The authorities cannot disclose the results because it may ruin the police case against Howard K. Stern. What if he helped drug both Daniel and Anna Nicole, and he knows the baby is his? He gets handed wardship to a half-a-billion dollar baby!
2007-03-19 05:04:02
answer #1
answered by Your Uncle Dodge! 7
They have not revealed the actual cause of death because the police have found new evidence and are investigating things further. As of this weekend they have confiscated Anna Nicole's lap top computer and are looking into billing receipts of drugs that were ordered and sent to her by mail. There is also the issue that high levels of methadone and Demerol were found in skin samples, but according to Dr. Pepper the man who conducted her autopsy, that information can actually be inconclusive. He keeps making statements like that because he is under orders to not reveal any information about the case. He did state however that the times of her clinical death ( actual heart stopping ) and her recorded death ( death documented by paramedics) are far apart because of her body temperature. Nancy Grace from CNN asked if she was under several blankets, wouldn't that increase her body temperature? Dr. Pepper said it was possible.
2007-03-19 05:22:08
answer #2
answered by WillLynn 1 6
WillLynn is right (except for Dr. "Pepper" is really Dr. Joshua Perper, Broward County medical examiner). They already know the cause of death but it hasn't been released yet but will be soon. Story came out March 9th. At that time they said "another week or two". We're coming up on two weeks. The headlines will be inescapable when it does come out.
2007-03-19 18:34:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
i do no longer think of lots ppl care. I purely sense sorry for the child. Anna Nicole did no longer supply something to her public that benefited us in besides. She did no longer do something staggering to be remembered for different than she married a wealthy guy who became waiting to die, be in playboy, and use trim spa. truthfully, i do no longer care what the outcomes are yet this complete concern has purely taken up area on my television. yet to respond to your question, i do no longer think of that they have got been revealed yet. it may take awhile to be. this complete concern is almost money and that's all. Larry verge of give way and Howard ok. Stern purely prefer that infant for the organic exhilaration of having the money that comes alongside the child.
2016-12-15 03:43:29
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
As far as I know, they have not released anything yet. Obviously they know the cause as she is already buried so I really don't understand why the secrecy. Maybe she was killed......who knows. I'm waiting just like you!
2007-03-19 05:03:25
answer #5
answered by Incognito 6
police denies to uncover the results
2007-03-19 05:45:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
they say it was over dose
2007-03-19 05:12:51
answer #7
answered by toya j 2
Nobody is sure.
2007-03-19 05:01:45
answer #8
answered by Eason W 5