after my sunday dinner!
2007-03-19 04:07:51
answer #1
answered by Just passing the time! 5
like your question.dont agree.i dont think the rich man is ever satisfied,agreed middleman wants that too agreed.i aint got nothing,i aint got nothing to lose,ive been there,was never happy,but im happy now,im satisfied ive cut through materialism,i truly am satisfied more so on a sunny day an i can just go an sit somewhere nice i aint got a worry in the word,i hope you find that yourself too soon good luck.
2007-03-19 11:16:14
answer #2
answered by rebel 4
Of course...there are always point of satisfactions.
Everytime you achieve your goal...I`m will be satisfied.
But if a person is an obsessive compulsive one or a man with extreme ambition, & psychologically sick...then there`ll be no satisfactions
It is just a matter of focussing your goal, be happy with it and do the best to whatever situation you are in.
2007-03-19 11:28:35
answer #3
answered by ServantOfTheMostHigh 3
People always want what they can't have but in this life you get what you need not what you want, I sat down a long time ago and realised how satisfied I was with my life but it hasn't stopped me enjoying everyday of it since.
2007-03-19 12:44:27
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
when i worked as a milk man in the city the homeless bums seamed to the most satisfied and happiest people they have nothing and there just Happy to be given anything
2007-03-19 11:15:17
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
There is a country song by I believe its Sarah Evans that perfectly describes you question...part of it goes like this... "Just as soon as I get what I want I get unsatisfied, good is good but could be better, Oh I keep wishing, wishing for something more"
2007-03-19 11:11:26
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I think we are never satisfied because we are probably looking for the wrong things to make us happy.
2007-03-19 18:40:27
answer #7
answered by ayngel 3
If you don't have stellar expectations, you can find satisfaction in pretty much anything, even mundane things like mowing the lawn or finishing a jigsaw puzzle.
2007-03-19 11:41:40
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I know were that is ,when you die at least in my case it will be.
You see i have seen where i will die and know that when i did i was satisfied .And if you live right so will you if you don't well you have only yourself to blame,the Lord has given all a chance.
2007-03-19 11:27:53
answer #9
answered by Frederick j 3
i am never satisfied, when a situation is resolved to my satisfaction i move on to next, if nothing is outstanding i will create issues, probably compulsive but i think we are all going that way.
2007-03-19 11:16:10
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Yes, just for that split second before wanting the next thing on the line! It is human nature to want to improve oneself and gain more..
2007-03-19 11:08:30
answer #11
answered by London Girl 5