Depends on the drug, all drugs are different. Depends on dosage too. I can give you a few, but not all.
Marijuana - You feel good, happy, kinda tired, you tend to laugh alot, you get hungry. Etc. etc. People who say they "bad trip" on pot have no idea what a bad trip is. You cant bad trip or overdose on pot.
Magic Mushrooms - My favorite of all. Low doses (about a gram or so) make everything more intense. You feel great and happy. Colors are brighter, music sounds amazing, you just feel and experience everything much more, even little things youd never noticed before. You tend to think alot. And if youre with others on mushrooms, sometimes you can reach a state where you can finish each others sentences perfectly time after time. Its pretty incredible (kinda like knowing what others are thinkin)......On larger doses (3-4-5 grams) you sort of regress to being kinda like a baby. Youd rather crawl than walk, everything you see moves, shakes, melts, etc. You have trouble talking. You can think, but your mouth doesnt work as well. On larger doses its more dangerous because youre very impressionable and something could scare you and make you bad trip. You also sort-of lose your common sense. Some people throw up not long after theyve eaten the shrooms, others dont. But it makes no difference, youll usually get the effects anyways. I reccomend small doses instead of larger ones. But if you do take a larger dose, have a sitter with you. (A sitter is someone whos not on anything and who watches you to make sure you dont do somethin stupid)
Opium I only did once. It tastes great when you smoke it, and the feeling is pretty incredibly as well. Very very relaxed and smooth. Kinda like if youve ever been given morphine or codeine (they both come from the Poppy plant, like opium and heroin) for an operation or after-operation at a hospital. Its a tough thing to describe. The next day though your skin feels itchy and weird. And sometimes if you smoke more regularly youll start to get cravings (first sign of addiction). Pretty intense cravings I might add. No fun there.
Alright well, I think I've typed enough. Is that good enough? Is that what you were lookin for?
2007-03-19 08:25:36
answer #1
answered by Jesus W. 6