Id like to meet Marilyn Monroe to find out exactly how she died
2007-03-19 09:59:54
answer #1
answered by fallenangel 4
Though she was not a Celebrity {in the show business sense}. My choice would be the Politician "MO. MOWLAM" a former secretary of 'Northern Ireland' who while in office created a situation between the very diverse and antagonistic Political factions of 'Ulster' where they began actually talking with each other:
This remarkable women who was suffering from 'Terminal Cancer' was a straight talking, no nonsense, lady with a wicked sense of humour, who always had the ability to see the funny side of things:
Irrespective of the differing political views of opposing factions, they all came together under her stewardship, simply because they trusted her & knew she cared passionately for Ulster & it's people, who knew it was not in her nature to seek personal 'Political Gains'.
Sadly Cancer denied her from seeing any results from her diligent work towards gaining the Longed for 'Peace Treaty'.
If I could meet her I would ask her:-
"What were her views on 'Tony Blair' ignoring her efforts & role in the Peace Process, during his joint press conference with the Irish Prime Minster at the time of their signing the Treaty"??
Having heard her very colourful description of "BLAIR" when he sacked her as the 'Northern Ireland Secretary'
I do not believe "MO" would be any less controversional from the 'Grave'!
2007-03-19 05:52:39
answer #2
answered by DEADMAN WALKING. 2
There are alot of people that I would love to have met over the years but . I wish there was a way I could get hold of somebody from the past for my mum. As my mum is my life and if only I could get hold of the person that she would want back in her life she would be made up forever.
It would be her dad who died when he was 54 from a heart attack. As don't remember him that well as I was only 3 but have seen loadz of photos of him and head alot of stories he sounded like a great guy.
So the 1 person that I would like from the past would be my Mum's dad (my granddad).
Rest in peace granddad
2007-03-19 05:50:36
answer #3
answered by Kym 2
Jim Morrison
2007-03-19 05:40:15
answer #4
answered by rock_chick28 4
My grandfather on my dads side.
He died three years before I was born. Of course I would also like to meet my husbands father who died in '93. I didn't meet my husband until '99 so I never knew him.
2007-03-19 05:04:16
answer #5
answered by goddessmelanisia 4
It would be Princess Diana to find out if the driver of the car was drunk, if she was going to marry Dodi and if she was pregnant. Then I could tell the media the truth and the papers could just let her rest in peace. Because its been 10 yrs now and we are still no further knowing.
Also my Grandad because Id like to know what its been like for him since he died.
2007-03-19 04:58:26
answer #6
answered by Smiley_1714 5
Martin Luther King Jr. I would like to meet him because he was real, motivational, spiritual and he had a message that still resonates in 2007. His dreams were for all people, not just blacks. He wanted equality for people of all races, creeds and colors. In that there is still so much injustice in the world, I would like to get inspiration from MLK.
2007-03-19 05:43:12
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
My great-great-great grandmother. She died in 1892 at the age of 32. I think it would be really awesome to meet her because there are so many family stories that surround her heritage (full-blooded native american) and I want the truth!
2007-03-19 05:00:22
answer #8
answered by † Walk by Faith † 3
Elvis Presley coz he's cool
My grandad coz he was the best grandad ever
My cousin coz i never got a chance to know more about him. I was 5 when he died
My other grandad coz once again i never got to meet him and neither did my mom coz he died when my mom was 7 and from what my aunt told me he was a great man
2007-03-19 05:05:59
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
****, there's alot of people I would love to meet that has died..
Aaliyah, Left Eye, Biggie, Tupac, Luther Vandross and even that guy who played "Keemie" on Moesha. They were talented artists whose gifts will never be forgotten, that's is why i would love to meet them. Their songs had meaning.
2007-03-19 08:25:02
answer #10
answered by shamiahb 1