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my daughter is 7 months old and has had diahrea for the past two days. she is not eating well, and when she does eat she has really bad diahrea. the doctor told me to try pedialyte, but she wont drink it. she is extremely cranky and she has had a low temp but nothing major. how can i help her?

2007-03-19 05:22:31 · 25 answers · asked by glitterglam369 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

i have taken her to the doctor but they only told me to keep trying fluids like pedialyte. i dont know what else to do. please help i am nervous she has never been sick like this.

2007-03-19 05:27:47 · update #1

i have also noticed that she just wants to sleep. should i let her sleep so much?

2007-03-19 05:35:20 · update #2

25 answers

I bet she is sleeping trying to heal her body.
It sounds like she has an intestinal infection.
You can try the BRAT diet – this is an age old, time-tested diet.
Rice or rice cereal
Apple sauce
Toast, unbuttered
Yogurt or Probiotics - You may have heard of Acidophilus, a healthy bacterium that lives in our intestines and often added to yogurt. You can buy another probiotic with Lactobacillus bacteria in liquid or powder form from any vitamin store. Research has shown that taking this probiotic can shorten the duration and severity of diarrhea.

Here are several signs that warrant an appointment with your doctor within a day:

Bloody diarrhea. This can be a sign of a bacterial illness or an allergy. Contact your doctor.
Moderate to severe dehydration Severe diarrhea as defined below. Child is acting lethargic (defined as limp, and less responsive to touch or words, won't focus on you).
Increased abdominal pain.
Continued weight loss

Here are the Dehydration guidlines.
most children will become mildly dehydrated during the course of any illness simply due to the fact that they won't drink as much as usual. This is not dangerous. Common signs of mild dehydration include:

Less active than usual, but still alert and playful
Lips slightly dry
Urinating slightly less frequently

MODERATE DEHYDRATION – many children will progress to this stage during a gastrointestinal illness. In general, this stage is not dangerous either. Signs include:

Less active and playful, but still alert.
Will make eye contact and respond to you
Lips are dry and chapped, inside of mouth is slightly dry
No tears when crying, but eyes still appear moist
Urinating about half as often as usual
Urine concentrated like apple juice
SEVERE DEHYDRATION – seek medical attention if your child shows these signs:

Limp, inactive, makes minimal eye contact and not response to your voice or touch. This is the definition of lethargic.
Lips chapped, inside of mouth is dry and sticky with no saliva
No tears, eyes are dry and sunken in
No urination for 12 – 18 hours
Extremely unusual fussiness along with the other symptoms
Very fast heartbeat

2007-03-19 05:44:24 · answer #1 · answered by Carla R 4 · 2 0

For some reason diarrhea doesn't seem to be a deal to dr's anymore. My son had it for two weeks. She may just have a bug. Give her crackers, bananas(baby food or cereal or a regular one), white rice, not the minute rice but the cheap kind that comes in a bag for less than a dollar oh and boil it don't use a rice cooker. As far as the pedialyte try a different flavor or the pedialyte pop sickles. Unfortunately there's nothing more you can do. If you notice she's cryng and has no tears or no wet diapers, call your dr. Hope I helped. God Bless You and good luck.

2007-03-19 05:40:52 · answer #2 · answered by CHAE 2 · 1 0

I know how hard & scary it is to have a sick baby. My first born was soo sick all of the time. She has a low immune system, so she gets sick so easily. One thing that helped when I needed to get some pedialyte in her is using a medicine dropper to make her drink a small amount every 20-30 minutes & squirted it slowly in her cheek. It wasn't very fun for her, but she absolutely refused to drink it on her own or eat the pedialyte pops so I had no choice.

And please be careful about giving your baby juice, Gatorade, Powerade, etc... The sugar & salt content will most likely make the diarrhea worse. Gatorade & Powerade are for active adults. Babies immature digestive systems`are not made to handle those types of drinks. Adults who are not active are not supposed to drink them. They have very high electrolyte levels that are not good for you if you body isn't in demand. Most people do not even know this.

Good luck & if she doesn't seem to look or feel any better in a couple hours, take her to another doctor or urgent care facility.

2007-03-19 06:42:47 · answer #3 · answered by Honey 1 · 0 0

Your daughter MUST have fluids going into her, with the low temp and diarhea. What will she drink? Will she drink something like a flavored mineral water? I always use Propel mineral water, and I like grape. I know that it keeps me hydrated when I am ill. Something clear is what she must drink, and quickly. What are you putting on her bottom, to keep it from being so sore? If you don't have a good fish oil cream, try plain old cornstarch for keeping the soreness down. It is very important that your daughter keeps fluids inside her, and I'm sorry that the doctor didn't pay that much attention. Hopefully, the doctor didn't say, "Is this your first child?"...........seems doctors often think we can't recognize a real problem when it IS our first child. I hope that your daughter gets really better, and really quickly. If not, take her to E.R. and get her an I.V. to make sure she keeps some fluids inside her. Let me know, O.K.?

2007-03-19 05:31:12 · answer #4 · answered by laurel g 6 · 1 0

I know what you're going through. I have a 3 month old who just got over a stomach bug and the doctors did absolutely nothing to help her. In my opinion, let her sleep. Her body is repairing itself when she's sleeping, its what she needs. As far as giving her pedialyte, I wouldnt reccomend that. Pedialyte is just sugar water, which can make things worse. Is she still breast or formula feeding? If so the best thig to do is to feed her and feed her. Give her more bottles to keep her hydrated and to make sure she is getting some nutrition. If she throws it up or passes it in her diaper, its ok. The best way to tell if she is dehydrated is to keep track of how many wet diapers she has. If she isnt peeing she needs more fluids. Just let her sleep and give her lots of loving..thats what she needs right now. I wsh you luck

2007-03-19 08:30:45 · answer #5 · answered by Ruby Tuesday 3 · 0 0

My son had this about a month ago, It is Not FuN!! My doctor said to actually not feed him at all until the diarhea is gone. i couldnt do this so I fed him the BRAT diet which is
AND GIVE pedialite constantly!! Water too, if she wont drink it try different flavors and the pops are good too!
This was it! The thing is, it's her first stomach virus and it could last over 2 weeks!! My son's lasted 13 days! Try to not feed her, but if she is really acting hungry feed her! DO NOT give any formula or milk. every time you do she will get very bad diarhea again. As far as your sanity goes, just comfort her as much as you can, cuddle a lot, this really seems to help the babies!! Be the best you can be for her, youll at least feel like youre able to do something then. Hope all turns out well... I would get another doctor though, didnt sound like they were very comforting to you!! GOOD LUCK and "this too shall pass"

LET HER SLEEP as much as she wants!!! Its the way her body is trying to fight this nasty bug!

2007-03-19 05:39:31 · answer #6 · answered by Mommyof3 BGB 5 · 1 0

try mixing the pedialyte with something else and try all the flavors. try the pedialyte pops and try giving her some sort of liquid in a syrnge for giving medications, anything to get some fluids down. if she doesnt start taking some after a few more hours I would take her back to the Drs
good luck

2007-03-19 05:47:29 · answer #7 · answered by jon jon's girl 5 · 0 0

When my son was about 1 1/2 years old he had diarrhea for about 2 weeks. The doctors pretty much told me the same thing. I just tried to keep fluids down him and fed him bland foods like toast, oatmeal and bananas. As long as she's not losing a lot of weight or dehydrated she should be fine. It can be very irritating when the doctors act like it's no big deal and perfectly normal, but they deal with this stuff all the time. If it keeps up and your still concerned maybe try another doctor.

2007-03-19 05:35:29 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Most children don't drink that crappy Pedialyte. First go to your pharmacist and ask them if there isn't an over the counter medication for diarreha in children. I believe there is. Also, try water, try juices, my Ped's doctor even suggest PowerAid...like the gatorade stuff. Try to get her to eat some applesauce, pudding, something like that. Then go from there. If it continues, take her to the ER not your doctor's office cause he's gonna tell you the same thing over again. I'm mom to3. been there.

2007-03-19 06:41:23 · answer #9 · answered by Melanie A 4 · 0 0

if you can not get her to take the pedialyte, try her on some watered down Gatorade. My daughter had really bad diarreah, and our pediatrician suggested this. Our pediatrician alos suggested what she called the BRAT diet, Bananas, Rice, Apples, and Tea. Try the rice cereal mixed in baby applesauce. If you think she might be teething Give her a cool wet washcloth to chew on, try making it wet enough that she can suck some water out of it, this way she will be getting fluids also.

2007-03-19 05:34:18 · answer #10 · answered by lpnwannabe2001 2 · 3 0

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