Some questions have to be answered like who owns the gun. Did it have his finger prints on it.
If her prints are on the gun... she may have been defending herself while he had the gun in her face.
His gun history with women is not going to help his case.
I think he's a sick bastard and he's guilty as all hell.
2007-03-19 07:26:37
answer #1
answered by Roomba 2
Absolutely...never doubt the power of a muti-million dollar dream team of attourneys. If Lee Harvey Oswald had such power, he would have his own talk show TODAY.
2007-03-19 11:30:12
answer #2
answered by Richie Rich 1
That's a loaded question. You're already assuming he's guilty of the crime.
We all know that O.J. did it. We don't know in this case.
What would be the point of sending him to jail anyway?
2007-03-19 23:42:06
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Well she did have gunshot residue on her hands?
He looks like a creepy motherfu*cker... What reason would a beautiful woman like her have for being with a creepy old weirdo like that?
Makes one wonder...
2007-03-19 12:27:25
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
No...I think it's payback time for him...I think he has come to the end.
2007-03-19 11:20:09
answer #5
answered by Bobbie4u 5