This is a GREAT question!!
Right, let's get started!!
Sting and Trudi Styler - Smug gits - run 'em over!
Madonna and Guy - affair or run 'em over - I'm not bovvered! They're gonna split up anyway!!
Richard and Judy - He is a total embarrassment, so I'd run 'em both over just to put Judy out of her misery!!
Justin Ryan & Colin McAllister - 'nuff said - run 'em over!
Ellen Degeneres and her current 'partner' - Yawn!! Run 'em over!!
Tom and Katie Cruise - RUN 'EM OVER!!!
David and Victoria Beckham - I wouldn't say no to David! She deserves to be run over just for letting 'him get away with IT'!!
2007-03-19 05:29:49
answer #1
answered by Moofie's Mom 6
yeah id like to have an affair with David Beckham then tell his wife then go and run over the miserable cow.
Lets face it she would be no loss to the world she only famous for being in a group years ago and marrying a footballer and always walking round with a face like a well slapped a*rse
2007-03-19 12:20:34
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Brad and Angelina. Not because I'd want an affair with either of them, I just hate Angelina. I always liked Jennifer Aniston and so hate Brad leaving her for Angelina "Husband Stealer" "Look At Me" Jolie.
With regards to having a fling with anyone then definately Orlando Bloom. Don't think he's seeing anyone, but that's not the point, I just think he's really nice.
2007-03-19 05:26:27
answer #3
answered by lollysarah 2
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
Joel Madden and Nicole Richie
Jeff Hardy and that Beth hes dating (if they are really)
Randy Orton and Samantha
Have an affair with all the guys at the same time. They are all fit
2007-03-19 05:27:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You're sick - but I know where you're coming from!!!!
Well, I'd like to burst the bubble on the Beckhams - I hope that when they've settled over in the US, his pants start itching and he has a sordid affair with a goldigga and VB & kids walk out on him!! He He He.....
2007-03-20 03:38:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
ugh!! there are SO many i PASSIONATELY want to run over, STARTING with that kid that Chad Michael Murray is going out with, an extra? really? if Sophia Bush wasn't good enough for him, it says alot about his personality!
Then theres that Angelina Jolie.. hate her!
Nicole Ritchie and Joel Madden.. what is that? she is SO the rebound girl, doesnt she see that?!
Those, i think, are the most run-over-able people at moment..
2007-03-19 05:48:51
answer #6
answered by Lizzie_Livingstock 3
Posh and Becks. Id gladly run either of them over. Her for being such a doormat when he had that affair and him for being so bloody annoying!
2007-03-19 10:02:06
answer #7
answered by fallenangel 4
Brad and Angelina because i feel sorry for Jennifer Aniston, i would have those two get back together and have lots of babies. She still loves him and think she is a really nice down to earth person. Maybe i could have a brief fling with him first though!
2007-03-19 05:27:40
answer #8
answered by British*Bird 5
I would really like John Mayer & Jessica Simpson to break up. I'll use both of your options. First I would have an affair w/ John... (he's gorgeous!) Then, I would run Jessica over, multiple times, directly afterwards. Yeah, I think that would work. = ]
2007-03-19 05:23:32
answer #9
answered by chelsea.lane 3
I'd like to break up Gomez & Morticia Adams from the original show. Tish is one fine woman, I believe Jimi Hendrix wrote the lyrics to Foxy Lady for her.
2007-03-19 05:29:55
answer #10
answered by ChaliQ 4