cielo stellato non c'è niente di strano, da ricordare che nell'antichità astronomi e astrologi erano l. a. stessa cosa, con il progredire della scienza le 2 cose di sono separate, quando si è capito che le stelle non influenzano l. a. vita sulla terra.
2016-12-15 03:51:20
answer #10
answered by Anonymous