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its american made in the 80's two guys and a little girl, one of the guys is her dad and the other blonde guy helps them out. Bad guys put little girl in an all girls orphanage and the guys steal her back they need a disguise to get away so her dad dresses as a women and they cut girls hair and she wears a cap so she looks like a boy. Police catch up to them in car and blonde guy says the reason they were speading is because wife (little girls dad) is in labor so police give them an escort to the hospital so guy has to pretend he is pregnant. Oh and little girl doesn't talk! until the end. she is about 7 or 8.

2007-03-19 05:00:12 · 14 answers · asked by Thyroid 2 in Entertainment & Music Movies

14 answers

Yo, "Thyroid"
Your long, tiresome, run-on sentence almost makes me suicidal just trying to read and make sense of it! For the love of God....haven't you ever heard of a period? It's that little dot that sits at the end of a sentence. A sentence is a single descriptive statement, or thought. Don't you read your so-called writing before posting it on the inter net for everyone to see?

2007-03-19 05:16:59 · answer #1 · answered by Rocket Squirrel 3 · 0 3

Sounds like The Three Fugitives, Nick Nolte has just been released on parole (he is a bank robber), the little girl waits in the car while an inept dad Martin short goes into the bank where Nick waiting to be served and tries to rob the bank, i will not spoil the scene for you as it is so funny, it goes wrong and the police arrive, they recognise Nick Nolte and presume he is the robber, the film then takes off as a manhunt, a good funny family film.

2007-03-19 05:23:24 · answer #2 · answered by Patsyanne 4 · 0 0

one million. Kung Fu Panda 2. 40 300 and sixty 5 days previous Virgin 3. The Simpson's action picture 4. 5. Hairspray (the latest version, this actually got here from Queen Latifah's mouth, the subsequent line is, "So youv'e met my mom!" 6. Friday After next (Katt Williams line) 7. 8. super 9. Twilight (Robert Pattinson because of the fact the mind-blowing Edward Cullen!!) 10. needed (James McAvoy and Angelina Jolie, i've got merely seen it as quickly as although so i do no longer understand who suggested it)

2016-12-18 17:44:13 · answer #3 · answered by niang 4 · 0 0

Damn I know the film it has the skinny guy out of inner space and the blonde haired guy out of 48 hour's with eddie Murphy.
the skinny guy is Martin Short and the big guy is called Nick Nolte. The film is called three fugitives and you can buy it on Ebay.....it took me five minute's to find this out lol

2007-03-19 05:15:54 · answer #4 · answered by the_excalibur2001 1 · 0 0

the 3 fugitives

2007-03-19 05:24:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's The Three Fugitives, I used to love that film!

2007-03-19 05:57:57 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That was hilarious! 3 fugitives

2007-03-19 05:16:12 · answer #7 · answered by sassssy 5 · 0 0

the three fugitives,starring:Nick Nolte,Martin Short,Sarah Rowland Doroff.I love this film it's so funny.(£4.99 delivered,instead of £15.99,at play.com).

2007-03-19 05:11:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

it is called "Three Fugitives" It srars Martin Short and Nick Nolte and that adorable little girl! Cute and funny movie!

2007-03-19 05:02:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

the three fugitives,,,martin short, nick nolte-lovely film

2007-03-19 11:51:57 · answer #10 · answered by sooty 2 · 0 0

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